UF_BREP_ask_edge_class (view source)
Defined in: uf_brep.h
This function returns the class numbers for the edge.

A ring edge is an edge, like the end of a cylinder, that has a curve but
no vertices. A closed edge is like a ring edge but has one vertex. An
open edge has two vertices. In topology structures, it is permissible for
a closed edge to have two vertices as children but they must be the
same vertex.

Internal and External

See Also
Refer to table
Required License(s)

int UF_BREP_ask_edge_class
const UF_BREP_topology_t * item,
int * edge_class,
int * geom_class
const UF_BREP_topology_t *itemInputItem of topology for which the edge class
numbers are to be returned.
int *edge_classOutputClass number of edge:
int *geom_classOutputClass number of geometry on edge:
UF_BREP_EDGE_NORMAL: has 3D curve.
curve derived from surfaces.
UF_BREP_EDGE_SP: not a tolerant edge but
represented with an SP curve.


UF_BREP_ask_geometry (view source)
Defined in: uf_brep.h
The given geometry is queried from the model and returned in the
application-supplied structure. Any arrays needed (for example in
b-surfaces and extruded surfaces) are allocated by Open API and
must be freed with UF_free, or with UF_BREP_free_geometry_data.

For curves, geom_sense is forward if the curve tangent is pointing in
the same direction as traversing the edge from the start vertex to the
end vertex. For surfaces, geom_sense is forward if the surface normal
points in the face normal direction (which the loop direction

Special attention is given to geometries that cannot be returned
without approximation. Blend surfaces, intersection edges, and
tolerant edges have no direct representation in available geometry
types. Therefore, when requesting data for a face or edge, the
mappings and tolerances must always be supplied in the respective
structures. Applications sometimes provide different tolerances for
faces and edges, or for different types of surfaces or curves.
This function's results are undefined if any function that changes the
body's topology is used between the time UF_BREP_ask_topology is
called and the time this function is called. This includes any feature
changes or any other modelling operation.

Geometry may be asked on a topology being used to create a body.
It is important to realize that when asking for fin geometry for a
tolerant edge, the SP curves returned were produced at the time the
edge was made tolerant (when it was modelled). Its accuracy was
determined at that time. Such curves are returned by this function as
they were constructed when made. Setting a smaller tolerance for this
function does not improve their accuracy. A smaller tolerance in this
function only improves the accuracy of curves or surfaces that must be
approximated by this function.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_BREP_ask_geometry
const UF_BREP_topology_t * topology,
const UF_BREP_options_t * options,
const UF_BREP_mapping_t * mapping,
UF_BREP_geometry_t * geometry,
UF_BREP_orientation_t * geom_sense,
int * num_states,
UF_BREP_state_t * * states
const UF_BREP_topology_t *topologyInputPointer to topology item structure defining
geometry to be returned
const UF_BREP_options_t *optionsInputApplicable options: All tolerances for edge
and fin curves, and for surfaces, should be
const UF_BREP_mapping_t *mappingInputSurface and curve type mappings to cause
output to be in b-spline geometry.
UF_BREP_geometry_t *geometryInputPointer to geometry structure to receive
the description.
UF_BREP_orientation_t *geom_senseInput / OutputInput:
Geometry orientation with respect to the
topology entity. For faces, fins, and
Pointer to geometry structure to receive
the description.
int *num_statesOutputnumber of states in the states array
UF_BREP_state_t * *statesOutput to be freedUF_BREP allocated array. If the caller passes
in a NULL, UF_BREP does not allocate the array.
This should be freed by calling UF_free.


UF_BREP_ask_identifier (view source)
Defined in: uf_brep.h
Returns a unique identifier within a body for topology elements that
do not have NX tags, viz., vertices, fins, and shells. The identifier is
useful for Open API level algorithms that need to test for identical
topology elements, e.g., is a vertex on an edge the same as a vertex on
another edge?


Internal and External
Required License(s)

void UF_BREP_ask_identifier
const UF_BREP_topology_t * body_topos,
int * identifier
const UF_BREP_topology_t *body_toposInputTopology entity for which to return an
int *identifierOutputUnique for all other topology identifiers within
the same body.


UF_BREP_ask_topology (view source)
Defined in: uf_brep.h
Returns a topological description of a body or face. The body_topos
list with the children pointer arrays defines the connections between
the entities of the body.

The topology for a face is returned as if it were a sheet body, unless
SP curve modifications are requested, in which case the vertices are

The orientation of edges or fins in loops is indicated by the
orientation member of the oriented child structure.

Internal and External

See Also
See UF_BREP_ask_geometry
The example is a tetrahedron,
for which the topology is read out. See ufx_brep.c for a more
complex example that calls more UF_BREP functions to
create a copy of a solid body and prints out the indented topology
Required License(s)

int UF_BREP_ask_topology
tag_t body,
const UF_BREP_options_t * options,
UF_BREP_topology_t * * body_topos,
int * num_states,
UF_BREP_state_t * * states
tag_tbodyInputTag of body for which to return topology
const UF_BREP_options_t *optionsInputOptions are specified as needed. Fin
modifications (flattening, singularities) are
specified here when requesting surface data
for trimming.
UF_BREP_topology_t * *body_toposOutput to be freedTopology structures and arrays that describe
the body.
int *num_statesOutputNumber of states in the state array
UF_BREP_state_t * *statesOutput to be freedUF_BREP allocated array. If the caller passes
in a NULL, UF_BREP does not allocate the array.
This should be freed by calling UF_free.


UF_BREP_ask_topology_source (view source)
Defined in: uf_brep.h
Returns the source of the specified topology.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_BREP_ask_topology_source
const UF_BREP_topology_t * body_topos,
UF_BREP_topo_source_t * topo_source
const UF_BREP_topology_t *body_toposInputAddress of topology array whose state
is to be returned
UF_BREP_topo_source_t *topo_sourceOutputSource of topology


UF_BREP_attach_geometry (view source)
Defined in: uf_brep.h
The given geometry is created and attached to the topology item
indicated. UF_BREP_attach_geometry returns an error if the geometry
already has attached geometry.

No geometry is permitted to be attached to a topology item not of the
correct type. Only edges and fins may have curves, only faces may
have surfaces, and only vertices may have points. You may attach 3D
curves to edges and SP curves to the fins of that edge. The additional
information is sometimes useful in creating a valid edge.
For curves, geom_sense is forward if the curve tangent is pointing in
the same direction as traversing the edge from the start vertex to the
end vertex. For surfaces, geom_sense is forward if the surface normal
points in the face normal direction (which the loop direction

Simplifications performed on b-geometry are the following:
A bspline that is linear is converted to a line. This is done for
linear and quadratic spline data.

A bspline that represents a circle is converted to a circle.

A surface of revolution with a line as the generator is
converted to a cylinder or cone, if the generator is aligned

A surface of revolution with an arc as the generator is
converted to a sphere or torus, if the generator is aligned
suitably. Even partial arcs are simplified to the complete

A bsurface that is planar is converted to a plane. This is done
for linear and quadratic bsurface data.

A bsurface that is linear in one direction and circular in the
other is converted to a cylinder or cone.

A bsurface that is circular in both directions is converted to a
sphere or torus.

Please note the following items:

Some configurations of spline data that represent analytic geometry
may not be simplified. This is because particular forms may not be
recognized by Open API.

If simplification is requested, and SP curves are to be used to
construct the face, it is necessary that the simplification introduce a
transformation of the surface parameterization that is linear in
nature. Any other transformation causes SP curves to assume an
incorrect shape. In particular, conversions of b-surfaces and
b-curves to their analytic equivalents may introduce
parameterization changes that are incompatible with using SP
curves for face construction. If the latter is the case, a state that so
indicates is returned.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_BREP_attach_geometry
UF_BREP_topology_t * topology,
const UF_BREP_geometry_t * geometry,
const UF_BREP_orientation_t geom_sense,
const UF_BREP_options_t * options,
int * num_states,
UF_BREP_state_t * * states
UF_BREP_topology_t *topologyInputPointer to topological structure containing
item to which the geometry is to be attached
const UF_BREP_geometry_t *geometryInputPointer to geometry structure defining
geometry to be attached
const UF_BREP_orientation_tgeom_senseInputGeometry orientation with respect to the
topology entity. For faces, fins, and
edges use:
Otherwise use
const UF_BREP_options_t *optionsInputApplicable options:
Simplification, UF_BREP_simplify_option
int *num_statesOutputnumber of states in the states array
UF_BREP_state_t * *statesOutput to be freedUF_BREP allocated array. If the caller passes
in a NULL, UF_BREP does not allocate the array.
This should be freed by calling UF_free.


UF_BREP_delete_geometry (view source)
Defined in: uf_brep.h
Deletes the geometry attached to the specified topology. Note that the
delete is permissible only on topologies that have not yet become a
NX body. Typically a UF_BREP_attach_geometry call would follow
a UF_BREP_delete_geometry call, e.g., if the attach failed for a
known and correctable reason.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_BREP_delete_geometry
const UF_BREP_topology_t * item
const UF_BREP_topology_t *itemInputItem for which geometry is to be deleted.


UF_BREP_free_geometry_data (view source)
Defined in: uf_brep.h
All data structures allocated by Open API when UF_BREP_ask_geometry was called
are freed.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_BREP_free_geometry_data
UF_BREP_geometry_p_t geometry,
UF_BREP_free_fn_t fn
UF_BREP_geometry_p_tgeometryInput / OutputData structures allocated by
UF_BREP_ask_geometry are freed.
UF_BREP_free_fn_tfnInputUF_BREP_free_geometry_data calls
UF_BREP_free_fn_t to free geometry structure data,
e.g., B-curve and B-surface pole arrays. If
free_function is NULL, then this routine uses


UF_BREP_heal_body (view source)
Defined in: uf_brep.h
This routine fixes, or cleans up, a body created by other Open API
functions. It attempts to re-intersect edges, reposition vertices, and set
tolerances as designated by the level specified, to make the body pass
all checks. Any object (typically a face or edge) that cannot be fixed is
returned in the state list.

The tolerance value specified is an upper limit. Any entity that
requires a tolerance larger than this limit in order to pass checks is
returned in the states array.

Any given object may have more than one entry in the states array.
The healing levels cause the following fix ups to be attempted:
0 Report problems with the body in the state list.
1 For all problems fixable with tolerances, apply the smallest
tolerance that alleviates the problem.
2 For any edge that must be tolerant at level 1, use
surface-surface intersection to attempt to create an exact
curve for the edge. Any that cannot be made exact are made
3 For any edge that must be tolerant at level 1 and for all spline
edges, use surface-surface intersection to attempt to create an
exact curve for the edge. Any that cannot be made exact are
made tolerant.
4 For all edges, use surface-surface intersection to attempt to
create an exact curve for the edge. Any that cannot be made
exact are made tolerant.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_BREP_heal_body
tag_t body,
int level,
double toler,
int * num_states,
UF_BREP_state_t * * states
tag_tbodyInputbody to fix
intlevelInputhealing level: any of 0 through 4
doubletolerInputmaximum tolerance; fix up of entities requiring
tolerances exceeding this are returned in the
state list
int *num_statesOutputnumber of states in the states array
UF_BREP_state_t * *statesOutput to be freedUF_BREP allocated array. If the caller passes
in a NULL, UF_BREP does not allocate the array.
This should be freed by calling UF_free.


UF_BREP_make_body (view source)
Defined in: uf_brep.h
Creates an NX body from a UF_BREP topology hierarchy that defines the
body topology and geometry. In addition to returning the NX body tag,
UF_BREP_make_body assigns the NX edge and face tags to the
corresponding input UF_BREP topology structures. UF_BREP_make_body
also does the equivalent of UF_BREP_heal_body to help make the NX body
pass validity checks.

With solid topology input, the output is an NX solid body. With face
topology input, the output is an NX sheet body. For a multi-face sheet
topology, you must call UF_BREP_make_body for each face of the sheet,
and then use UF_MODL_create_sew to sew the sheets together. You can
call UF_BREP_make_body with a sheet topology, but the resulting NX
sheet body represents only the first face of the input sheet topology.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_BREP_make_body
UF_BREP_topology_t * topology,
tag_t * body,
int * num_states,
UF_BREP_state_t * * states
UF_BREP_topology_t *topologyInputTopology that has all geometry attached. The
toplogy is made into an NX body. You can pass
a face topology element.
tag_t *bodyOutputNX tag of body
int *num_statesOutputnumber of states in state array
UF_BREP_state_t * *statesOutput to be freedUF_BREP allocated array. If the caller passes
in a NULL, UF_BREP does not allocate the array.
This should be freed by calling UF_free.


UF_BREP_release_topology (view source)
Defined in: uf_brep.h
Frees the UF_BREP structures of a topology. The structures include
the oriented children structure arrays.

If a is topology built by the user and not finished, UF_BREP_release_topology
must be called.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_BREP_release_topology
const UF_BREP_topology_t * body_topos,
UF_BREP_free_fn_t fn
const UF_BREP_topology_t *body_toposInputTopology for body the application is done with
UF_BREP_free_fn_tfnInputUF_BREP_free_geometry_data calls
UF_BREP_free_fn_t to free geometry structure data,
e.g., B-curve and B-surface pole arrays.
If the free_function is NULL, then this
routine uses UF_free.


UF_BREP_validate_topology (view source)
Defined in: uf_brep.h
Optional function to validate the body_topos tree. It validates the
children contents, i.e., shells must be the children of the body, faces
must be children of shells, loops the children of faces, fins (if present)
the children of loops, edges the children of fins (if present, children of
loops if not), and vertices the children of edges (if edges are present)
or fins (if edges are not present). Thus the type members must be set
to valid values and the children arrays must be set (but the children
arrays may be unspecified, when it is desirable to build the body in

The extension fields are updated with a pointer for use by the
UF_BREP module. The application must not alter this value and
must use it only with the macros designated for that purpose.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_BREP_validate_topology
const UF_BREP_topology_t * body_topos,
int * num_states,
UF_BREP_state_t * * states
const UF_BREP_topology_t *body_toposInputTopology structure array to initialize
int *num_statesOutputNumber of states in the state array
UF_BREP_state_t * *statesOutput to be freedUF_BREP allocated array. If the caller passes
in a NULL, UF_BREP does not allocate the array.
This should be freed by calling UF_free.