UF_BREP_state_s (view source)
Defined in: uf_brep_types.h
Also known as:
This structure reports potential problems related to the topology item. A
problem can be an unfixable error, e.g., missing geometry, or a fixable error,
e.g., some types of self-intersections. Use the macro UF_BREP_STATE_IS_FIXED
on the flag field to determine if UF_BREP could fix the problem, e.g.,

UF_BREP_STATE_IS_FIXED (states[i].flag).

Free state arrays that UF_BREP routines return by using UF_free.

The UF_BREP state codes (see uf_brep_types.h) have the following names and
meanings. See uf_curve.h and uf_modl.h or the UF_CURVE and UF_MODL documentation
for state codes specific to curve and surface geometry.

UF_BREP_STATE_CANT_CREATE: Surface or curve or vertex cannot be created.

UF_BREP_STATE_CANT_ATTACH: Surface or curve cannot be attached.

UF_BREP_STATE_TOPOLOGY_INTERSECT: self-intersecting topology. Item is the index
in the body topology entities array, if applicable.

UF_BREP_STATE_NO_SIMPLIFY: Simplification not done because parameterization
change shifts SP curves more than allowed by tolerance.

UF_BREP_STATE_SHORT_CURVE: Curve is too short.

UF_BREP_STATE_CANT_SPLIT_CURVE: Curve cannot be split.

UF_BREP_STATE_LOOP_INTERSECT: Loop is self-intersecting.

UF_BREP_STATE_CANT_SPLIT_FACE: Face cannot be split on its discontinuities.

UF_BREP_STATE_SP_NOT_CHECKED: SP curves have not been checked. Self
intersections and gaps may exist.

UF_BREP_STATE_GEOMETRY_TOLERANCE: Curve or surface required tolerance larger
than specified to be output.

UF_BREP_STATE_INVALID_SURFACE: Surface has an invalid axis/generator/refdir
combination. Refdir may be parallel to axis.

UF_BREP_STATE_NEED_3D_CURVES: 3D curves required but were not provided (SP
curves on a surface for which they can not work, either mult-face or
parameterization shifts because of simplification).

UF_BREP_STATE_TOPOLOGY_TOLERANCE: Edge or vertex required tolerance larger than
the given maximum value to be reconciled to the surfaces of the body.

UF_BREP_STATE_CANT_SIMPLIFY: Simplification could not be done within the
specified tolerance.

UF_BREP_STATE_BAD_SP_REF: SP curve cannot reference a different surface than
the one it was originally attached to (transfer).

UF_BREP_STATE_PHANTOM_ATTACH: Attempt to attach to uninitialized phantom

UF_BREP_STATE_PHANTOM_TOPOLOGY: Attempt to create new topology using a phantom

UF_BREP_STATE_TOPOLOGY_INIT: Attempt to initialize a new or asked topology.

UF_BREP_STATE_ASK_PHANTOM_TOPOLOGY: Attempt to ask body data into a new or
phantom topology.

UF_BREP_STATE_GEOMETRY_ATTACHED: Attempt to attach to topology that already has

UF_BREP_STATE_TYPE_MISMATCH: Geometry type does not match topology type.

UF_BREP_STATE_BAD_GEOMETRY: Inconsistent or invalid geometry.

UF_BREP_STATE_BAD_TYPE: Illegal geometry type token.

UF_BREP_STATE_BAD_BODY: Bad body identifier: not first, not only, or missing.

UF_BREP_STATE_INVALID_CHILD: Child invalid: not in range of array size, or
refers to an entity of incorrect type.

UF_BREP_STATE_DUPLICATE_CHILD: Child identifier appears more than once in an
entity's child list.

UF_BREP_STATE_BAD_CHILD_COUNT: Too few or too many children.

UF_BREP_STATE_BAD_LOOP_SENSE: Loop does not match up with sense and vertices.

UF_BREP_STATE_BAD_SHELL: Shell invalid: Two faces sharing an edge are in
different shells, or faces in a shell are not all connected by edges.

UF_BREP_STATE_MISSING_GEOMETRY: Geometry is missing from the body.

UF_BREP_STATE_VERTICES_TOUCH: Vertices of an edge touch. Use a high level of

UF_BREP_STATE_MISSING_VERTEX: Missing a vertex at a surface singularity.

UF_BREP_STATE_MODEL_TOO_BIG: Model is too large.

UF_BREP_STATE_SPLIT_SHEET: Sheet was split to resolve discontinuity problems.

UF_BREP_STATE_CURVE_ORDER: Curves not in correct order or flipped end for end.

Data Members

See the UF_BREP_STATE_ definitions for
the problem descriptions. See uf_curve.h
and uf_modl.h for state codes specific
to curves and surfaces.

Modifier to the state_code.
For UF_BREP the modifier indicates
whether UF_BREP could fix the
to query the value.
See uf_curve.h and uf_modl.h for
modifiers specific to curves
and surfaces, e.g., the problem
is in U (as opposed to V) direction.

value [ 3 ]
Numeric attributes related to the
problem, e.g., a point coordinate
in the vicinity of a curve degeneracy.

UF_BREP_topology_t *
UF_BREP_topology_t entity having the
problem, e.g., the edge not
having attached geometry.

NX entity have the problem, if any.
Some topology entities do not
have NX tags, e.g., vertices.

For internal bookkeeping only.