uc5000 (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
uc5000 check for active part - OLD NAMING CONVENTION
Required License(s)

int uc5000
char * cr2
char *cr2


uc5001 (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
uc5001 retrieve part file
Required License(s)

int uc5001
char * cp1
char *cp1


uc5003 (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
uc5003 file current part - OLD NAMING CONVENTION
Required License(s)

int uc5003
char * cp1,
int ip2
char *cp1


UF_PART_add_to_recent_file_list (view source)
Defined in: uf_part_ugopenint.h
Adds a part to the top of the "recently opened parts" list used by the
NX user interface. If the part already exists on the "recently opened
parts" list, it will be moved to the top of the list.


Originally released in V17
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_add_to_recent_file_list
tag_t part_tag
tag_tpart_tagInputtag of part to add to list


UF_PART_apply_family_instance (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Apply the attribute values of a member to the family part

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_apply_family_instance
tag_t family,
int member_index


UF_PART_ask_compression_flags (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Reads the compression flags of the part file. If the standard field of
the UF_PART_compress_flags_s structure is true, then when the part
is saved, it is saved in compressed format.

Internal and External

See Also
Refer to the example
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_ask_compression_flags
tag_t part,
UF_PART_compress_flags_p_t compress_mask
tag_tpartInputPart to ask about compression flag
UF_PART_compress_flags_p_tcompress_maskOutputbit field of compression flags settings


UF_PART_ask_customer_area (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Returns a character pointer to an allocated copy of the customer area.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_ask_customer_area
tag_t part_tag,
char * * customer_area
tag_tpart_tagInputTag of the part
char * *customer_areaOutput to be freedPointer to the copy of the customer area. Use
UF_free to deallocate memory. If there is no
customer area, can potentially return a NULL


UF_PART_ask_description (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Returns a character pointer to an allocated copy of the part
description area.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_ask_description
tag_t part_tag,
char * * description
tag_tpart_tagInputTag of the part
char * *descriptionOutput to be freedPointer to the copy of the part description area. Use
UF_free to deallocate memory. If there is no
description area, can potentially return a NULL


UF_PART_ask_display_part (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Returns the tag of the current display part. In a non-assembly part, this is the
same as the work part. If there currently isn't a displayed part, a
NULL_TAG is returned.

Tag of currently displayed part

Internal and External
Required License(s)

tag_t UF_PART_ask_display_part


UF_PART_ask_enforce_piece_part (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Asks the enforce piece part status of a part.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_ask_enforce_piece_part
tag_t part_tag,
logical * status
tag_tpart_tagInputThe tag of the part
logical *statusOutputThe enforce piece part status of the part.
True, if part is an enforced piece part, false otherwise


UF_PART_ask_fam_inst_save_dir (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Returns the current part family instance save directory.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_ask_fam_inst_save_dir
char * * part_directory
char * *part_directoryOutput to be freedDirectory Specification, use UF_free to deallocate
memory when done.


UF_PART_ask_families (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Returns the part families in a part.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_ask_families
tag_t part,
int * family_count,
tag_t * * families
tag_tpartInputTag of the part. If you have a part occurrence, use
UF_ASSEM_ask_prototype_of_occ to get the tag of the part to pass
into this routine. If you have a part instance, use
UF_ASSEM_ask_parent_of_instance to get the tag of the part to pass
into this routine.
int *family_countOutputNumber of part families in the part.
tag_t * *familiesOutput to be freedObject identifiers of the part families. Use UF_free
to deallocate memory when done.


UF_PART_ask_family_instance (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Returns the object identifier of the part family instance within a part.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_ask_family_instance
tag_t part,
tag_t * instance
tag_tpartInputTag of the part. If you have a part occurrence, use
UF_ASSEM_ask_prototype_of_occ to get the tag of the part to pass
into this routine. If you have a part instance, use
UF_ASSEM_ask_parent_of_instance to get the tag of the part to pass
into this routine.
tag_t *instanceOutputObject identifier of the part family instance.


UF_PART_ask_family_save_dir (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Returns the directory in which members of the given family are saved.
If no directory was specified by a previous call to
UF_PART_set_family_save_dir then it defaults to the value returned
by UF_PART_set_fam_inst_save_dir.

Internal and External

See Also

This function was originally released in V15.0.
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_ask_family_save_dir
tag_t family,
char * * dir
tag_tfamilyInputTag of the family to ask the default
save directory
char * *dirOutput to be freedDirectory. This must be freed by
calling UF_free.


UF_PART_ask_jt_info_of_part (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Given a part determine whether it comes from a JT file, whether that JT file
exists and whether that JT file contains brep data.

Return code:
0 = Success
> 0 = Error code, use UF_get_fail_message to
obtain error message string

Internal and External

Released in NX4
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_ask_jt_info_of_part
const tag_t part_tag,
logical * from_jt_file,
logical * jt_file_exists,
logical * contains_breps
const tag_tpart_tagInputThe tag of the part you want to update the facets of
logical *from_jt_fileOutputTrue if part file comes from a JT file
logical *jt_file_existsOutputTrue if the JT file exists
logical *contains_brepsOutputTrue if the file contains brep data


UF_PART_ask_last_modified_version (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Returns the version number of last significant change (aka major version)
for the given part.

NOTE: The version number returned is not the index into the part
history list for the last significant change. To get the index into the part
history list for the last significant change, ask the number
of part histories in the list, and then subtract the modified version number.

Internal and External

See Also

Originally released in NX302 and NX4
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_ask_last_modified_version
tag_t part,
int* modified_version
tag_tpartInputTag of part in question
int*modified_versionOutputVersion number were part was last modified


UF_PART_ask_minor_version (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Returns the minor version number for the given part.
Use UF_PART_ask_last_modified_version instead if you need the major version.

NOTE: The version number returned is not the index into the part
history list for the last significant change. To get the index into the part
history list for the last significant change, ask the number
of part histories in the list, and then subtract the minor version number.

Internal and External

See Also

Originally released in NX404, NX501, and NX6
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_ask_minor_version
tag_t part,
int* minor_version
tag_tpartInputTag of part in question
int*minor_versionOutputMinor version number were part was last modified or saved


UF_PART_ask_nth_history (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Returns the information about a particular save history from the given
history list object.

The history_list parameter must be a UF_PART_history_list_p_t
variable which has been created by UF_PART_create_history_list and
filled in with UF_PART_ask_part_history.

The index parameter defines which "save" is being inquired upon and
may range from 0 to num - 1, where num is the number of histories
as returned by UF_PART_ask_num_histories. The histories are stored
in reverse chronological order (most recent history first, at index=0).

The first history is also special in that it represents when the part was
loaded in this session, as opposed to the other histories which
represent when the part was saved.

The program, user, and machine variables have stored in them the
addresses of strings (char variables) representing the program, user,
and machine type for the requested "save" of the part. These
addresses are actually the addresses within the history_list object of
these values and should NOT be modified or freed by the caller of this
routine. If you wish to modify the values returned for these variables,
use strcpy to copy them and then manipulate the copies.

Internal and External

See Also
Refer to the example
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_ask_nth_history
UF_PART_history_list_p_t history_list,
int index,
char * * program,
char * * user,
char * * machine,
int * version,
int * gmtime
UF_PART_history_list_p_thistory_listInputAddress of a history list object which
contains the save information for a part
(obtained by UF_PART_ask_part_history).
intindexInputIndex (starting at zero) of the particular part save
for which information is requested.
char * *programOutputAddress of a pointer to a character (char ) variable
into which is stored the address of the name of the
program which saved this version of the part.
char * *userOutputAddress of a pointer to a character (char ) variable
into which is stored the address of the name of the
user who saved this version of the part.
char * *machineOutputAddress of a pointer to a character (char ) variable
into which is stored the address of the name of the
machine type on which this version of the part was
int *versionOutputAddress of an int variable into which is stored the
version number associated with this version of the
int *gmtimeOutputAddress of an int variable into which is stored the
time associated with the requested "save" of the part.
This value is the number of seconds since January
1, 1970 12:00 AM GMT. See the routines in the standard
UNIX time.h include file for routines to manipulate and
display time values.


UF_PART_ask_nth_part (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Returns the tag of the "n'th" part in the session. The parts are
considered to be numbered 0 to (UF_PART_ask_num_parts()-1). If
the "n'th" part doesn't exist, a NULL_TAG is returned.

returns a part tag or a NULL_TAG if the part does not exist

Internal and External
Required License(s)

tag_t UF_PART_ask_nth_part
int part_num
intpart_numInputpart number on which to inquire tag.


UF_PART_ask_num_histories (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Returns the number of save histories in the given history list object.

Internal and External

See Also
Refer to the example
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_ask_num_histories
UF_PART_history_list_p_t history_list,
int * number
UF_PART_history_list_p_thistory_listInputAddress of a history list object which
contains the save information for a part
(obtained by UF_PART_ask_part_history).
int *numberOutputAddress of an int variable into which is stored the
number of save histories in the given history list.


UF_PART_ask_num_parts (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Returns the number of parts loaded in the current session.

returns an integer value representing the number of
parts loaded in the current session.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_ask_num_parts


UF_PART_ask_part_history (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Fills in a history list object with the save history of the given part.

Internal and External

See Also
Refer to the example
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_ask_part_history
tag_t part,
UF_PART_history_list_p_t history_list
tag_tpartInputTag of the part for which save history information is requested.
UF_PART_history_list_p_thistory_listInputAddress of a history list object into
which is stored the save information
for the given part.


UF_PART_ask_part_history_with_rename_info (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Fills in a history list object with the save history of the given part.
This will also include history list items for each time the part was renamed.

Internal and External

See Also
Refer to the example
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_ask_part_history_with_rename_info
tag_t part,
UF_PART_history_list_p_t history_list
tag_tpartInputTag of the part for which save history information is requested.
UF_PART_history_list_p_thistory_listInputAddress of a history list object into
which is stored the save information
for the given part.


UF_PART_ask_part_name (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Returns the file specification associated with a part tag.
NOTE: Do not use a part occurrence tag from an assembly as input to
this function. See UF_ASSEM_ask_part_name_of_child, in order
to obtain the part name of an occurrence.

Return code:
0 = Success
not 0 = Error code, use UF_get_fail_message to
obtain error message string

Internal and External

See Also
See UF_ASSEM_ask_part_name_of_child
in order to obtain the part name of an occurrence.
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_ask_part_name
tag_t part,
char part_fspec [ MAX_FSPEC_SIZE+1 ]
tag_tpartInputTag of part
charpart_fspec [ MAX_FSPEC_SIZE+1 ] Outputfile specification of part


UF_PART_ask_part_tag (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Returns the part tag associated with the part of the specified name.
The full path name is not required.

returns a part tag or a NULL_TAG if the part is not
loaded in the current session.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

tag_t UF_PART_ask_part_tag
const char * part_name
const char *part_nameInputname of part to inquire the tag of


UF_PART_ask_status (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Returns the integer that represents the status of the part. This status
value is contained in the part file's header. Unless the status has been
set, it's default value is zero (0).

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_ask_status
tag_t part_tag,
int * status
tag_tpart_tagInputTag of the part
int *statusOutputStatus of the part.


UF_PART_ask_tag_of_disp_name (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Attempts to find a part whose displayed name matches the input and
returns its tag if found and NULL_TAG if no matching part is found.
A typical application for this routine could be for times when the
Open API application needs to display lists of parts in a menu for
the user to select.

Internal and External

See Also
See the example provided with
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_ask_tag_of_disp_name
const char * display_name,
tag_t * part_tag
const char *display_nameInputDisplay format "peters-part/A (spec: sheet1)"
tag_t *part_tagOutputTag to display_name.


UF_PART_ask_template_filename (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Returns the leaf name of the template part of the input family instance. Returns
an empty string if the part is not a family instance.

Internal and External

Prior to NX3 this routine returned the display name instead of the
leaf name. In NX3 and beyond, use UF_PART_file_name_for_display() on the leaf
name to get to the display name.
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_ask_template_filename
tag_t part,
char template_name [ MAX_FSPEC_SIZE+1 ]
tag_tpartInputTag of a family instance part
chartemplate_name [ MAX_FSPEC_SIZE+1 ] Outputfile specification of the
associated template


UF_PART_ask_units (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Returns a value indicating whether the part is in English or metric units.

Internal and External

Original release was in V14.0.
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_ask_units
tag_t part,
int * part_units
tag_tpartInputTag of the part to ask units of
int *part_unitsOutputUnits of Part:


UF_PART_check_part_writable (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Determine if the current user has write access to a part.

Internal and External

Released in NX3.0.3 and NX4.0.0

0 = Success
Otherwise = Error code, use UF_get_fail_message to obtain error message string
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_check_part_writable
const char* part_name,
logical * writable
const char*part_nameInputName of the part to query the write status of
logical *writableOutputTRUE - You have write access to the part.
FALSE - You do not have write access to the part.


UF_PART_cleanup (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Enables you to specify one or all of the part cleanup procedures. Each
part cleanup procedure has a definitions which represents a bit
mask. You OR these bits together to obtain the option_mask
argument. The part cleanup procedure for each bit is as follows.

UF_PART_cleanup_highlight - In internal Open API, turns off
object highlighting for all the displayable
objects in the root part.
NOTE: this will not remove objects from
the selection list, it simply unhighlights everything.
In external Open API programs, this option does not
do anything.

UF_PART_cleanup_all_groups - Deletes all group objects of the
work part that have no members.

UF_PART_cleanup_unnamed_groups - Deletes all unnamed groups of the work
part that have no members.

UF_PART_cleanup_unreferenced - Deletes all unreferenced,
condemned objects in the work part that
have a reference count of zero and that
have no back links. Condemned objects
with only one back link are deleted
provided the single back link is the view
dependent link from the object to it's
dependent view.

UF_PART_cleanup_feature - Performs Solids Clean-Up. The system
analyzes all solid bodies to ensure that all
of their faces and edges are present and
consistent with the Parasolid
representation. If an error is detected the
system attempts to repair the part.

UF_PART_cleanup_all - Sets all bits, so that all part cleanup functions are
run on all parts. To only run on the work part you must
clear the bits UF_PART_cleanup_parts_all and
UF_PART_cleanup_parts_components by specifying
UF_PART_cleanup_all & ~UF_PART_cleanup_parts_all &

UF_PART_cleanup_parts_all - Cleans up all fully loaded parts in the

UF_PART_cleanup_parts_components - Cleans up the work part,
and if the work part is an assembly, it
cleans up the components of the work

UF_PART_cleanup_spreadsheet - Deletes all spreadsheets from the
part file.

UF_PART_cleanup_mating - Performs Mating Condition Clean-Up. The system
analyzes all mating conditions to ensure that
all their data is consistent. If an error is
detected the system attempts to repair it.
Note: this operation will load referenced parts.

UF_PART_cleanup_CAM_cleanup - Deletes orphan tool paths and
deletes any of the following that are
unreferenced: parameter sets, CAM
geometry entities, post processor
command sets, and non-cutting move

UF_PART_cleanup_fonts - Eliminates unused character fonts from a

UF_PART_cleanup_unreferenced_exps - Deletes all unreferenced
(unused) expressions in the part. Also
deletes all expressions that are only
referenced by unreferenced expressions.
For example:
Both a and b are deleted.

UF_PART_cleanup_occurrences - Removes redundant changes in all occurrences having same display
properties as their prototypes.

UF_PART_cleanup_visual_editor - Deletes all visual editor data from the
part file.

UF_PART_cleanup_hwo_force_demoting - Removes changes from all occurrences even if their display
display properties are different from their prototypes.
Beware UF_PART_cleanup_hwo_force_demoting is mutually exclusive
with UF_PART_cleanup_occurrences.

UF_PART_cleanup_drafting - Part cleanup on drafting objects / drawings.

UF_PART_cleanup_sketch - Fix off-plane sketch curves

UF_PART_cleanup_delete_broken_interpart - Delete all inter-part links where one or more components
in that inter-part link have been removed.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_cleanup
unsigned int option_mask
unsigned intoption_maskInputBit mask that specifies the particular cleanup
procedures to perform.


UF_PART_clear_history_list (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Clears the information contained within the specified history list
object (version number, time, user, program, etc.) such that this object
can be reused with a UF_PART_ask_part_history call with a different

Internal and External

See Also
Refer to the example
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_clear_history_list
UF_PART_history_list_p_t historiy_list
UF_PART_history_list_p_thistoriy_listInputAddress of a history list structure
allocated by UF_PART_create_history_list


UF_PART_close (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Closes the selected part, and optionally, all parts under it in the
assembly tree. If you run this routine in internal mode, the system
puts up a confirmation window asking you if the modified part should
be closed. If you run this routine in external mode, the system
assumes the part should be closed.

Closing a part with UF_PART_close does not remove undo marks
in NX. Therefore, it is possible to consume large amounts
of memory if you use this function. To free this memory, call
UF_UNDO_delete_all_marks after you call UF_PART_close.

Return code:
0 = Success
<0 = CFI Status Code
1 = Modified part not saved (warning status)
2 = Part not root of assem tree
> 2 = Error code, use UF_get_fail_message to
obtain error message string.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_close
tag_t part,
int scope,
int mode
tag_tpartInputpart object identifier
intscopeInputscope specifies how much of the part to close.
0 = Only specified part
1 = Part and all sub-assemblies
0 = Ask confirmation if part is modified
(Internal only, External assumes
"Yes, Delete" answer)
1 = Unload part(s) even if modified
2 = Unload part(s) only if not modified


UF_PART_close_all (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Closes all parts in the current session.

The closure of all parts in NX results in a return to the NX No Part environment.
When NX transitions to a no part environment, all dialogs are automatically closed in
order to secure a safe, clean environment with no retained part dependencies such as
selected objects or assumptions that parts are still open.

Note that any block of code that attempts to display a user interface such as a dialog,
file selection box or message box will not be created if it follows a call to UF_UI_close_parts
and resides in the same path of execution. Also note that ANY code following a request to display
any type of user interface will NOT be executed due to the change back to the no part application.

For example,

UF_print_syslog(“This line of code WILL be executed\n”, FALSE);

UF show any dialog(); // This dialog will not be displayed
UF_print_syslog(“This line of code will not be executed\n”, FALSE);

A separate user function must be invoked in order to create a dialog after all parts
are closed and NX enters the no part application.

Internal and External

V15.0 change: This function was modified to return an integer error
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_close_all


UF_PART_close_cset (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Closes all the components in the given component set, and removes
them from the Current Components cset. Any part which is no longer
required by other components in any loaded assembly is then closed.

Internal and External

See Also
Refer to the example
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_close_cset
tag_t cset
tag_tcsetInputset of components to close


UF_PART_create_family_instance (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Creates a new part containing an instance of a part family member. The
new part is NOT saved and/or closed during this operation. These can be
done separately on the new part using UF_ASSEM_set_work_part_quietly,
UF_PART_save and UF_PART_close.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_create_family_instance
tag_t family,
int member_index,
tag_t * part,
tag_t * instance
tag_tfamilyInputObject identifier of the family.
intmember_indexInputIndex of the family member.
tag_t *partOutputObject identifier of the part containing the family
tag_t *instanceOutputTag of the family instance.


UF_PART_create_history_list (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Creates a structure for use by other Part History routines and returns
the address of this history list object.

Internal and External

See Also
Refer to the example
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_create_history_list
UF_PART_history_list_p_t * history_list
UF_PART_history_list_p_t *history_listOutput to be freedAddress of a structure allocated by
this routine which may be used by other
history routines to obtain a part's save
histories. Should be freed using


UF_PART_delete_history_list (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Deletes (frees) the given history list object (allocated by the
UF_PART_create_history_list routine). If save audit information for a
part has been added to this structure by UF_PART_ask_part_history,
this data is also freed.

Internal and External

See Also
Refer to the example
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_delete_history_list
UF_PART_history_list_p_t history_list
UF_PART_history_list_p_thistory_listInputAddress of a history list structure
allocated by UF_PART_create_history_list.


UF_PART_evaluate_write_state (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
This function will check to see if a part is fully loaded. If it is then
the write state is checked and the Assembly Navigator will be updated.
This will allow the Assembly Navigator icons to update without closing and
reopening the part file.

Internal and External

Released in NX3
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_evaluate_write_state
tag_t part_tag
tag_tpart_tagInputtag of part file to check status


UF_PART_export (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Exports the specified objects to the specified part. The objects are
copied into the destination part. Calling this function is equivalent to
calling UF_PART_export_with_options with the following options:
new_part = true
params_mode = UF_PART_maintain_params
expression_mode = UF_PART_copy_exp_deeply

See UF_PART_export_with_options for more details on the behavior
of this function and for a description of the return value.

Internal and External

See Also
Refer to the example

For V11.0, the behavior of this function was modified to retain
feature parameters in the transferred objects. Prior to V11.0,
feature parameters were removed.

For V14.0, the behavior of this function was modified as follows:
If you are exporting geometry to a part which is loaded (or partially
loaded) in a session, then that part is no longer saved and closed as
a consequence of calling this routine. The destination part is only
saved and closed as part of this operation if it was not loaded
beforehand. This makes the Open API behavior consistent
with the interactive behavior.

For V14.0.1, the behavior of this function was modified as follows:
When exporting geometry using this function, the geometry would
not be oriented properly in the destination part if the WCS of the
source part was away from the origin. This is now fixed so that the
geometry is transformed from the WCS of the source part to the
WCS of the destination part. The Open API behavior is now
the same as the interactive behavior.
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_export
const char * part_name,
int num_objects,
tag_t object_array [ ]
const char *part_nameInputName of part to export objects to.
intnum_objectsInputNumber of objects in object_array to be exported.
tag_tobject_array [ ] InputObjects to be exported.


UF_PART_export_with_options (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Exports the specified objects to the specified part. The objects are
copied into the destination part. Any other transferable objects upon
which the given objects depend are also exported.

NOTE: Object occurrences and part occurrences are not exportable.

If an object depends on another object which is not exportable, then
that object is not exported and a warning value of
UF_PART_warn_objects_not_copied is returned. However, the
operation continues, and other requested exportable objects are still
exported. This situation can arise in two circumstances.

1. A drafting object is not exported if its associated geometry is not
2. Datums cannot be exported if feature parameters are removed.

If any other error occurs, the operation does not succeed and the
appropriate error code is returned.
The options argument controls the behavior of this operation:
Refer to the table

Internal and External

See Also
Refer to the example

For V14.0, the behavior of this function was modified as follows:
If you are exporting geometry to a part which is loaded (or partially
loaded) in a session, then that part is no longer saved and closed as
a consequence of calling this routine. The destination part is only
saved and closed as part of this operation if it was not loaded
beforehand. This makes the Open API behavior consistent
with the interactive behavior.

For V14.0.1, the behavior of this function was modified as follows:
When exporting geometry using this function, the geometry would
not be oriented properly in the destination part if the WCS of the
source part was away from the origin. This is now fixed so that the
geometry is transformed from the WCS of the source part to the
WCS of the destination part. The Open API behavior is now
the same as the interactive behavior.

For V15.0, this function was modified as follows:
The UF_PART_maintain_all_params enumerated constant was
added to UF_PART_export_params_mode_t.
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_export_with_options
const char * part_name,
int num_objects,
tag_t object_array [ ] ,
UF_PART_export_options_p_t options
const char *part_nameInputName of part to export objects to.
intnum_objectsInputNumber of objects in object_array to be exported.
tag_tobject_array [ ] InputObjects to be exported.
UF_PART_export_options_p_toptionsInputPointer to struct containing options to
control how the objects are exported.


UF_PART_file_name_for_display (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Converts the given internal part name into a display name in the same
format as would be used by NX for menus, banners and etc. This
function accepts a CLI format name as well as an internal format
name, for NX Manager names.
e.g., From: "@DB/peters-part/A/spec/sheet1" (cli format)
From: "%UGMGR=3.2 PN=Peters..." (internal format)
To: "peters-part/A (spec: sheet1)" (display format)

Internal and External

See Also
See the example provided with

This function was originally released in NX 5.0 and is mandatory if Longer IDs functionality is enabled NX/Manager
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_file_name_for_display
const char * name_format,
char * * display_name
const char *name_formatInputCommand Line Input format,
or Internal format
"%UGMGR=3.2 PN=Peters..."
char * *display_nameOutput to be freedDisplay format
"peters-part/A (spec: sheet1)"


UF_PART_find_family_instance (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Returns the name of the part which contains the part family instance
if the part can be found.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_find_family_instance
tag_t family,
int member_index,
logical load,
logical use_load_options,
char * * part_name
tag_tfamilyInputObject identifier of the family.
intmember_indexInputIndex of the family member.
logicalloadInputLoad part if found?
logicaluse_load_optionsInputUse load options to find part?
char * *part_nameOutput to be freedName of part containing the family instance.
This should be freed by calling UF_free.


UF_PART_free_load_status (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Routine to free the load status structure.

Internal and External

Released in NX3
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_free_load_status
UF_PART_load_status_p_t load_status
UF_PART_load_status_p_tload_statusInput / Outputload status to be freed


UF_PART_import (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Merges an NX part or Solid Edge part (.par or .psm file extension)
from disk into the current Work Part. Inputs are specified in the
"modes" structure. Solid Edge parts are imported as unparameterized solids.

See the description of the modes structure .

Return code:
0 = Success
< 0 = CFI Status Code
> 0 = Error code, use UF_get_fail_message to
obtain error message string

Internal and External

In V15.0, this function was enhanced so that it could import Solid
Edge parts.
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_import
const char * file_name,
UF_import_part_modes_t * modes,
double dest_csys [ 6 ] ,
double dest_point [ 3 ] ,
double scale,
tag_t * group
const char *file_nameInputFile specification of NX disk file to import.
UF_import_part_modes_t *modesInputInputs are specified in the `modes' structure.
doubledest_csys [ 6 ] InputDestination Coordinate System. dest_csys[0..2] is an
X-direction vector, and dest_csys[3..5] is a y direction
vector. These are used as input to UF_MTX3_initialize
to create the full coordinate system matrix.
doubledest_point [ 3 ] InputDestination point of imported part
doublescaleInputThe scale size for the imported part.
tag_t *groupOutputIf grouping is desired, the group is returned,
otherwise it is a NULL_TAG


UF_PART_is_family_inst_current (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Queries whether a part family instance is current. Returns TRUE if a
part family instance is up to date with respect to its template part.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_is_family_inst_current
tag_t part,
logical * is_inst_current
tag_tpartInputTag of the part. If you have a part occurrence, use
UF_ASSEM_ask_prototype_of_occ to get the tag of the part to pass
into this routine. If you have a part instance, use
UF_ASSEM_ask_parent_of_instance to get the tag of the part to pass
into this routine.
logical *is_inst_currentOutputFlag indicating result.


UF_PART_is_family_instance (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Queries if a part contains a part family instance.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_is_family_instance
tag_t part,
logical * is_family_instance
tag_tpartInputTag of the part. If you have a part occurrence, use
UF_ASSEM_ask_prototype_of_occ to get the tag of the part to pass
into this routine. If you have a part instance, use
UF_ASSEM_ask_parent_of_instance to get the tag of the part to pass
into this routine.
logical *is_family_instanceOutputFlag indicating result.


UF_PART_is_family_template (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Queries if a part contains a part family.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_is_family_template
tag_t part,
logical * is_family_template
tag_tpartInputTag of the part. If you have a part occurrence, use
UF_ASSEM_ask_prototype_of_occ to get the tag of the part to pass
into this routine. If you have a part instance, use
UF_ASSEM_ask_parent_of_instance to get the tag of the part to pass
into this routine.
logical *is_family_templateOutputFlag indicating result.
TRUE = Part is a family template


UF_PART_is_loaded (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Performs a query in the current session on the load status of a part.
Parts which are partially loaded can be fully loaded with

return code:
0 =Part is not loaded.
1 =Part is fully loaded in session.
2 =Part is partially loaded in session.
Other =Error Code.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_is_loaded
const char * part_name
const char *part_nameInputname of part


UF_PART_is_modified (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Inquires whether a part is loaded and modified in the current session.
Returns a logical value based on the results of the inquiry.

Returns TRUE if the part is loaded and modified in
the current session,
FALSE otherwise.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

logical UF_PART_is_modified
tag_t part
tag_tpartInputtag of part to inquire about


UF_PART_new (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Create a new NX part in the current session and makes it the work part.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_new
const char * part_name,
int units,
tag_t * part
const char *part_nameInputName of the new part. This part name must be unique
for the session. The leaf name for two parts in the
same session can not be the same.
intunitsInputSpecifies either English or Metric units.
1 = Metric
2 = English
tag_t *partOutputTag of the created part or NULL_TAG if there is an


UF_PART_open (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Retrieves an existing NX part or Solid Edge part into the session and
makes it the work and display part. Solid Edge parts (.par, .psm, .pwd or .asm
file extension) are opened by extracting the Parasolids data from the Solid
Edge part and then importing this data into a new NX part
with a .prt extension. The file name of the new NX part has the Solid
Edge part name and a ".prt" file extension. If there is an existing NX
part with the same name as the Solid Edge part, then this function
returns an error.

The NX part file that you create by opening a Solid Edge part
file contains one or more unparameterized solid bodies.

Other files can be opened with this call. The following
extensions are valid - .udf, .bkm, .xpk and .jt. Foreign files with the
following extensions can also be opened with UF_PART_open - .igs, .stp,
.dxf, .dwg and .model.

If a part is a read-only part, and the part retrieval modifies the part,
you will receive the error code UF_PART_err_read_only_modified, for that
part when you call UF_PART_open. In this case UF_PART_open will not
return a zero status.

Internal and External

In V15.0, this function was enhanced so that it could open Solid Edge
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_open
const char * part_name,
tag_t * part,
UF_PART_load_status_t * error_status
const char *part_nameInputName of part to retrieve.
tag_t *partOutputThe tag of the retrieved part or NULL_TAG if part
retrieval fails.
UF_PART_load_status_t *error_statusOutput to be freedThe user allocated structure
<error_status> is filled with the names
and associated error codes of any parts
that did not load correctly. The
structure must be freed with UF_PART_free_load_status.
For details see the definition
of UF_PART_load_status_t.


UF_PART_open_component_as (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Opens a component with a different name other than the one which
it was saved with. As long as the component part is the same, the
component is opened without loss of assembly level associativity.
If you want to open the component with an unrelated component part
you need to "allow substitutions", using the UF_ASSEM_set_assem_options

This function is useful in cases where component parts have been
renamed without their parent assemblies being open to register the
new names.

The component must be unloaded and its parent assembly must be
loaded to start with. All occurrences of the component in the
assembly are opened.

It is not possible to open a component with a name of a component
that is already used in the assembly. For this reason you need to
ensure that all assembly levels that need to refer to the newly named
components are open at the time when the component is opened, so
that they register the new name of the component simultaneously.
Because this can be an easy operation to get wrong, it is
recommended that you maintain a copy of the original assembly until
you have verified that the assembly is correctly renamed, and can be
opened with the newly named components.

Return code:
0 = No error
1 = Parent not loaded, or component has no
2 = New part is not substitutable for old part
3 = Old part is already loaded
4 = New part is already loaded
5 = New part is already referenced elsewhere
in there assembly
n = Error code

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_open_component_as
tag_t component,
const char * old_name,
const char * new_name,
tag_t * part,
UF_PART_load_status_t * error_status
tag_tcomponentInputThe component being opened
const char *old_nameInputThe component's current part name with ".prt" file
const char *new_nameInputThe component's new name part name with ".prt"
file extension.
tag_t *partOutputThe component part that is opened
UF_PART_load_status_t *error_statusOutput to be freedThe user allocated structure
<error_status> is filled with the names
and associated error codes of any parts
that did not load correctly. The
structure must be freed with UF_PART_free_load_status.
For details see the definition
of UF_PART_load_status_t.


UF_PART_open_cset (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Opens all the unloaded parts for the components in the given cset. All
the components are added to the CurrentComponents cset. All parts
between the root part and required parts are opened, so in the case of
the Car example from the Assemblies chapter, if the left front wheel is
in the component set, the axle is opened, and the front axle
component is added to the CurrentComponents cset.

Return code:
0 = No error
not 0 = Error code of first part in load status which
failed to load.

Internal and External

See Also
Refer to the example
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_open_cset
tag_t cset,
UF_PART_load_status_t * load_status
tag_tcsetInputset of components to open
UF_PART_load_status_t *load_statusOutput to be freedThe user allocated structure
<error_status> is filled with the names
and associated error codes of any parts
that did not load correctly. The
structure must be freed with UF_PART_free_load_status.
For details see the definition
of UF_PART_load_status_t.


UF_PART_open_quiet (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Retrieves an existing NX part or Solid Edge part into the session
without making it the work and display part. Solid Edge parts (.par or
.psm file extension) are opened by extracting the Parasolids data from
the Solid Edge part and then importing this data into a new
NX part with a .prt extension. The file name of the new NX
part has the Solid Edge part name and a ".prt" file extension.
If there is an existing NX part with the same name as the Solid Edge part,
then this function returns an error.

Internal and External

In V15.0, this function was enhanced so that it could open Solid Edge
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_open_quiet
const char * part_name,
tag_t * part,
UF_PART_load_status_t * error_status
const char *part_nameInputName of part to retrieve.
tag_t *partOutputThe tag of the retrieved part or NULL_TAG if part
retrieval fails.
UF_PART_load_status_t *error_statusOutput to be freedThe user allocated structure
<error_status> is filled with the names
and associated error codes of any parts
that did not load correctly. The
structure must be freed with UF_PART_free_load_status.
For details see the definition
of UF_PART_load_status_t.


UF_PART_open_single_component_as (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Opens a single occurrence of a component, using a different
part name than the part name it has been stored with. The
component being opened-as must be unloaded. The new part being
substituted for it can either be loaded or not. Both components must
have identical uid's. The user allocated structure <error_status>
will be filled with the name and associated error code of the loaded
part. The allocated arrays must be freed.

Return code:
0 = success
1 = Parent not fully loaded, or component has no parent
2 = New part can't be loaded
3 = Old part is already loaded
4 = New part not substitutable for old part (uid's must match)
n = Unspecified error

If the part passed in for replacement does not share a uid with the original component
then an "Illegal Instruction" error is returned.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_open_single_component_as
tag_t component,
const char * new_part_name,
tag_t * part,
UF_PART_load_status_t * error_status
tag_tcomponentInputThe component being opened
const char *new_part_nameInputThe component's new part name
tag_t *partOutputThe component part that is opened
UF_PART_load_status_t *error_statusOutput to be freedThe user allocated structure
<error_status> is filled with the names
and associated error codes of any parts
that did not load correctly. The
allocated arrays must be freed with
UF_free_string_array and UF_free(). For
details see the definition
of UF_PART_load_status_t.


UF_PART_rename (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Changes the name of the part specified by the tag to the name given.
It changes that part only and does not flag as modified any parent
parts in the session for which this part may be a component.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_rename
tag_t part_tag,
const char * new_part_name
tag_tpart_tagInputtag of part to be renamed
const char *new_part_nameInputnew name for part


UF_PART_reopen (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Unloads and reloads a part that is different on disk (has been
modified on disk or in the session). If the scope flag is set to do
subassemblies, then all parts in the given part that are different on
disk are reopened. Parts that are up to date with what is on disk are
skipped. If the mode flag is set to not reopen parts that are modified
in the session, then parts that have been modified in the session are
skipped. A mode value of 0 is only valid when using internal
Open API. If this option is used, then a confirmation dialog
comes up for parts that have been modified in the session to confirm
that the user truly wants to lose their changes.

Internal and External

See Also
Refer to the example
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_reopen
tag_t part,
int scope,
int mode,
tag_t * new_part
tag_tpartInputTag of part to reopen
intscopeInput0 = Only specified part
1 = Part and all subassemblies
intmodeInput0 = Ask confirmation if part is modified
1 = Reopen even if modified in session
2 = Reopen part(s) only if NOT modified in session
tag_t *new_partOutputThis is different from part if reopening a part that is
not used in an assembly.


UF_PART_save (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Save the current work part and all its modified children (if an assembly)
to disk.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_save


UF_PART_save_all (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Saves all parts in session to disk with their original names. If any parts
have filing errors while saving, count of errors is output, and an array
of their part tags and an array of the associated error codes is
allocated. The allocated arrays must be freed.

Returned value indicates major error status as
0 = No major error, but still check <count> for
filing errors,
not 0 = Error code

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_save_all
int * count,
tag_t * * part_list,
int * * error_list
int *countOutputCount of errors
tag_t * *part_listOutput to be freedAn allocated array containing the tags that failed to
save. This must be freed by calling UF_free.
int * *error_listOutput to be freedAn allocated array of error codes corresponding to
the part tags in part_list. This must be freed by
calling UF_free.


UF_PART_save_as (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Saves the work part to disk with a new part name. The name of the
part in the current NX session is changed to the new name.

Note: This will save the current work part and all modified
children (if an assembly) to the disk.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_save_as
const char * new_part_name
const char *new_part_nameInputThis is the name of the new part you wish to save.


UF_PART_save_work_only (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Save the current work part only to disk. Will not save any modified children
(if an assembly).

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_save_work_only


UF_PART_set_compression_flags (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Sets the compression flag of the part file. If the compression flag is set
to true and you save the part, then the part is saved in compressed

Internal and External

See Also
Refer to the example
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_set_compression_flags
tag_t part,
UF_PART_compress_flags_p_t compress_mask
tag_tpartInputPart to ask about compression flag
UF_PART_compress_flags_p_tcompress_maskInputbit field of compression flags settings


UF_PART_set_customer_area (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Sets the customer area contents to the user defined specified string. The string
should not be more than 132 characters in length.

Return code:
0 = No error
not 0 = Error code for invalid string.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_set_customer_area
tag_t part_tag,
const char * customer_area
tag_tpart_tagInputTag of the part in which to set the customer area.
const char *customer_areaInputPointer to string to use as customer area
contents. The maximum allowable length of the
string is currently limited to 132 characters.


UF_PART_set_description (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Sets the description area contents to the user defined specified string. The
string should not be more than 132 characters in length.

Return code:
0 = No error
not 0 = Error code for invalid string.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_set_description
tag_t part_tag,
const char * description
tag_tpart_tagInputTag of the part in which to set the description area.
const char *descriptionInputPointer to string to use as description area contents.
The maximum allowable length of the string is
currently limited to 132 characters.


UF_PART_set_display_part (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Sets the current display part. When working with an assembly, the
"MAINTAIN_WORK_PART" option passed into
UF_ASSEM_set_assem_options determines the actions of setting the
work part. If NULL_TAG is passed in, the display part is set to the
current work part.

Error code:
0 = Success
1 = Part is not fully loaded

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_set_display_part
tag_t part
tag_tpartInputTag of part to use for current display


UF_PART_set_enforce_piece_part (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Sets or clears the enforce piece part flag of a part

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_set_enforce_piece_part
tag_t part_tag,
const logical status
tag_tpart_tagInputThe tag of the part
const logicalstatusInputThe enforced piece part status of the part.
True will make the part an enforced piece part.
False, will clear the enforced piece part status.
It is an error to attempt to make an assembly part
an enforced piece part.


UF_PART_set_fam_inst_save_dir (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Sets the current part family instance save directory. When newly
created part family instances are saved, they are placed in this

Internal and External

This function was originally released in V15.0.
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_set_fam_inst_save_dir
char * part_directory
char *part_directoryInputDirectory Specification


UF_PART_set_family_save_dir (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Sets the directory in which all members of the family are saved. It is
stored with the family, so when family members are created on
demand they still know where to be saved. This directory, when set,
overrides the session default controlled by UF_PART_set_fam_inst_save_dir.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_set_family_save_dir
tag_t family,
char * dir
tag_tfamilyInputTag of the family to set the default save directory for
char *dirInputDirectory


UF_PART_set_status (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Sets the integer that represents the status of the part. This status value
is in the part file's header.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_set_status
tag_t part_tag,
const int status
tag_tpart_tagInputTag of the part
const intstatusInputStatus of the part.


UF_PART_update_family_instance (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Recreates and saves a part family instance if it can be found (using the
current load options), and the instance is outdated with respect to its
template part. If force_update is set to TRUE, the instance found is
always updated. Instances are saved in the current family instance
save directory, if they cannot be saved where they were found.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_update_family_instance
tag_t family,
int member_index,
logical force_update,
tag_t * part,
logical * saved,
int * count,
tag_t * * part_list,
int * * error_list,
char * * info
tag_tfamilyInputObject identifier of the family.
intmember_indexInputIndex of the family member.
logicalforce_updateInputAlways update instance if found?
tag_t *partOutputTag of the part containing the family instance.
logical *savedOutputWas the instance recreated and saved?
int *countOutputCount of errors.
tag_t * *part_listOutput to be freedAn allocated array containing the tags that failed to
save. Use UF_free to deallocate memory when done.
int * *error_listOutput to be freedAn allocated array of error codes corresponding to
the part tags in part_list. Use UF_free to deallocate
memory when done.
char * *infoOutput to be freedAdditional information about the instance. Use
UF_free to deallocate memory when done.


UF_PART_update_jt_brep (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Given a part that originated from JT data, update it with the BREP data.

NOTE: it's an error if the input part tag does not come from a JT file.

Return code:
0 = Success
> 0 = Error code, use UF_get_fail_message to
obtain error message string

Internal and External

Released in NX4
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_update_jt_brep
const tag_t part_tag
const tag_tpart_tagInputThe tag of the part you want to update the BREP of


UF_PART_update_jt_facets (view source)
Defined in: uf_part.h
Given a part that originated from JT data, update the facet data to the latest
information in the JT file.

NOTE: it's an error if the input part tag does not come from a JT file.

Return code:
0 = Success
> 0 = Error code, use UF_get_fail_message to
obtain error message string

Internal and External

Released in NX4
Required License(s)

int UF_PART_update_jt_facets
const tag_t part_tag
const tag_tpart_tagInputThe tag of the part you want to update the BREP of