File description:
Open API routines for Sheet Metal Design.
#include <uf_defs.h>
#include <uf_modl_types.h>
#include <libufun_exports.h>
enum UF_MODL_smhole_type_e
UF_DEPTH_SMHOLE = 0, /* depth type SMHole */
UF_THROUGH_SMHOLE, /* thru type SMHole */
UF_PUNCH_SMHOLE, /* punch type SMHole */
typedef enum UF_MODL_smhole_type_e UF_MODL_smhole_type_e_t;
typedef UF_MODL_smhole_type_e_t UF_SMHOLE_hole_type_e_t;
enum UF_MODL_smhole_direction_type_e
UF_FACE_NORMALS = 0, /* use face normals */
UF_ALONG_VECTOR, /* use a vector */
UF_ALONG_DATUM_AXIS, /* use a datum axis */
typedef enum UF_MODL_smhole_direction_type_e UF_MODL_smhole_direction_type_e_t;
typedef UF_MODL_smhole_direction_type_e_t UF_MODL_smslot_direction_type_e_t;
typedef UF_MODL_smhole_direction_type_e_t UF_MODL_smcutout_direction_type_e_t;
typedef UF_MODL_smhole_direction_type_e_t UF_SMHOLE_direction_type_e_t;
enum UF_MODL_smslot_type_e
typedef enum UF_MODL_smslot_type_e UF_MODL_smslot_type_e_t;
typedef UF_MODL_smslot_type_e_t UF_SMSLOT_slot_type_e_t;
typedef UF_MODL_smhole_direction_type_e_t UF_MODL_smpunch_direction_type_e_t;
enum UF_MODL_smcutout_type_e
} ;
typedef enum UF_MODL_smcutout_type_e UF_MODL_smcutout_type_e_t;
enum UF_MODL_punch_type_e
} ;
typedef enum UF_MODL_punch_type_e UF_MODL_punch_type_e_t;
enum UF_MODL_smpunch_top_type_e
} ;
typedef enum UF_MODL_smpunch_top_type_e UF_MODL_smpunch_top_type_e_t;
enum UF_MODL_smbend_curve_e
} ;
typedef enum UF_MODL_smbend_curve_e UF_MODL_smbend_curve_e_t;
enum UF_MODL_smbend_angle_e
} ;
typedef enum UF_MODL_smbend_angle_e UF_MODL_smbend_angle_e_t;
enum UF_MODL_smbend_radius_e
} ;
typedef enum UF_MODL_smbend_radius_e UF_MODL_smbend_radius_e_t;
enum UF_MODL_smbend_direction_e
} ;
typedef enum UF_MODL_smbend_direction_e UF_MODL_smbend_direction_e_t;
enum UF_MODL_smbend_stat_side_e
} ;
typedef enum UF_MODL_smbend_stat_side_e UF_MODL_smbend_stat_side_e_t;
/* end of smbend enumerations */
struct UF_MODL_smpunch_cut_sets_s
int num_curves;
tag_t *curves; /* */
typedef struct UF_MODL_smpunch_cut_sets_s
UF_MODL_smpunch_cut_sets_t, *UF_MODL_smpunch_cut_sets_p_t ;
struct UF_MODL_smpunch_data_s
UF_MODL_punch_type_e_t punch_type; /* punch, lance, pierce, semi pierce */
UF_MODL_smpunch_top_type_e_t top_type; /* Offset, Flat, Round, Cone */
UF_MODL_smpunch_direction_type_e_t proj_method;/* Face, Vector, Axis */
tag_t tool_center; /* Tag for center of tool */
tag_t placement_face; /* Target face for punch */
int n_curves; /* Number of outline curves */
tag_t *curves; /* Outline curves */
int num_cut_curve_sets; /* Number of cutting curve sets*/
UF_MODL_smpunch_cut_sets_t *cut_curve_sets; /* The curve sets */
tag_t datum_axis; /* Tag for datus axis */
char depth[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH + 1]; /* String for Depth */
char die_radius[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH + 1]; /* String for Die Radius */
char taper_angle[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH + 1]; /* String for Taper Angle */
char punch_radius[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH + 1]; /* String for Punch Radius */
char cone_depth[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH + 1]; /* String for Cone Depth */
double proj_vector[3]; /* Projection Vector */
logical flip_discard_region; /* Reverse Curve Dir? */
logical inside_or_out; /* Inside or out? */
logical auto_centroid; /* Auto Centroid? */
} ;
typedef struct UF_MODL_smpunch_data_s UF_MODL_smpunch_data_t,
/* The following structure is used when creating, editing, or querying a
sheet metal hole.
struct UF_MODL_smhole_data_s
char diameter[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH + 1]; /* Diameter of SMHole */
char depth[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH + 1]; /* Depth of SMHole. Only
used for depth type
SMHoles */
char tip_angle[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH + 1]; /* Tip angle of SMHole.
Only used for depth
type SMHoles */
tag_t edge1; /* Tag of the first
offset edge */
char offset1[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH + 1]; /* Offset distance from
first offset edge */
tag_t edge2; /* Tag of the second
offset edge */
char offset2[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH + 1]; /* Offset distance from
second offset edge */
tag_t hole_face; /* Tag of the face on
which the SMHole will
be placed */
tag_t thru_face; /* Tag of the face
through which the
Through SMHole will
be created */
tag_t datum_axis; /* Tag of the datum axis
used to determine the
angle of the central
axis of the SMHole.
Used with
method. */
UF_MODL_smhole_direction_type_e_t method;/* Method used to determine angle
of central axis of the SMHole.
UF_FACE_NORMALS = use face normals
UF_ALONG_VECTOR = use a vector
datum axis*/
double vec_dir[3];/* Vector used to determine the
angle of the central axis of
the SMHole. Used with
UF_MODL_smhole_type_e_t type; /* Type of SMHole to be created.
UF_DEPTH_SMHOLE = depth type SMHole
UF_THROUGH_SMHOLE = thru type SMHole
UF_PUNCH_SMHOLE = punch type SMHole */
} ;
typedef struct UF_MODL_smhole_data_s UF_MODL_smhole_data_t,
/* The following structure is used when creating, editing, or querying a
sheet metal slot.
struct UF_MODL_smslot_data_s
char length[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH + 1]; /* Length of SMSlot */
char width[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH + 1]; /* Width of SMSlot */
char depth[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH + 1]; /*
Depth of SMSlot.
Only used for depth
type SMSlots */
tag_t edge1; /* Tag of the first
offset edge */
char offset1[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH + 1]; /*
Offset distance
from first offset
edge */
tag_t edge2; /* Tag of the second
offset edge */
char offset2[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH + 1]; /*
Offset distance
from second offset
edge */
tag_t slot_face; /* Tag of the face on
which the SMSlot
will be placed */
tag_t through_face; /* Tag of the face
through which the
Through SMSlot will
be created */
UF_MODL_smslot_direction_type_e_t dir_method;/* Method used to determine
angle of central axis of the SMSlot.
UF_FACE_NORMALS = use face normals
UF_ALONG_VECTOR = use a vector
UF_ALONG_DATUM_AXIS = use a datum axis
tag_t d_datum_axis; /* Tag of the datum axis
used to determine the
angle of the central axis
of the SMSlot. Used when
dir_method is
double d_vec_dir[3]; /* Direction vector used to
determine the angle of the
central axis of the
SMSlot. Used when
dir_method is
UF_MODL_smslot_direction_type_e_t orient_method;/* Method used to
determine angle of the orientation
along the length of the SMSlot.
UF_FACE_NORMALS = use face normals
UF_ALONG_VECTOR = use a vector
UF_ALONG_DATUM_AXIS = use a datum axis
tag_t o_datum_axis; /* Tag of the datum axis
used to determine the
orientation along the
length of the SMSlot.
Used when orient_method
double o_vec_dir[3]; /* Orientation vector
used to determine the
orientation along the
length of the SMSlot.
Used when orient_method
UF_MODL_smslot_type_e_t type; /* Type of SMSlot to be created.
UF_DEPTH_SMSLOT = depth type SMSlot
UF_THROUGH_SMSLOT = thru type SMSlot
UF_PUNCH_SMSLOT = punch type SMSlot
} ;
typedef struct UF_MODL_smslot_data_s UF_MODL_smslot_data_t,
/*This structure is used to define the parameters for constructing the
cross sectional shape of the bead.
NOTE: The discard region is calculated by a vector pointing to the region to
be discarded. This vector, called the discard region vector, is the cross
product between the placement face normal and the tangent of the
combined curves in the "curves" array described above.
Therefore, it is important to know the order of the curves in the
"curves" array. Reversing the order of these curves may reverse their
tangent when combined and thus reverse the discard region vector.
struct UF_MODL_smcutout_data_s
tag_t placement_face; /* Face to put cutout */
int n_curves; /* The number of curves
in the curves array.*/
tag_t *curves; /* An array holding the
tags to the curves
that define the
outline shape of the
UF_MODL_smcutout_direction_type_e_t proj_method; /* The method used to
determine the
projection vector of
the outline curves as
well as the direction
in which the cutout
will be punched
through the solid
body. Can be one of
project along the
placement face
reverse normal.
project along a
given vector. See
proj_vector below.
project along a
given datum axis.
See datum_axis
double proj_vector[3]; /* Used when proj_method
This is the vector
along which the outline
curves will be
projected. It also
indicates the vector
along which the cutout
will be punched through
the solid body.*/
tag_t datum_axis; /* Used when proj_method
This is the tag of a
datum axis that will
be used to determine
the vector along which
the outline curves will
be projected. It also
indicates the vector
along which the cutout
will be punched through
the solid body.*/
logical flip_discard_region;/* When true the discard
region is flipped from
its normal calculation.
See discussion above on
the discard region.*/
UF_MODL_smcutout_type_e_t type; /* Punch or through */
tag_t thru_face; /* Through face */
} ;
typedef struct UF_MODL_smcutout_data_s UF_MODL_smcutout_data_t,
union UF_MODL_bracket_outline_data_union{
double clr_pts[2][3]; /* base or reference */
tag_t edge_tag; /* base or reference */
char *length; /* pad length or flange length */
struct UF_MODL_bracket_outline_data_s {
int reference_geometry_type; /* 0 = Clearance Points, 1 = Edge,
2 = Length. The user can specify
either clearance points to
define the outline, select
an edge or specify a
length (pad or flange) */
int num_clr_pts; /* Number of clearance points on the
reference/base face. This number
is used only when
reference_geometry_type = 0 ,
i.e when clearance points are
specified . The minimum number of
points can be one and maximum of
two points */
union UF_MODL_bracket_outline_data_union data;
typedef struct UF_MODL_bracket_outline_data_s
UF_MODL_bracket_outline_data_t, *UF_MODL_bracket_outline_data_p_t;
struct UF_MODL_smbracket_data_s
tag_t base_face; /* base face tag */
tag_t ref_face; /* reference face tag */
logical mat_direction; /* 0 = inside - inside,
1 = outside - outside */
UF_MODL_bracket_outline_data_p_t base_outline_data;/* outline data for
ref face */
UF_MODL_bracket_outline_data_p_t ref_outline_data; /* outline data to
define the base pad */
char *clr_dist; /* clearance distance */
char *bend_radius; /* bend radius */
char *chordal_tol; /* chordal tolerance */
char *linear_tol; /* linear tolerance */
char *mat_thickness; /* Material thickness */
logical rounded_flag; /* 0 - no fillets,
1 - fillets, */
char *bend_allow_formula;/* bend allowance formula */
char *offset_dist; /* dist by which ref face is offset*/
logical allow_sec_fail; /* 1 - allow general flange to
create , even if some sections
fail linear tolerance check.
0 - throw up error for this */
int outline_type; /* 0 - between circles,
1 - normal to circles
2 - Use points. end_points will be
used here , when this option is 2 */
double end_points[2][3]; /* Two points in ABS coordinates.
These points will be projected
on to the intersection curve and
will be used to define the width
of the bracket at the bend area */
double pick_points[2][3]; /* Two points in ABS coordinates.
These points will be used to
determine the quadrant in which
the bracket would be created.
The first point is on base face.
The second point is on reference
face. */
typedef struct UF_MODL_smbracket_data_s
UF_MODL_smbracket_data_t, *UF_MODL_smbracket_data_p_t;
struct UF_MODL_smrelief_data_s
tag_t base_face; /* Planar face or any face
of a flange */
tag_t first_corner_edges[2]; /* Edges defining the first
corner, should be in the
plane of the base face,
These edges must
intersect. */
tag_t second_corner_edges[2]; /* Edges defining the
second corner, should
be in the plane of the
base face, these edges
must intersect */
double offset_corner[3]; /* Edges defining the third
corner, should be in
the plane of the base
face */
char *first_corner_fillet_radius; /* radius value for first
corner fillet .
This has to be greater
than zero */
char *second_corner_fillet_radius; /* radius value for second
corner fillet .
This value has to be
greater than zero */
char *os_circle_radius; /* radius value for offset
corner fillet. This
value must be greater
than zero */
char *offset_distance; /* distance by which fillet
will be offset inside
the body from the
offset corner . This
value must be greater
than or equal to zero
and less than
radius */
typedef struct UF_MODL_smrelief_data_s
UF_MODL_smrelief_data_t, *UF_MODL_smrelief_data_p_t;
struct UF_MODL_smjoggle_data_s
tag_t base_face; /* <I> */
tag_t ref_face1; /* <I> */
tag_t ref_face2; /* <I> */
tag_t trans_start_edge; /* <I> Transition start edge tag */
tag_t trans_end_edge; /* <I> Transition end edge tag */
tag_t base_edge; /* <I> Base_edge tag - in case an edge is
** picked instead of clr points */
double point_on_rf1[3]; /* <I> Pick point on ref face1, used to
** infer mat direction, and to identify the
** joggle creation side */
double point_on_rf2[3]; /* <I> pick point on ref face2, used to
** infer mat direction, and to identify the
** joggle creation side */
int num_clr_pts; /* No. of clearance points, 1/2 */
double clr_point1[3]; /* <I> First clearance point */
double clr_point2[3]; /* <I> Second Clearance point */
logical mat_direction; /* <I> inside-inside=0 , outside-outside=1 */
char *clr_dist; /* <I> clearance distance */
char *bend_radius1; /* <I> Ref Face1 - Base Face bend radius */
char *bend_radius2; /* <I> Ref Face2 - Base Face bend radius */
char *transition_radius; /* <I> Ref Face - Trans Face blend radius */
char *run; /* <I> */
logical table; /* <I> Use table or not */
logical edge_to_edge; /* <I> Is joggle of edge_to_edge type? */
char *mat_thickness; /* <I> Material thickness */
char *bend_allowance_formula; /* <I> */
typedef struct UF_MODL_smjoggle_data_s
UF_MODL_smjoggle_data_t, *UF_MODL_smjoggle_data_p_t;
/* This structure contains the parametric information used to define
* a flange feature. */
struct UF_MODL_flange_data_s
int angle_type; /* Bend or Included angle. */
int length_type; /* Tangent or Contour length. */
int radius_type; /* Inside or Outside radius. */
int ltaper_type; /* Left Side: Flange, Bend Area, or Web. */
int rtaper_type; /* Right Side: Flange, Bend Area, or Web. */
logical reverse_direction; /* Negate direction: X x Z. TRUE/FALSE */
int ref_line_type; /* None(0), Contour(1), Mold(2), Both(3) */
char *thickness; /* Thickness expression. */
char *width; /* Width expression. */
char *angle; /* Angle expression. */
char *length; /* Length expression. */
char *radius; /* Radius expression. */
int left_joint_type; /* None(0), Taper(1), Simple Miter(2),
Full Miter(3), Butt(4). */
int right_joint_type; /* None(0), Taper(1), Simple Miter(2),
Full Miter(3), Butt(4). */
char *ltaper[2]; /* Left Taper Angles expression. */
char *rtaper[2]; /* Right Taper Angles expression. */
char *lmiter[3]; /* Left Miter angle, Miter Phase Angle
and Miter Relief angle. */
char *rmiter[3]; /* Right Miter angle, Miter Phase Angle
and Miter Relief angle. */
char *lbutt; /* Left Butt length */
char *rbutt; /* Right Butt length */
char *bend_allowance_formula; /* Bend Allowance Formula */
typedef struct UF_MODL_flange_data_s UF_MODL_flange_data_t,
/* This structure represents the information necessary to create
* an inset flange feature. */
struct UF_MODL_inset_flange_data_s
UF_MODL_flange_data_p_t flange_data; /* Inheritted flange information. */
int inset_type; /* Inset Dimension: Expression, Outer Tangent,
Inner Tangent, Outer Mold Line, DIN Mold Line,
Inner Mold Line. */
int lrelief_type; /* Left Side: None, Rectangular, Obround. */
int rrelief_type; /* Right Side: None, Rectangular, Obround. */
char *inset; /* Inset expression. */
char *lrelief; /* Left Relief expression. */
char *rrelief; /* Right Relief expression. */
} ;
typedef struct UF_MODL_inset_flange_data_s UF_MODL_inset_flange_data_t,
enum UF_MODL_gflange_e
UF_MODL_gflange_parm = 0,
typedef enum UF_MODL_gflange_e UF_MODL_gflange_mode_t,
enum UF_MODL_gflange_distort_e
UF_MODL_gflange_along_sections =0,
typedef enum UF_MODL_gflange_distort_e UF_MODL_gflange_distort_t,
struct UF_MODL_gflange_options_data_s {
logical infer_thickness; /* TRUE = Thickness derived from target
FALSE = To be given explicitly */
logical infer_spine; /* TRUE = System generates spine normal to
all section curves.
FALSE = Use bend edge or spine */
char r_value[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH + 1]; /*
average strain ratio.
For homogenous material this
value is 1. r_value is used
when area_preserve is set
to FALSE. */
logical area_preserve; /* FALSE = Use the above r_value,
TRUE = Do not use the r_value, set
it to infinite. */
UF_MODL_gflange_distort_t distortion; /* Distortion */
char tolerance[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH + 1]; /*
Tolerance */
char max_sample_pts[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH + 1]; /*
Maximum number of
sample points */
logical contour_lines; /* Contour Lines */
logical form_block_lines; /* Form Block Lines */
logical mold_lines; /* Mold Lines */
typedef struct UF_MODL_gflange_options_data_s UF_MODL_gflange_options_data_t,
struct UF_MODL_gflange_parameters_mode_data_s {
int step_count; /* The number of steps in the
generalized flange. Zero is an
invalid number. For each step
include a value for the
bend radius, bend angle and web
length. */
UF_MODL_parm_p_t plus; /*
The law specification of the target
face extension between the bend edge
and the start of the bend. This is
an array with step_count entries.*/
UF_MODL_parm_p_t bend_radius; /*
The law specification of the radius
of the bend. This is an array with
step_count entries */
UF_MODL_parm_p_t bend_angle; /*
The law specification of the angle
of the bend. This is an array with
step count entries. */
UF_MODL_parm_p_t web_length; /*
The law specification of the length
of the surface extension after the
bend. This is an array with step
count entries. */
int *radius_in_out; /*
Inner/Outer radius for steps
0 = inner radius in use
1 = outer radius in use,
This is an array with step count
entries. */
logical flip_bend_direction; /* TRUE = Bend in the direction
opposite to the system
inferred bend direction.
FALSE = Use system inferred bend
direction. */
typedef struct UF_MODL_gflange_parameters_mode_data_s
struct UF_MODL_gflange_sections_mode_data_s {
UF_STRING_p_t section_curves; /* Each section must consist of curves
and/or edges that comprise an open G1
string. They must start tangent to
the target face. Each section must lie
in a plane that is normal to spine.
One end of the each section must touch
the bend edge. */
logical extend_start; /* TRUE = Maintain a constant section from
last defined section to the
spine start.
FALSE = To create generalized flange
till the last section near the
spine start */
logical extend_end; /* TRUE = Maintain a constant section
from last defined section to
the spine end.
FALSE = To create generalized flange
till the last section near
the spine end */
typedef struct UF_MODL_gflange_sections_mode_data_s
struct UF_MODL_gflange_shaping_faces_mode_data_s {
int number_shaping_faces; /* Number of shaping faces */
tag_p_t shaping_faces; /* Shaping faces . They must not be from
the body of the target faces. They
must be G1 continuous faces from a
single body. They must be G1 with the
target faces at the bend edge. */
typedef struct UF_MODL_gflange_shaping_faces_mode_data_s
struct UF_MODL_gflange_punch_vector_mode_data_s {
int step_count; /* The number of steps in the
generalized flange. Zero is an
invalid number. For each step
include a value for the bend
radius, bend angle and web length */
UF_MODL_parm_p_t plus; /*
The law specification of the target
face extension between the bend edge
and the start of the bend. This is
an array with step count entries. */
UF_MODL_parm_p_t bend_radius; /*
The law specification of the radius
of the bend. This is an array
with step count entries.*/
UF_MODL_parm_p_t bend_angle; /*
The law specification of the angle of
the bend.This is an array with
step count entries. */
UF_MODL_parm_p_t web_length; /*
The law specification of the length
of the surface extension after the
bend. This is an array with step count
entries. */
int *radius_in_out; /*
Inner/Outer radius for steps
0 = inner radius in use
1 = outer radius in use
Dimension of the array
= step_count */
UF_MODL_vector_p_t punch_vector; /* Punch Vector */
logical flip_bend_direction; /* TRUE = Bend in the direction
opposite to the system
inferred bend direction.
FALSE = Use system inferred bend
direction. */
typedef struct UF_MODL_gflange_punch_vector_mode_data_s
union UF_MODL_mode_specific_data_u
UF_MODL_gflange_parameters_mode_data_t *gflange_parameters_mode_data;
UF_MODL_gflange_sections_mode_data_t *gflange_sections_mode_data;
UF_MODL_gflange_shaping_faces_mode_data_t *gflange_shaping_faces_mode_data;
UF_MODL_gflange_punch_vector_mode_data_t *gflange_punch_vector_mode_data;
typedef union UF_MODL_mode_specific_data_u UF_MODL_mode_specific_data_t;
struct UF_MODL_genflg_state_data_s
char tolerance_str[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH + 1]; /* Tolerance */
UF_MODL_parm_p_t plus; /* The law specification of the target
face extension between the bend edge
and the start of the bend. This is
an array with step_count entries.*/
UF_MODL_parm_p_t bend_radius; /* The law specification of the radius
of the bend. This is an array with
step_count entries */
UF_MODL_parm_p_t bend_angle; /* The law specification of the angle
of the bend. This is an array with
step count entries. */
UF_MODL_parm_p_t web_length; /* The law specification of the length
of the surface extension after the
bend. This is an array with step
count entries. */
char r_value_str[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH + 1]; /* Average strain ratio.
For homogenous material this
value is 1. r_value is used
when area_preserve is set
to FALSE. */
typedef struct UF_MODL_genflg_state_data_s
UF_MODL_genflg_state_data_t, *UF_MODL_genflg_state_data_p_t;
struct UF_MODL_gflange_data_s {
UF_STRING_p_t bend_edge; /* An edge in the tangent face
used as the attachment edge
for the generalized
flange */
logical add_tangent_edges; /* TRUE = selects all edges
tangent to the selected edge.
FALSE = do not allow tangent
edges */
UF_STRING_p_t spine; /* An edge or curve used to
define the section planes
for the bend and web. If
this values is null, the
bend edge string is used
as the spine string. */
UF_MODL_gflange_mode_t mode; /* Flange Creation Mode */
UF_MODL_mode_specific_data_t gflange_mode_specific_data; /* Input data
specific to the
mode */
char thickness_str[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH+1]; /*
Thickness of the solid body
created. If the Modeling
preference for body type is
set to solid, this is used
only when infer_thickness is
set to FALSE */
int number_target_faces; /* Number of target faces */
tag_p_t target_faces; /* Target Faces */
char *bend_allow_formula; /* Bend Allowance Formula*/
UF_MODL_gflange_options_data_p_t gflange_options; /* General Flange
options */
typedef struct UF_MODL_gflange_data_s UF_MODL_gflange_data_t,
/* smbend feature structure*/
struct UF_MODL_smbend_data_s
tag_t base_face; /* Base Face */
tag_t app_curve; /* Application Curve Tag */
UF_MODL_smbend_curve_e_t app_curve_type; /* Application Curve Type
char angle[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH+1]; /*
Bend Angle */
UF_MODL_smbend_angle_e_t angle_type; /* Angle Type
char radius[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH+1]; /*
Bend Radius */
UF_MODL_smbend_radius_e_t radius_type; /* Radius Type
UF_MODL_smbend_direction_e_t bend_dir; /* Bend Direction
UF_MODL_smbend_stat_side_e_t stat_side; /* Stationary Side
char baf[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH+1]; /*
Bend Allowance Formula*/
typedef struct UF_MODL_smbend_data_s
UF_MODL_smbend_data_t, *UF_MODL_smbend_data_p_t;
/* smbend converted corner feature structure*/
struct UF_MODL_smbend_corner_data_s
tag_t base_edge; /* Base Face */
char radius[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH+1]; /*
Bend Radius */
UF_MODL_smbend_radius_e_t radius_type; /* Radius Type
UF_MODL_smbend_stat_side_e_t stat_side; /* Stationary Side
char baf[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH+1]; /*
Bend Allowance Formula*/
typedef struct UF_MODL_smbend_corner_data_s
UF_MODL_smbend_corner_data_t, *UF_MODL_smbend_corner_data_p_t;
/* smbend converted cylinder feature structure*/
struct UF_MODL_smbend_cylinder_data_s
tag_t base_face; /* Base Face */
UF_MODL_smbend_stat_side_e_t stat_side; /* Stationary Side
char baf[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH+1]; /*
Bend Allowance Formula*/
typedef struct UF_MODL_smbend_cylinder_data_s
UF_MODL_smbend_cylinder_data_t, *UF_MODL_smbend_cylinder_data_p_t;
enum UF_MODL_bend_operation_e_t
UF_MODL_bend_operation_unbend = 0,
/* Bend operation data */
struct UF_MODL_bend_operation_data_s
UF_MODL_bend_operation_e_t operation_type; /* Bend operation type */
tag_t bend_edge; /* Bend edge */
tag_t bend_face; /* Bend face */
/* Use Adjacent Bend Face
switch */
logical use_adjacent_bend_face;
tag_t parent_operation; /* Parent operation */
char target_angle[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH+1]; /*
Target angle */
char baf[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH+1];/*
Bend allowance formula */
logical use_global_baf; /* Use Global BAF switch */
typedef struct UF_MODL_bend_operation_data_s
UF_MODL_bend_operation_data_t, *UF_MODL_bend_operation_data_p_t;
/* NOTE: These types should be same as the types defined in smspunch.h */
enum UF_MODL_smspunch_type_t
UF_MODL_smspunch_invalid = -1,
struct UF_MODL_solid_punch_data_s
int type; /* punch type = 0; die type = 1 */
int thickness_option; /* 0 - infer,1 - use exp */
char thickness[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH+1];
Thickness of the solid punch */
tag_t target_face; /* Top target face */
tag_t tool_body; /* punch or die tool */
tag_t target_csys_pt; /* A point or CSYS eid. This is
FROM location from which
a copy of the tool body
is transformed. */
tag_t tool_csys_pt; /* A point or CSYS eid. This is
TO location to which the
a copy of the tool body
is transformed. */
int n_pierce_faces; /* Number of pierce faces */
tag_t *pierce_faces; /* array of pierce faces */
logical is_pt_required; /* Wether centroid is required
or NOT */
typedef struct UF_MODL_solid_punch_data_s
UF_MODL_solid_punch_data_t, *UF_MODL_solid_punch_data_p_t;
/* This enumeration is same as the enumeration defined in smcorner.h. If any
changes made in the smcorner.h, please make changes here also. */
enum UF_MODL_smcorner_type_t
UF_MODL_smcorner_invalid = -1,
struct UF_MODL_smcorner_data_s
int corner_type; /* smcorner type */
tag_t ref_edge; /* side edge closest to the common edge */
tag_t ref_face; /* side face closest to the common edge */
char butt_gap[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH+1]; /* butt joint gap. used only
for butt joint. */
char butt_overlap[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH+1]; /* butt joint overlap.
Used only for butt joint */
char mc_offset[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH+1]; /* Machinery corner offset */
char mc_gap[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH+1]; /* Machinery corner gap */
logical mc_linear_shape; /* Machinery corner shape */
logical use_enhanced_mach_corner; /* Machinery corner shape */
logical switch_parent_flag; /* Switch parents or not. Used only
for butt and machinery corners. */
char simple_gap[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH+1]; /* simple miter gap. Used
only for simple miter. */
logical miter_toggle; /* multiple corners for simple and full
miters only */
typedef struct UF_MODL_smcorner_data_s
UF_MODL_smcorner_data_t, *UF_MODL_smcorner_data_p_t;
struct UF_MODL_ripedge_data_s
int n_ripedges; /* Number of rip edges */
tag_p_t ripedges; /* Array of rip edges */
logical add_tangent; /* To add tangent edges or not */
int gap_type; /* 0 - Gap, 1 - Offset */
char gap[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH+1]; /* Gap value Gap type */
char offset[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH+1]; /* Offset value - Offset type */
char extension[UF_MAX_EXP_LENGTH+1]; /* extension value */
int end_condition; /* 0 - Rectangular, 1 - Obround */
typedef struct UF_MODL_ripedge_data_s
UF_MODL_ripedge_data_t, *UF_MODL_ripedge_data_p_t;
* This procedure creates an SMPunch feature.
* Environment : Internal and External
* See Also :
* UF_MODL_edit_smpunch
* UF_MODL_ask_smpunch
* History : Originally released in V16.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_smpunch
UF_MODL_smpunch_data_p_t user_data, /* <I>
Data describing the punch to be
tag_p_t punch_tag /* <O>
Object identifier of the created punch.
* Change an existing SMPunch feature's parameters to
* the parameters given in user_data. The caller should first call
* UF_MODL_ask_smpunch to get the current parameters for the punch, then
* change the elements that need to be changed, and then call
* UF_MODL_edit_smpunch.
* Environment : Internal and External
* See Also :
* UF_MODL_ask_smpunch
* UF_MODL_create_smpunch
* History : Originally released in V16.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_smpunch
UF_MODL_smpunch_data_p_t user_data, /* <I>
Data describing the punch edits.
tag_t punch_tag /* <I>
The object identifier of the punch
feature to be modified.
* Query the feature information from the given SMPunch tag.
* Environment : Internal and External
* See Also :
* UF_MODL_create_smpunch
* UF_MODL_edit_smpunch
* History : Originally released in V16.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_smpunch
UF_MODL_smpunch_data_p_t user_data, /* <O>
Data describing the punch feature.
tag_t punch_tag /* <I>
The object identifier of the punch
feature to be queried.
Creates a sheet metal hole.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History: Original release was in V14.0.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_smhole(
UF_MODL_smhole_data_p_t user_data ,/* <I>
Pointer to a UF_MODL_smhole_data_s
data structure
tag_p_t hole_tag /* <O>
Pointer to the tag of the SMHole that gets
Edits an existing sheet metal hole.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History:Original release was in V14.0.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_smhole(
tag_t hole_tag ,/* <I>
Tag of the SMHole to edit
UF_MODL_smhole_data_p_t user_data /* <I>
Pointer to user's modified
UF_MODL_smhole_data_s data structure
Returns the parameter information of an existing sheet metal hole.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History:Original release was in V14.0.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_smhole(
tag_t hole_tag ,/* <I>
Tag of the SMHole from which to get
UF_MODL_smhole_data_p_t user_data /* <O>
Pass in a pointer to an UF_MODL_smhole_data_s
data structure. This routine will fill it
with information about the SMHole
Creates a sheet metal slot.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History:Original release was in V14.0.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_smslot(
UF_MODL_smslot_data_p_t user_data ,/* <I>
Pointer to a UF_MODL_smslot_data_s
data structure
tag_p_t slot_tag /* <O>
Pointer to the tag of the SMSlot that gets
Edits an existing sheet metal slot.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History:Original release was in V14.0.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_smslot(
tag_t slot_tag ,/* <I>
Tag of the SMSlot to edit
UF_MODL_smslot_data_p_t user_data /* <I>
Pointer to user's modified
UF_MODL_smslot_data_s data structure
Returns the parameter information of an existing sheet metal slot.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History:Original release was in V14.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_smslot(
tag_t slot_tag ,/* <I>
Tag of the SMSlot from which to get
UF_MODL_smslot_data_p_t user_data /* <O>
Pointer to a UF_MODL_smslot_data_s
data structure containing information
about the SMSlot
Creates a sheet metal cutout (SMCUTOUT) feature by providing its placement
face, outline curves, and projection direction. The output of this function
is the object identifier of the SMCutout feature.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History:Original release was in V15.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_smcutout
UF_MODL_smcutout_data_p_t user_data, /* <I>
Data needed to create cutout
tag_p_t cutout_tag /* <O>
Tag of cutout created
Changes the parameter data of an existing sheet metal cutout (SMCutout) feature
by providing the object identifier associated to the SMCutout feature and a new
SMCutout parameter data structure.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History:Original release was in V15.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_smcutout
tag_t cutout_tag, /* <I>
Tag of cutout to change
UF_MODL_smcutout_data_p_t user_data /* <I>
New data for cutout parms
Queries the data of a sheet metal cutout (SMCUTOUT) feature by providing the
object identifier of the SMCutout feature.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History:Original release was in V15.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_smcutout
tag_t cutout_tag, /* <I>
Tag of cutout feature
UF_MODL_smcutout_data_p_t user_data /* <OF>
Data read from cutout
Creates a bead.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_bead (
UF_MODL_project_curves_p_t centerline ,/* <I>
Pointer to information to define the
centerline of the bead.
UF_MODL_faces_p_t placement_faces ,/* <I>
Pointer to information to define the
face(s) where the bead is placed.
The first face is used to determine
the target body.
UF_MODL_offset_trans_faces_p_t secondary_faces ,/* <I>
Pointer to information to define
the optional secondary faces
for the bead. The secondary
faces can either be an offset
or translation of the specified
faces. If it is desired to have
the placement faces, then
just set UF_MODL_faces_p_t
pointer within this input
pointer value A null pointer
should be passed in if not used.
UF_MODL_bead_section_plane_p_t section_plane ,/* <I>
Pointer to direction information
to define the normal of the
orientation plane of the bead
UF_MODL_vector_p_t section_axis ,/* <I>
Pointer to direction information to
define the centerline of the bead
cross section. This parameter is
also used to determine whether the
bead is subtracted or united with
the body of the first
UF_MODL_bead_section_parms_p_t section_parms ,/* <I>
Pointer to information to define
the cross sectional shape of the
tag_t* bead_tag /* <O>
Object tag for the bead feature.
Edits the various parameters of the bead and reconstructs it based on
these new parameters.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History:Original release was in V13.0.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_bead(
tag_t bead_tag ,/* <I>
Object tag for the bead feature to be
UF_MODL_project_curves_p_t centerline ,/* <I>
Pointer to information to define the
centerline of the bead.
UF_MODL_faces_p_t placement_faces ,/* <I>
Pointer to information to define the faces
where the bead is to be placed.
UF_MODL_offset_trans_faces_p_t secondary_faces ,/* <I>
the optional secondary faces
for the bead. A null pointer
should be passed in if this is
not used.
UF_MODL_bead_section_plane_p_t section_plane ,/* <I>
Pointer to direction information
to define the normal of the
orientation plane of the bead
UF_MODL_vector_p_t section_axis ,/* <I>
Pointer to direction information to define
the centerline of the bead cross section.
This parameter is also used to determine
whether the bead is subtracted or united
with the body of the first placement_face.
UF_MODL_bead_section_parms_p_t section_parms /* <I>
Pointer to information to define
the cross sectional shape of the
Retrieves the parameters used to create a bead.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_free_bead
History:Original release was in V13.0.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_bead(
tag_t bead_tag ,/* <I>
Object tag for the bead feature
UF_MODL_project_curves_p_t centerline ,/* <OF>
Pointer to information which defines
the centerline of the bead. The caller
must allocate a UF_MODL_project_curves_t
structure and pass in a pointer to it.
This routine will fill the structure
with allocated data which must be freed
by calling UF_MODL_free_bead.
UF_MODL_faces_p_t placement_faces ,/* <OF>
Pointer to information which defines the
placement faces for the bead. The caller
must allocate a UF_MODL_faces_t
structure and pass in a pointer to it.
This routine will fill the structure
with allocated data which must be freed
by calling UF_MODL_free_bead.
UF_MODL_offset_trans_faces_p_t secondary_faces ,/* <OF>
Pointer to information used to define the
optional secondary faces for the bead. The
caller must allocate a
structure and pass in a pointer to it.
This routine will fill the structure
with allocated data which must be freed
by calling UF_MODL_free_bead.
UF_MODL_bead_section_plane_p_t section_plane ,/* <OF>
Pointer to direction information for the
orientation plane normal of the bead
sections. The caller must allocate a
structure and pass in a pointer to it.
This routine will fill the structure
with allocated data which must be freed
by calling UF_MODL_free_bead.
UF_MODL_vector_p_t section_axis ,/* <OF>
Pointer to direction information for
the centerline of the bead cross
section. The caller must allocate a
UF_MODL_vector_t structure and pass in a
pointer to it. This routine will fill the
structure with allocated data which must be
freed by calling UF_MODL_free_bead.
UF_MODL_bead_section_parms_p_t section_parms /* <OF>
Pointer to information which defines the cross
sectional shape of the bead. The caller must
allocate a UF_MODL_bead_section_parms_t
structure and pass in a pointer to it. This
routine will fill the structure with allocated
data which must be freed by calling
Frees all the memory associated with the parameters returned from
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_free_bead(
UF_MODL_project_curves_p_t centerline ,/* <I>
Pointer to information to define the
centerline of the bead.
UF_MODL_faces_p_t placement_faces ,/* <I>
Pointer to information to define the faces
where the bead is to be placed.
UF_MODL_offset_trans_faces_p_t secondary_faces ,/* <I>
Pointer to information to define
the optional secondary faces
for the bead.
UF_MODL_bead_section_plane_p_t section_plane ,/* <I>
Pointer to direction information
to define the normal of the
orientation plane of the bead
UF_MODL_vector_p_t section_axis ,/* <I>
Pointer to direction information to define the
centerline of the bead cross section.
UF_MODL_bead_section_parms_p_t section_parms /* <I>
Pointer to information to define
the cross sectional shape of the
Creates a flange feature. The output of the routine is the object
identifier of the flange.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_flange(
double orig[3] ,/* <I>
Default origin of flange.
double xdir[3] ,/* <I>
X-direction of flange (across bend.)
double zdir[3] ,/* <I>
Z-direction, normal to the face.
tag_t face ,/* <I>
Face to which the flange should attach.
tag_t edge ,/* <I>
Horizontal edge.
char * thick ,/* <I>
Thickness expression string (if null, infer from face)
char * width ,/* <I>
Width expression string (if null, infer from edge)
char * angle ,/* <I>
Bend angle expression string
char * length ,/* <I>
Tangent length expression string
char * radius ,/* <I>
Inside radius of the bend
char * taper_l ,/* <I>
Left taper of flange
char * taper_r ,/* <I>
Right taper of flange
int ang_tgl ,/* <I>
Bend/Include angle switch
int len_tgl ,/* <I>
Tangent/Contour length switch
int rad_tgl ,/* <I>
Inside/Outside radius switch
tag_t * flange /* <O>
Object identifier for the flange feature.
Generates a Sheet Metal Design inset flange feature. It provides the
ability to create the feature along the complete extent of the
attachment face or partially with reliefs automatically added during
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_inset_flange (
tag_t attach_face ,/* <I>
Attachment face of target body.
tag_t reference_edge ,/* <I>
Horizontal edge reference of target
double position[] ,/* <I>
Default origin of inset flange
double xdirection[] ,/* <I>
Direction of inset flange along the
width of the bend.
double zdirection[] ,/* <I>
Normal of attachment/link face.
UF_MODL_inset_flange_data_p_t parameters ,/* <I>
Structure which defines the size and
shape of the inset flange feature.
tag_p_t feature_tag /* <O>
Object identifier of the inset flange
Modifies the size and shape of a Sheet Metal Design inset flange
feature. By populating the set of parameters with similar and/or
updated values, the feature can be altered.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_inset_flange (
tag_t feature_tag ,/* <I>
Object identifier of flange feature.
UF_MODL_inset_flange_data_p_t parameters /* <I>
Modified set of parameters which
represent the new size and shape of
the feature.
Returns the parameters of an existing straight-brake inset flange
feature. Returns the thickness, width, angle, length, radius, and the
independent taper angles for the left and right side of the feature,
along with the inset distance and left and right reliefs for the feature.
The memory for the structure is allocated by the routine and must be
freed by the caller of the routine.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History: Original release was in V14.0.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_inset_flange_parms (
tag_t feature_tag ,/* <I>
Object identifier of an existing
straight-brake inset flange
UF_MODL_inset_flange_data_p_t * parameters /* <OF>
The parameters associated with
the existing straight-brake inset
flange feature. Use UF_free to
deallocate memory.
Generates a Sheet Metal Design flange feature. It differs from the
existing UF_MODL_create_flange in that it provides the ability to
independently taper the bend and web areas of the feature and you
can create Miter and Butt joints also. Negative bend angle is no more
allowed as a way to change the bend direction of the Flange. Parameter
'reverse_direction' of structure UF_MODL_flange_data_t should be used to
change the direction of the Flange.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_smd_flange (
tag_t attach_face ,/* <I>
Attachment face of target body.
tag_t reference_edge ,/* <I>
Horizontal edge reference of target body. This should
lie on the attachment face of the Flange, else an error
will be returned.
double position[] ,/* <I>
NOT USED. Origin of flange feature will be found
double xdirection[] ,/* <I>
NOT USED. Direction of flange along the width of the
bend will be derived automatically.
double zdirection[] ,/* <I>
NOT USED. Normal of attachment/link face will be found
UF_MODL_flange_data_p_t flange_data ,/* <I>
Structure which defines the size and shape
of the flange feature. This is expanded to
include the parameters for Miter and Butt
joints also.
tag_p_t feature_tag /* <O>
Object identifier of the flange feature.
Modifies the size and shape of a Sheet Metal Design flange feature.
The caller should use UF_MODL_ask_flange_parms to get the current parameters
and by changing the required parameters, the feature can be altered.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_smd_flange (
tag_t feature_tag ,/* <I>
Object identifier of flange feature.
UF_MODL_flange_data_p_t parameters /* <I>
Modified set of parameters which
represent the new size and shape of the
Returns the parameters of an existing straight-brake flange feature.
The structure returns the thickness, width, angle, length, radius and
the taper/miter/butt for the left and right side of the feature.
The memory for the structure is allocated by the routine and must be
freed by the caller of the routine.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History: Original release was in V14.0.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_flange_parms (
tag_t feature_tag ,/* <I>
Object identifier of an existing
straight-brake flange feature.
UF_MODL_flange_data_p_t * parameters /* <OF>
The parameters associated with the
existing straight-brake flange feature.
Use UF_free to deallocate memory
when done.
Inquires the current process factor.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_flange_proc_factor(
tag_t flange ,/* <I>
Object identifier for the flange feature.
double * proc_factor /* <O>
Process factor
Sets the process factor for a specified flange feature.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_set_flange_proc_factor(
tag_t flange ,/* <I>
Object identifier for the flange feature.
double proc_factor /* <I>
Process factor
Creates a general flange from its target face, bend radius, bend angle,
and web length. Along with these items an optional spine, thickness,
tolerance string, bend direction, and step data can be set. The output
is the object identifier associated to the general flange.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
For example and figure see example
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_general_flange(
tag_t target_face ,/* <I>
Attachment face for the generalized flange. The
flange is constrained to be tangent to this face
along the bend edge.
UF_STRING_p_t bend_edge_string ,/* <I>
An edge in the tangent face, used as the
attachment edge the generalized flange.
UF_STRING_p_t spine_string ,/* <I>
An edge or curve used to define the section
planes for the bend and web. If this values is
null, the bend edge string is used as the spine
UF_STRING_p_t section_curves ,/* <I>
Two or more section curves used as an alternate
method for creating a general flange. The curves
must start tangent to the target face, be C0 with
the bend edge, be coplanar, end to end and be
made up of alternating lines and arcs. If this
parameter is used, the plus, bend_radius,
bend_angle and web_length is ignored.
int step_count ,/* <I>
The number of steps in the generalized flange.
Zero is an invalid number. For each step include
a value for the bend radius, bend angle and web.
int poly_cubic ,/* <I>
=0 Use Rational Exact B-splines curves
represented by exact conics.
=1 Use Polynomial approximate to produce a
surface with better parameterization. This does
not produce exact conics.
int reverse_normal ,/* <I>
=0 Use the tangent face normal at the center of
the bend edge to determine the direction of the flange.
=1 Use the reverse of the tangent face normal at
the center of the bend edge to determine the
direction of the flange.
int reverse_thicken ,/* <I>
=0 If Body type is solid, thicken the plus bend
and web along the direction of the bend.
=1 If Body type is solid, thicken the plus bend
and web opposite to the direction of the bend.
char * thickness_str ,/* <I>
Thickness of the solid body created if the
Modeling preference for body type is set to solid.
char * tolerance_str ,/* <I>
This is initially set from the the modeling
distance tolerance. This value has the same
effect as the modeling distance tolerance.
UF_MODL_parm_p_t plus ,/* <I>
The law specification of the target face extension
between the bend edge and the start of the bend.
UF_MODL_parm_t bend_radius[] ,/* <I>
The law specification of the radius of the bend.
UF_MODL_parm_t bend_angle[] ,/* <I>
The law specification of the angle of the bend.
UF_MODL_parm_t web_length[] ,/* <I>
The law specification of the length of the surface
extension after the bend.
tag_p_t general_flange_tag /* <O>
Pointer to Feature object identifier of created
Retrieves the parameters used to create a general flange.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History:Original release was in V13.0.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_general_flange(
tag_t general_flange_tag ,/* <I>
Attachment face for the generalized flange. The
flange is constrained to be tangent to this face
along the bend edge.
UF_STRING_p_t bend_edge_string ,/* <O>
An edge in the tangent face, used as the
attachment edge the generalized flange.
UF_STRING_p_t spine_string ,/* <O>
An edge or curve used to define the section
planes for the bend and web. If this value is null,
the bend edge string is used as the spine string.
int *step_count ,/* <O>
The number of steps in the generalized flange.
Zero is an invalid number. For each step include
a value for the bend radius, bend angle and web.
int *poly_cubic ,/* <O>
=0 Use Rational Exact B-splines curves represented by exact
=1 Use Polynomial approximate to produce a surface with better
parameterization. This does not produce exact conics.
int *reverse_normal ,/* <O>
=0 Use the tangent face normal at the center of
the bend edge to determine the direction of the flange.
=1 Use the reverse of the tangent face normal at the center
of the bend edge to determine the direction of the flange.
int *reverse_thicken ,/* <O>
=0 If Body type is solid, thicken the plus bend
and web along the direction of the bend.
=1 If Body type is solid, thicken the plus bend
and web opposite to the direction of the bend.
char * thickness_str ,/* <O>
Thickness of the solid body created if the
Modeling preference for body type is set to solid. The
calling program must pass in a character array large
enough to hold the thickness string.
char * tolerance_str ,/* <O>
This is initially set from the the modeling
distance tolerance. This value has the same
effect as the modeling distance tolerance. The calling
program must pass in a character array large enough to
hold the tolerance string.
UF_MODL_parm_p_t plus ,/* <O>
The law specification of the target face extension
between the bend edge and the start of the bend.
UF_MODL_parm_t bend_radius[] ,/* <O>
The law specification of the radius of the bend.
There will be one value in this array for each
step in the flange. The caller is responsible
for allocating an array large enough to handle
the number of steps.
UF_MODL_parm_t bend_angle[] ,/* <O>
The law specification of the angle of the bend.
There will be one value in this array for each
step in the flange. The caller is responsible
for allocating an array large enough to handle
the number of steps.
UF_MODL_parm_t web_length[] /* <O>
The law specification of the length of the surface
extension after the bend. There will be one value
in this array for each step in the flange. The
caller is responsible for allocating an array
large enough to handle the number of steps.
Modifies the size and shape of a Sheet Metal Design general flange
feature. By populating the set of parameters with similar and/or
updated values, the feature can be altered.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_general_flange (
tag_t feature_tag ,/* <I>
Object identifier of general flange feature.
tag_t tangent_face_tag ,/* <I>
Object identifier of the face which the feature will
maintain a tangency relationship.
UF_STRING_p_t bend_string ,/* <I>
Collection of objects which represent the location of
the initial bend area.
UF_STRING_p_t spine_string ,/* <I>
Collection of objects which represent the spine
associated witth the feature.
UF_STRING_p_t section_string ,/* <I>
Collection of objects which represent a set of
curves/edges to infer the size/shape of the
int nsteps ,/* <I>
The number of bend area/web extensions which
define the size/shape of the feature.
int poly_cubic ,/* <I>
The method for generation of the surface geometry
associated with the feature.
0=Rational (exact)
1=Polynomial (approximate)
int reverse_normal ,/* <I>
Whether or not the direction of the normal has
been reversed.
0=Do not reverse normal direction.
1=Reverse normal direction.
int reverse_thicken ,/* <I>
Whether or not the direction in which the tool body
is to be thickened has been reversed.
0=Do not reverse thickening direction.
1=Reverse thickening direction.
char * thickness ,/* <I>
Character string used to define the thickness of the
char * tolerance ,/* <I>
Character string used to define the tolerance of the
UF_MODL_parm_p_t plus_length ,/* <I>
A law controlled value which determines the length
of the extension associated with the tangent_face.
UF_MODL_parm_t bend_radius[] ,/* <I>
A law controlled value which determines the radius
of each bend area of the feature.
UF_MODL_parm_t bend_angle[] ,/* <I>
A law controlled value which determines the angle
of each bend area associated with the feature.
UF_MODL_parm_t web_length[] /* <I>
A law controlled value which determines the length
of each web associated with the feature.
Creates a sheet metal bracket (SMBRACKET).
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History:Original release was in V16.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_smbracket (
UF_MODL_smbracket_data_p_t user_data, /* <I>
smbracket Open API Data
tag_t *bracket_body_tag /* <I/O>
If set to NULL_TAG, tag of the created
bracket body is returned.
If set to tag of the target body,
bracket is created and united with the
target body. It returns the tag of the
target body.
Creates a sheet metal relief (SMRELIEF).
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History:Original release was in V16.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_smrelief (
UF_MODL_smrelief_data_p_t user_data /* <I>
smrelief Open API Data
/* *************************************************************************
Creates a Sheet Metal Joggle from input joggle data structure.
Environment : Internal and External
See Also:
History:Original release was in V16.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_smjoggle
UF_MODL_smjoggle_data_p_t joggle_data, /* <I> Joggle data structure */
tag_t *joggle /* <O> Tag of the body created */
Creates a generalized flange.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_gflange(
UF_MODL_gflange_data_p_t gflange_data, /* <I> Data struct
tag_p_t gflange_tag /* <O> Genflg tag
* Retrieves the parameters of general flange used to create a
* general flange.
* Return :
* Return code:
* = 0 No Error
* = not 0 Error code
* Environment: Internal and External
* See Also:
* History:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_gflange(
tag_t gflange_tag, /* <I>
general flange tag
UF_MODL_gflange_data_p_t *gflange_data /* <OF>
general flange data structure.
This should be freed by calling
* Frees the memory allocated to general flange data structure
* This function is called after the UF_MODL_ask_gflange routine to
* free memory allocated to members of gflange_data structure.
* Return:
* Return code:
* = 0 No Error
* = not 0 Error code
* Environment: Internal and External
* See Also:
* History :
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_free_gflange_data(
UF_MODL_gflange_data_p_t gflange_data /* <I>
general flange data structure
);/* */
* Change an existing General Flange feature's parameters to
* the parameters given in user_data. The caller should first call
* UF_MODL_ask_gflange to get the current parameters for the general flange,
* then change the elements that need to be changed, and then call
* UF_MODL_edit_gflange
* Return:
* Return code:
* = 0 No error
* = not 0 Error code
* Environment : Internal and External
* See Also:
* History:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_gflange(
tag_t gflange_tag, /* <I>
general flange tag
UF_MODL_gflange_data_p_t gflange_data /* <I>
general flange data
Creates a smbend feature.
Environment: Internal and External
Return code:
= 0 No error
= not 0 Error code
See Also:
History: Originally released in V17.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_smbend
UF_MODL_smbend_data_p_t user_data, /* <I>
Data supplied by the user
to define the feature
tag_p_t bend_tag /* <O>
the tag of the new bend
feature that was created
Edits an existing smbend feature.
Environment: Internal and External
Return code:
= 0 No error
= not 0 Error code
See Also:
History: Originally released in V17.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_smbend
tag_t bend_tag, /* <I>
tag of the bend
feature to be edited
UF_MODL_smbend_data_p_t user_data /* <I>
new user data for
the bend
Queries an existing smbend feature.
Environment: Internal and External
Return code:
= 0 No error
= not 0 Error code
See Also:
History: Originally released in V17.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_smbend
tag_t bend_tag, /* <I>
tag of the bend
feature in question
UF_MODL_smbend_data_p_t user_data /* <O>
data which represents
this feature
* This procedure uses data from the user to create a new smbend feature
* from a converted corner.
* Return:
* Return code:
* = 0 No Error
* = not 0 Error code
* Environment: External
* See Also:
* History: Originally released in V17.0.3
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_smbend_corner
UF_MODL_smbend_corner_data_p_t user_data, /* <I>
UF data supplied by user
to define the feature
tag_p_t bend_tag /* <O>
the tag of the new bend
feature that was created
* This procedure uses data from the user to edit an existing smbend feature
* that was created by converting a corner.
* Return:
* Return code:
* = 0 No Error
* = not 0 Error code
* Environment: External
* See Also:
* History: Originally released in V17.0.3
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_smbend_corner
tag_t bend_tag, /* <I>
tag of the bend
feature to be edited
UF_MODL_smbend_corner_data_p_t user_data /* <I>
new user data for
the bend
* This procedure uses a tag for an smbend feature that was created by
* converting a corner, it then outputs the user's parameters for that bend
* feature.
* Return:
* Return code:
* = 0 No Error
* = not 0 Error code
* Environment: External
* See Also:
* History: Originally released in V17.0.3
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_smbend_corner
tag_t bend_tag, /* <I>
the tag of the bend
feature in question
UF_MODL_smbend_corner_data_p_t user_data /* <O>
UF data which represents
this feature
* This procedure uses data from the user to create a new smbend feature
* from a converted cylindrical face.
* Return:
* Return code:
* = 0 No Error
* = not 0 Error code
* Environment: External
* See Also:
* History: Originally released in V17.0.3
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_smbend_cylinder
UF_MODL_smbend_cylinder_data_p_t user_data, /* <I>
UF data supplied by user
to define the feature
tag_p_t bend_tag /* <O>
the tag of the new bend
feature that was created
* This procedure uses data from the user to edit an existing smbend feature
* that was created by converting a cylindrical face.
* Return:
* Return code:
* = 0 No Error
* = not 0 Error code
* Environment: External
* See Also:
* History: Originally released in V17.0.3
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_smbend_cylinder
tag_t bend_tag, /* <I>
tag of the bend
feature to be edited
UF_MODL_smbend_cylinder_data_p_t user_data /* <I>
new user data for
the bend
* This procedure uses a tag for an smbend feature that was created by
* converting a cylindrical face, it then outputs the user's parameters for
* that bend feature.
* Return:
* Return code:
* = 0 No Error
* = not 0 Error code
* Environment: External
* See Also:
* History: Originally released in V17.0.3
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_smbend_cylinder
tag_t bend_tag, /* <I>
the tag of the bend
feature in question
UF_MODL_smbend_cylinder_data_p_t user_data /* <O>
UF data which represents
this feature
enum UF_MODL_err_feature_e
This routine asks for the Bend Allowance Formula (BAF) of a
Flange, Inset Flange, General Flange, SMBridge, or SMBend feature.
The expression returned is in the form:
Return code:
=0 : Successful
>0 : Failing error number
<0 : Failing error number
= UF_MODL_ERR_NOT_A_FORMABLE_FEATURE : The given tag was not
the tag of a formable
= UF_MODL_ERR_FEATURE_NOT_USING_BAF : The given feature is not
using a bend allowance
formula. This is the case
when the user has selected
"Using Bend Allowance Table"
in the preferences dialog.
Environment: Internal and External
See also: UF_MODL_edit_bend_allowance_formula
History: Originally released in V18.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_bend_allowance_formula
const tag_t feature_tag, /* <I>
The tag of a Flange, Inset Flange,
General Flange, SMBridge, or
SMBend feature.
char **exp_str /* <OF>
The Bend Allowance Formula.
This must be freed using
This routine edits the Bend Allowance Formula (BAF) of a
Flange, Inset Flange, General Flange, SMBridge, or SMBend feature.
The expression returned is in the form:
Return code:
=0 : Successful
>0 : Failing error number
<0 : Failing error number
= UF_MODL_ERR_NOT_A_FORMABLE_FEATURE : The given tag was not
the tag of a formable
= UF_MODL_ERR_FEATURE_NOT_USING_BAF : The given feature is not
using a bend allowance
formula. This is the case
when the user has selected
"Using Bend Allowance Table"
in the preferences dialog.
Environment: Internal and External
See also: UF_MODL_ask_bend_allowance_formula
History: Originally released in V18.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_bend_allowance_formula
const tag_t feature_tag, /* <I>
The tag of a Flange, Inset Flange,
General Flange, SMBridge, or
SMBend feature.
const char* const exp_str /* <O>
The Bend Allowance Formula.
This routine will set the state of an array of formable features
so that the features will be fully formed.
The given feaure tags must be tags of Flange, Inset Flange,
General Flange, SMBridge, or SMBend feature.
The caller of this routine may start an update cycle (if any of the features
are not already in their fully formed state) by using UF_MODL_update.
Return code:
=0 : Successful
>0 : Failing error number
<0 : Failing error number
= UF_MODL_ERR_NOT_A_FORMABLE_FEATURE : The given tag was not
the tag of a formable
Environment: Internal and External
See also: UF_MODL_unform_features
History: Originally released in V18.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_form_features
const int n_features, /* <I>
The number of features tags
in the array.
const tag_t *const feature_tag_array, /* <I>
The array of formable feature
logical *const is_update_required /* <O>
If update is required.
This routine will set the state of an array of formable features
so that the features will be fully unformed.
The given feaure tags must be tags of Flange, Inset Flange,
General Flange, SMBridge, or SMBend feature.
The caller of this routine may start an update cycle (if any of the features
are not already in their fully unformed state) by using UF_MODL_update.
Return code:
=0 : Successful
>0 : Failing error number
<0 : Failing error number
= UF_MODL_ERR_NOT_A_FORMABLE_FEATURE : The given tag was not
the tag of a formable
Environment: Internal and External
See also: UF_MODL_form_features
History: Originally released in V18.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_unform_features
const int n_features, /* <I>
The number of features tags
in the array.
const tag_t *const feature_tag_array, /* <I>
The array of formable feature
logical *const is_update_required /* <O>
If update is required.
struct UF_MODL_state_info_s
double process_factor; /* The process factor of a
Flange or Inset Flange feature.
int state_index; /* The current state index of
a General Flange or SMBridge
feature. Future enhancement.
Currently, this is always
set to zero.
typedef struct UF_MODL_state_info_s UF_MODL_state_info_t,
enum UF_MODL_state_e
UF_MODL_unformed_state = 0,
typedef enum UF_MODL_state_e UF_MODL_state_e_t;
This routine will return the current state of the given feature.
The given feature tag must be the tag Flange, Inset Flange,
General Flange, SMBridge, or SMBend feature.
The state returned will be either UF_MODL_formed_state,
UF_MODL_unformed_state, or UF_MODL_other_state.
When UF_MODL_other_state is returned and a non-NULL pointer to a
UF_MODL_state_info structure is given, this structure will be filled
with the current intermediate state of the feature.
The UF_MODL_state_info structure will hold a Process Factor if the
feature tag belongs to a Flange, Inset Flange feature. The Process
Factor can be thought of as a percentage of the design angle of the
feature. For example, a Process Factor of 1.0 represents a fully
Flange. A Process Factor of 0.0 represents a fully unformed
Flange. A Process Factor of 0.5 represents a Flange in an intermediate
state that is half-formed.
The UF_MODL_state_info structure will hold a State Index if the feature
tag belongs to a General Flange or SMBridge. The State Index
represents an index into the array of states stored by the General
Flange or SMBridge feature. Note: this value is currently not used.
If the given_feature is an SMBend, no state information other than
UF_MODL_formed_state or UF_MODL_unfromed_state will be returned.
Return code:
=0 : Successful
>0 : Failing error number
<0 : Failing error number
= UF_MODL_ERR_NOT_A_FORMABLE_FEATURE : The given tag was not
the tag of a formable
= UF_MODL_ERR_NOT_A_SUPPORTED_FEATURE : A given tag belongs to a
formable feature that is
not yet supported.
Environment: Internal and External
See also: UF_MODL_edit_formable_feature_state
History: Originally released in V18.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_formable_feature_state
const tag_t feature_tag, /* <I>
The tag of a Flange, Inset
Flange, General Flange,
SMBridge, or SMBend feature.
UF_MODL_state_e_t *const state, /* <O>
The current state of an
SMBend feature: either
UF_MODL_unformed_state or
UF_MODL_state_info_t *const state_info /* <O> Optional.
If a non-NULL pointer to a
UF_MODL_state_info_t structure
is given here, it will be filled
with the state information of
the feature.
This routine will set the state of the given feature.
The given feature tag must be the tag Flange, Inset Flange,
General Flange, SMBridge, or SMBend feature.
The state you want to set must be either UF_MODL_formed_state,
UF_MODL_unformed_state, or UF_MODL_other_state.
When UF_MODL_other_state is given and the UF_MODL_state_info structure
must be filled with the intermediate state to which you want to set
the feature.
The UF_MODL_state_info structure must hold a Process Factor if the
feature tag belongs to a Flange, Inset Flange feature. The Process
Factor can be thought of as a percentage of the design angle of the
feature. For example, a Process Factor of 1.0 represents a fully
Flange. A Process Factor of 0.0 represents a fully unformed
Flange. A Process Factor of 0.5 represents a Flange in an intermediate
state that is half-formed.
The UF_MODL_state_info structure must hold a State Index if the feature
tag belongs to a General Flange or SMBridge. The State Index
represents an index into the array of states stored by the General
Flange or SMBridge feature. Note: this value is currently not used.
If the given_feature is an SMBend, no state information other than
UF_MODL_formed_state or UF_MODL_unfromed_state can be given.
Return code:
=0 : Successful
>0 : Failing error number
<0 : Failing error number
= UF_MODL_ERR_NOT_A_FORMABLE_FEATURE : The given tag was not
the tag of a formable
= UF_MODL_ERR_NOT_A_SUPPORTED_FEATURE : A given tag belongs to a
formable feature that is
not yet supported.
Environment: Internal and External
See also: UF_MODL_ask_formable_feature_state
History: Originally released in V18.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_formable_feature_state
const tag_t feature_tag, /* <I>
The tag of a Flange, Inset
Flange, General Flange,
SMBridge, or SMBend feature.
const UF_MODL_state_e_t state, /* <I>
The current state of an
SM feature: either
UF_MODL_unformed_state or
const UF_MODL_state_info_t* const state_info /* <I>
It will be filled
with the state information of
the feature.
* Create an Unbend/Rebend operation
* Return :
* Return code :
* Environment: Internal and External
* See Also:
* History: Released in V19.0
********************************************************************** */
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_bend_operation
UF_MODL_bend_operation_data_p_t bend_data, /* <I>
Data supplied by the user
to define the operation
tag_p_t operation_tag /* <O>
The operation tag
* Edit an Unbend/Rebend operation
* Return :
* Return code :
* Environment: Internal and External
* See Also:
* History: Released in V19.0
********************************************************************** */
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_bend_operation
tag_t operation_tag,/* <I>
The operation tag
UF_MODL_bend_operation_data_p_t bend_data /* <I>
Data supplied by the user
to edit the operation
* Ask an Unbend/Rebend operation
* Return :
* Return code :
* Environment: Internal and External
* See Also:
* History: Released in V19.0
********************************************************************** */
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_bend_operation
tag_t operation_tag,/* <I>
The operation tag
UF_MODL_bend_operation_data_p_t bend_data /* <O>
The operation data
* Create a Solid Punch feature.
* Return :
* Return code :
* Environment: Internal and External
* See Also:
* History: Released in NX2.0
********************************************************************** */
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_solid_punch
UF_MODL_solid_punch_data_p_t smspunch_ufdata, /* <I> Data supplied by the
user to create the
solid punch feature */
tag_t *smspunch_tag /* <O> The solid punch tag */
* Edit solid punch
* Return :
* Return code :
* Environment: Internal and External
* See Also:
* History: Released in NX2.0
********************************************************************** */
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_solid_punch
tag_t smspunch_tag, /* <I> The solidpunch tag */
UF_MODL_solid_punch_data_p_t smspunch_ufdata /* <I> Data supplied by the
user to edit the
solid punch feature */
* Ask an Solid Punch tag
* Return :
* Return code :
* Environment: Internal and External
* See Also:
* History: Released in NX2.0
********************************************************************** */
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_solid_punch
tag_t smspunch_tag, /* <I> The solid punch tag */
UF_MODL_solid_punch_data_p_t smspunch_ufdata /* <OF> The solidpunch data */
* Create a SMCorner feature.
* Environment: Internal and External
* See Also:
* History: Released in NX3.0
********************************************************************** */
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_smcorner
UF_MODL_smcorner_data_p_t smcorner_ufdata, /* <I> Data supplied by the
user to create the
smcorner feature */
tag_t *smcorner_tag /* <O> The smcorner tag */
* Edit smcorner
* Environment: Internal and External
* See Also:
* History: Released in NX3.0
********************************************************************** */
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_smcorner
tag_t smcorner_tag, /* <I> The smcorner tag */
UF_MODL_smcorner_data_p_t smcorner_ufdata /* <I> Data supplied by the
user to edit the
smcorner feature */
* Ask an SMCorner tag
* Environment: Internal and External
* See Also:
* History: Released in NX3.0
********************************************************************** */
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_smcorner
tag_t smcorner_tag, /* <I> The smcorner tag */
UF_MODL_smcorner_data_p_t smcorner_ufdata /* <O> The smcorner data */
* Initialize the SMCorner UF data. This will load the default values for
* creation of SMCorner feature.
* Environment: Internal and External
* See Also:
* History: Released in NX3.0
********************************************************************** */
extern UFUNEXPORT void UF_MODL_init_smcorner_ufdata
UF_MODL_smcorner_data_p_t smcorner_ufdata /* <I/O> SMCorner UF data */
* Create a Edge Rip feature.
* Environment: Internal and External
* See Also:
* History: Released in NX3.0
********************************************************************** */
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_ripedge
UF_MODL_ripedge_data_p_t ripedge_ufdata, /* <I> Data supplied by the
user to create the
ripedge feature */
tag_t *ripedge_tag /* <O> The ripedge tag */
* Edit Edge Rip
* Environment: Internal and External
* See Also:
* History: Released in NX3.0
********************************************************************** */
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_ripedge
tag_t ripedge_tag, /* <I> The ripedge tag */
UF_MODL_ripedge_data_p_t ripedge_ufdata /* <I> Data supplied by the
user to edit the
ripedge feature */
* Ask an Rip Edge tag
* Environment: Internal and External
* See Also:
* History: Released in NX3.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_ripedge
tag_t ripedge_tag, /* <I> The ripedge tag */
UF_MODL_ripedge_data_p_t ripedge_ufdata /* <OF> The ripedge data */
* Initialize the Edge Rip UF data. This will load the default values for
* creation of Edge Rip feature.
* Environment: Internal and External
* See Also:
* History: Released in NX3.0
********************************************************************** */
extern UFUNEXPORT void UF_MODL_init_ripedge_ufdata
UF_MODL_ripedge_data_p_t ripedge_ufdata /* <I/O> Edge Rip UF data */
* UF_MODL_genflg_create_state
* Create a new state in the genflg feature.
* Environment: Internal and External
* See Also:
* History: Released in NX3.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_genflg_create_state
tag_t genflg, /* <I> Genflg frec tag */
UF_MODL_genflg_state_data_p_t state, /* <I> State data structure */
int state_index /* <O> created state index */
* UF_MODL_genflg_ask_num_states
* Returns the number of states in a given feature.
* Environment: Internal and External
* See Also:
* History: Released in NX3.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_genflg_ask_num_states
tag_t genflg, /* <I> Genflg frec */
int *num_states /* <O> number of states */
* UF_MODL_genflg_edit_state
* Edit the state of given general flange feature.
* Environment: Internal and External
* See Also:
* History: Released in NX3.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_genflg_edit_state
tag_t genflg, /* <I> Genflg frec to create new state */
int state_index, /* <I> state index to be edited */
UF_MODL_genflg_state_data_p_t state /* <I> state info to be edited */
* UF_MODL_genflg_ask_state_data
* Gives the state info data for a given state index.
* Environment: Internal and External
* See Also:
* History: Released in NX3.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_genflg_ask_state_data
tag_t genflg, /* <I> Genflg frec to create new state */
int state_index, /* <I> State to be inquired */
UF_MODL_genflg_state_data_p_t state /* <O> state info */
* UF_MODL_genflg_delete_state
* Deletes the state for a given state index.
* Environment: Internal and External
* See Also:
* History: Released in NX3.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_genflg_delete_state
tag_t genflg, /* <I> Genflg frec to create new state */
int state_index /* <I> state to be delted */