File description:
Open API modeling routines to create, edit and inquire about features such as
ruled, thru_curves, thru_curve_mesh, swept, section, extension, offset, bridge,
trimmed sheet, quilt, midsurface, and etc
#include <uf_defs.h>
#include <uf_modl_types.h>
#include <libufun_exports.h>
Prototypes for Freeform modeling
Creates a freeform sweep feature. The first segment curve of each guide/section/spine
is a starting curve. The output of this function is the object identifier
associated to the sweep. Use UF_MODL_init_string_list and
UF_MODL_create_string_list to create input strings. Use UF_MODL_free_string_list
to free memory once this routine has been called, and the string list is no
longer needed.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_sweep(
UF_STRING_p_t s_guide ,/* <I>
Pointer to the guide list structure.
int num Total number of guide strings
(min=1, max=3)
int string[ ] Total number of segment curves/
sketch identifier of each guide
(min=1, max =402)
int dir[ ] Direction of each guide string
1 = Start to end
-1 = End to start
tag_t id[ ] Identifier of guide curve
UF_STRING_p_t s_section ,/* <I>
Pointer to the section list structure.
int num Total number of section strings
(min=1, max=150)
int string[ ] Total number of segment curves/
sketch/face of each section string
(min=1, max=402)
int dir[ ] Direction of each section string
1 = Start to end
-1 = End to start
tag_t id[ ] Identifier of section curve
UF_STRING_p_t s_spine ,/* <I>
Pointer to the spine list structure.
int num Total number of section strings
(min=0, max=1)
int string[ ] Total number of segment curves/
sketch/face of each section string
(min=1, max=402)
int dir[ ] Direction of each section string
1 = Start to end
-1 = End to start
tag_t id[ ] Identifier of spine curve
UF_METHOD_p_t orientation ,/* <I>
Pointer to the orientation list structure.
int method Orientation method
(for s_guide-> num = 1)
1 = Face normals
2 = Vector direction
3 = Another curve
4 = Fixed (parallel sweep)
5 = A point
6 = Angular law
7 = Forced direction
int inter NOT USED
tag_t id Base surface
(for orientation->method =1)
Datum axis
(for orientation->method = 2,7)
double value[3] Orientation 3D vector
(for orientation->method = 2,7)
Orientation 3D point
(for orientation->method = 5)
Law Function Value
(for orientation->method=6)
[0] = Angle law function offset
[1] = Angle law function scale
UF_STRING_p_t s_curve Pointer to curve
structure list (for orientation->method = 3 or 6)
UF_METHOD_p_t scaling ,/* <I>
Pointer to the scaling list structure.
int method Scaling method
(for s_guide-> num = 1)
1 = Constant scale
2 = Blended
3 = Another curve
4 = A point
5 = Area law
(for s_guide-> num = 2)
6 = Scale laterally
7 = Scale uniformly
int inter Scale blended interpolation
(for scaling->method = 2)
tag_t id NOT USED
double value[3] Scale values
[0] = Scale factor
(for scaling->method = 1)
[0-1] = Scale range
(for scaling->method = 2)
[0-2] = 3D absolute point
(for scaling->method = 4)
Law Function Value
(for scaling->method=5)
[0] = Area law function offset
[1] = Area law function scale
UF_STRING_p_t s_curve Pointer to curve
structure list (for scaling->method = 3 or 5)
int * alignment ,/* <I>
Alignment method:
1 = Parameter
2 = Arc Length
int * inter ,/* <I>
Interpolation method (for s_section->num > 1):
1 = Linear
2 = Cubic
int * body_type ,/* <I>
Type of body:
0 = Sheet (Default)
1 = Solid
UF_FEATURE_SIGN boolean ,/* <I>
The sign of the operation to be performed.
UF_NULLSIGN = create new target solid
UF_POSITIVE = add to target solid
UF_NEGATIVE = subtract from target solid
UF_UNSIGNED = intersect with target solid
double tol[3] ,/* <I>
[0] = Distance
[1] = Angle (in degrees)
[2] = Intersection
tag_t * body_obj_id /* <O>
Body object identifier of sweep
Returns the creation data for a freeform Sweep feature.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History:Original release was in V13.0.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_sweep(
tag_t feature_obj_id ,/* <I>
Feature object identifier of sweep
UF_STRING_p_t s_guide ,/* <OF>
Pointer to the string list structure containing the
data defining the guide curves used to create the
feature. See structure section of manual for details.
Use UF_MODL_free_string_list to deallocate
UF_STRING_p_t s_section ,/* <OF>
Pointer to the string list structure containing the
date defining the section curves used to create the
feature. See structure section of manual for details.
Use UF_MODL_free_string_list to deallocate
UF_STRING_p_t s_spine ,/* <OF>
Pointer to the string list structure for the spine
string. Use UF_MODL_free_string_list to deallocate
UF_METHOD_p_t orientation ,/* <O>
Pointer to the orientation list structure.
int method Orientation method
(for s_guide-> num = 1)
1 = Face normals
2 = Vector direction
3 = Another curve
4 = Fixed (parallel sweep)
5 = A point
6 = Angular law
7 = Forced direction
int inter NOT USED
tag_t id
Base surface (for orientation->method =1)
Datum Axis (for orientation->method = 2,7)
double value[3]
Orientation 3D vector (for orientation->method =
Orientation 3D point (for orientation->method =
Law Function Value (for orientation->method=6)
[0] = Angle law function offset
[1] = Angle law function scale
UF_STRING_p_t s_curve Pointer to curve
structure list (for orientation->method = 3 or 6)
UF_METHOD_p_t scaling ,/* <O>
Pointer to the scaling list structure.
int method Scaling method
(for s_guide-> num = 1)
1 = Constant scale
2 = Blended
3 = Another curve
4 = A point
5 = Area law
(for s_guide->num = 2)
6 = Scale laterally
7 = Scale uniformly
int inter
Scale blended interpolation
( for scaling->method = 2)
tag_t id NOT USED
double value[3] Scale values
[0] = Scale factor
(for scaling->method = 1)
[0-1] = Scale range
(for scaling->method = 2)
[0-2] = 3D absolute point
(for scaling->method = 4)
Law Function Value
(for scaling->method=5)
[0] = Area law function offset
[1] = Area law function scale
UF_STRING_p_t s_curve Pointer to curve
structure list (for scaling->method = 3 or 5)
int * alignment ,/* <O>
Alignment method:
1 = Parameter
2 = Arc Length
int * inter ,/* <O>
Interpolation method (for s_section->num > 1):
1 = Linear
2 = Cubic
int * body_type ,/* <O>
Type of body:
0 = Sheet
1 = Solid
double tol[3] /* <O>
[0] = Distance
[1] = Angle (in degrees)
[2] = Intersection
Creates a quilt surface.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_ask_quilt
See the quilt data structures
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_quilt(
UF_MODL_quilt_type_t quilt_data ,/* <I>
Type of quilt surface
UF_MODL_quilt_data_structures_p_u quilt_structure_po ,/* <I>
Pointer to structure
containing the defining
data of the quilt surface.
tag_t * quilt_tag ,/* <O>
Object identifier of quilt surface to be created
int * tol_achieved /* <O>
Flag indicating that the resultant face achieved the
tolerance requirements.
0 = No
1 = yes
Edits a quilt surface.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_ask_quilt
See the quilt data structures
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_quilt(
UF_MODL_quilt_type_t quilt_data ,/* <I>
Type of quilt surface
UF_MODL_quilt_data_structures_p_u quilt_structure_po ,/* <I>
Pointer to structure
containing the defining
data of the quilt surface.
tag_t quilt_surface /* <I>
Object identifier of quilt surface to be edited
Reads the creation parameters of a quilt surface. The following are
the valid defined constants for the type of quilt surface for the
quilt_data parameter:
Be careful how you manipulate the structures returned under
quilt_structure_pointer. Many items are allocated in this code. If you
change any items such as character strings or curve strings you may
run into trouble in UF_MODL_free_quilt. The safest way to handle
this is to make sure all structures are in the same condition when
calling free as they were received from ask.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_quilt(
tag_t quilt_tag ,/* <I>
Object identifier of quilt surface
to be read
UF_MODL_quilt_type_t * quilt_data ,/* <O>
Type of quilt surface
(see the description area).
UF_MODL_quilt_data_structures_u * quilt_structure_pointer /* <OF>
Pointer to structure containing the
defining data of the quilt surface. Use
UF_MODL_free_quilt to free the memory
allocated by this function.
This function returns the type of quilt surface. The following are the
valid defined constants for the type of quilt surface for the
quilt_data parameter:
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_edit_quilt
Refer to example
See the quilt data structures
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_quilt_type(
tag_t quilt_tag ,/* <I>
Object identifier of quilt surface
UF_MODL_quilt_type_t * quilt_data /* <O>
Type of quilt surface (see the
description area).
This routine should be called after a call to UF_MODL_ask_quilt in
order to free the space allocated by this routine.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_ask_quilt
See the quilt data structures
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_free_quilt(
UF_MODL_quilt_type_t quilt_data ,/* <I>
Type of quilt surface
UF_MODL_quilt_data_structures_u * quilt_structures_p /* <I>
Pointer to structure
containing the defining
data of the quilt surface.
Modifies the input sheet body to the specified boundary and regional
conditions. The boundary conditions (faces, planes, edges, and curves)
are used to divide the input sheet body into regions by imprinting new
edges on the input sheet body. The regional conditions are employed
to classify the discarded and retained regions of the input sheet body.
The output sheet body is the retained region(s) of the input sheet body.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_trimmed_sheet(
tag_t sheet_body_tag ,/* <I>
Tag of sheet body to be trimmed
int bounding_object_count ,/* <I>
Number of trimming boundary objects
tag_t * bounding_objects ,/* <I>
Array of NX eids of trimming objects
UF_MODL_vector_p_t projection_method ,/* <I>
A variant record of the following
int reverse_vector,
UF_MODL_vector_type_t vector_type,
where vector_type =
project along a fixed vector,
a vector, double[3], is required.
project along a fixed vector,
a vector, double[3], is required,
NX will produce exact geometry.
project along a datum axis,
an NX eid of the datum axis is required.
project along a datum axis,
an NX eid of the datum axis is required,
NX will produce exact geometry.
project along face normals,
no other input is needed.
project along face normals,
no other input is needed, NX will produce
exact geometry when ever possible.
int key_pt ,/* <I>
Points defining regions to: 1 = discard; 0 = keep
int point_count ,/* <I>
Number of region points
double point_coords[] ,/* <I>
Array of region points on the sheet to be trimmed.
This array contains 3*point_count entries.
double tolerance ,/* <I>
Distance tolerance for approximations.
int * gap_point_count ,/* <O>
The number of gap points returned when there are
gaps between the edges produced by the bounding
objects. These points show where the gaps are.
double ** gap_points ,/* <OF>
Array of points showing location of the gaps. This
array has 3*n_gap_points entries. This array must
be freed by calling UF_free.
tag_t * feature_obj_eid /* <O>
Feature object id of trimmed sheet.
Returns the information stored in the record of the input trimmed sheet feature.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_trimmed_sheet(
tag_t feature_obj_eid ,/* <I>
Feature object id of trimmed sheet.
tag_t * sheet_body_tag ,/* <O>
Tag of trimmed sheet
int * bounding_object_count ,/* <O>
Number of trimming boundary objects
tag_t ** bounding_objects ,/* <OF>
Array of NX eids of trimming objects. This array
must be freed by calling UF_free.
UF_MODL_vector_p_t projection_method ,/* <O>
A variant record of the following
int reverse_vector,
UF_MODL_vector_type_t vector_type,
where vector_type =
project along a fixed vector,
a vector, double[3], is required.
project along a fixed vector,
a vector, double[3], is required,
NX will produce exact geometry.
project along a datum axis,
an NX eid of the datum axis is required.
project along a datum axis,
an NX eid of the datum axis is required,
NX will produce exact geometry.
project along face normals,
no other input is needed.
project along face normals,
no other input is needed, NX will produce
exact geometry when ever possible.
int * point_key ,/* <O>
Points define regions to: 0 = retain; 1 = discard
int * point_count ,/* <O>
Number of region points
double ** point_coords ,/* <OF>
Array of region points on the sheet to be trimmed.
This array contains 3*point_count entries. This
array must be freed by calling UF_free.
double * tolerance /* <O>
Distance tolerance for approximations.
Modifies data of the input trimmed sheet feature to the specified
boundary and regional conditions specified in the inputs.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History: Original release was in V13.0.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_trimmed_sheet(
tag_t feature_obj_eid ,/* <I>
Feature object id of trimmed sheet.
int bounding_object_count ,/* <I>
Number of trimming boundary objects
tag_t * bounding_objects ,/* <I>
Array of NX eids of trimming objects
UF_MODL_vector_p_t projection_method ,/* <I>
A variant record of the following
int reverse_vector,
UF_MODL_vector_type_t vector_type,
where vector_type =
project along a fixed vector,
a vector, double[3], is required.
project along a fixed vector,
a vector, double[3], is required,
NX will produce exact geometry.
project along a datum axis,
an NX eid of the datum axis is required.
project along a datum axis,
an NX eid of the datum axis is required,
NX will produce exact geometry.
project along face normals,
no other input is needed.
project along face normals,
no other input is needed, NX will produce
exact geometry when ever possible.
int point_key ,/* <I>
Points define regions to: 0 = retain; 1 = discard
int point_count ,/* <I>
Number of region points
double point_coords[] ,/* <I>
Array of region points on the sheet to be trimmed.
This array contains 3*point_count entries.
double tolerance /* <I>
Distance tolerance for approximations.
Creates a surface between 2 other surfaces. The resulting surface is
constrained by continuity type (either tangent continuous or curvature
continuous) and possibly by guides (either no guides, 1 or 2 guiding
side strings, or 1 or 2 guiding side surfaces). For each bridge surface,
at least 2 faces must be input, along with 2 edges indicating where on
the 2 surfaces the bridge surface should be connected. Further input
depends on the option chosen for guide_type.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_bridge_face(
int continuity_type ,/* <I>
1 = tangent continuous, 2= curvature continuous
int guide_type ,/* <I>
0 = no guides; 1= guide strings; 2= guide surfaces
tag_t *primary_faces ,/* <I>
tags of 2 primary surfaces to be bridged
tag_t *primary_edges ,/* <I>
tags of edges on primary surfaces where the bridge
should be attached.
int *primary_edges_dir ,/* <I>
direction of primary_edges (if continuity_type = 1)
1 = forward
-1 = backward
UF_STRING_p_t side_string1 ,/* <I>
first guide string (if guide_type = 1)
UF_STRING_p_t side_string2 ,/* <I>
second guide string (if guide_type = 1)
tag_t *side_faces ,/* <I>
tags of 2 side guide surfaces (if guide_type = 2)
tag_t *side_edges ,/* <I>
tags of edges on side surfaces where bridge should
be attached (if guide_type = 2)
tag_t *result_tag /* <O>
tag of resulting surface
Creates a B-surface using a list of existing points. The points may
appear in any order. There must be enough points to define a surface
with the requested degree and patches and the points should cover the
area inside the specified boundaries.
The boundaries of the surface, projected onto the specified X-Y
plane, form a quadrilateral. The boundaries can be specified by the
optional bnd_corners parameter. These points, projected onto the
X-Y plane of the specified coordinate system must form a convex
The order of the points determine the U and V directions of the
resulting surface.
If the pointer to bnd_corners is NULL, the boundaries are the
smallest rectangle that encloses the cloud points in the specified X-Y
plane. The U direction of the surface is aligned with the X direction
and the V direction of the surface is aligned with the Y direction.
The X-Y plane may be specified by the optional csys_matrix
parameter. If csys_matrix is NULL, the absolute X-Y plane is used.
In all cases the Z direction is assumed to be approximately normal to
the surface and the surface must not be ambiguous when viewed from
this direction.
Normals Z1, Z2, Z3, and other acceptable vectors all produce the
same best fit surface. However, Zn produces a dramatically different
surface. Other incorrect vectors produces different results, none
acceptable. The system cannot detect when this condition occurs.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: please refer to example
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_surf_from_cloud(
int point_cnt ,/* <I>
Number of points in the cloud array.
double cloud[][3] , /* <I>
Array of points [point_cnt][3]. The points may
appear in any order. There must be enough points
to define a surface of the requested order an they
should cover the area within the boundaries
specified below. The points should not represent a
surface that is ambiguous in the surface normal
double csys_matrix[2][3] ,/* <I>
Orientation - X-Y vectors, the U-V directions of
the surface correspond to these X-Y vectors. The
surface must be unambiguous in the Z direction. If
this pointer is NULL, the absolute X-Y-Z of the
data is used.
double bnd_corners[4][3] ,/* <I>
Boundary corners - 4 points specifying the corners
of the surface. The resulting surface boundaries,
projected onto the X-Y plane, specified above,
forms a quadrilateral with corners at the projection
of these points onto that plane. The U direction of
the surface lie in a direction approximately aligned
with the 1st and 3rd line segments and the V
direction aligned with the 2n and 4th. If this
pointer is NULL, the quadrilateral is the max-min
box of the input data in the specified X-Y plane.
int U_degree ,/* <I>
Desired degree of the resulting surface in the U
direction. Valid values are 1 through 24.
int V_degree ,/* <I>
Desired degree of the resulting surface in the V
direction. Valid values are 1 through 24.
int U_patches ,/* <I>
Number of patches desired in the U direction of the
resulting surface.
int V_patches ,/* <I>
Number of patches desired in the V direction of the
resulting surface.
int corner_switch ,/* <I>
Currently unused.
double * average_error ,/* <O>
The average distance, in the Z direction, between
all input points and the resulting surface.
double * max_error ,/* <O>
The maximum distance, in the Z direction, between
all input points and the resulting surface.
int * max_error_index ,/* <O>
The sequence number, within the cloud array, of
the point where the maximum error (max_error)
tag_t * surface_tag /* <O>
Object identifier for the resulting surface.
Initializes the section surface Open API data structure. It is to be
used in conjunction with UF_MODL_create_section_surface and
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_ask_section_surface
See the section surface data structures
History:V15.0 changes: The UF_MODL_secsrf_data_t structure was enhanced.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_init_section_surface(
UF_MODL_secsrf_data_p_t section_surface_data /* <I/O>
Section Surface Open API Data
Creates a section surface feature from the section surface Open
API data structure.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_init_section_surface
See the section surface data structures
See example
History:V15.0 changes: The UF_MODL_secsrf_data_t structure was enhanced.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_section_surface(
UF_MODL_secsrf_data_p_t section_surface_data ,/* <I>
Section Surface Open API Data
tag_p_t section_surface /* <O>
Section Surface Feature object identifier.
Edits the section surface Open API data structure.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_init_section_surface
See the section surface data structures
History: V15.0 changes: The UF_MODL_secsrf_data_t structure was enhanced.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_section_surface(
UF_MODL_secsrf_data_p_t section_surface_data ,/* <I>
Section Surface Open API Data
tag_t section_surface /* <I>
Section Surface Feature object identifier.
Populates a section surface Open API data structure of a section
surface feature.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_init_section_surface
See the section surface data structures
History: V15.0 changes: The UF_MODL_secsrf_data_t structure was enhanced.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_section_surface(
tag_t section_surface ,/* <I>
Section Surface Feature object identifier.
UF_MODL_secsrf_data_p_t section_surface_data /* <O>
Section Surface Open API Data
Creates a midsurface feature. The returned midsurface feature tag
can then be used to add face pair features.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_ask_midsrf_parms
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_midsrf_feature(
tag_t target_body ,/* <I>
Solid target body to place the Midsurface Feature
tag_p_t feature_obj_id /* <O>
Midsurface Feature tag
Automatically creates face pairs on a midsurface feature.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History: The auto pairing has been modified for NX5 and a
similar function below can be employed. This function will simply
default to d/t > 2.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_auto_midsrf_feature(
tag_t feature_obj_id /* <I>
Midsurface Feature tag
Automatically creates face pairs on a midsurface feature.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_auto_midsrf_feature_w_opts(
tag_t feature_obj_id, /* <I>
Midsurface Feature tag
int autopairoptions,/* <I> 0 for d/t or 1 for thickness option
double autoval/* <I> The value of the autopair option
logical range of values are
1<=d/t<=5 &&
Reads the midsurface parameter data.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_midsrf_parms(
tag_t feature_obj_id ,/* <I>
Midsurface Feature tag
uf_list_p_t *facepair_list /* <OF>
List of Face Pair Feature tags in the Midsurface
Feature. The space allocated for the list must be
freed by calling UF_MODL_delete_list.
Trims the face pair feature in a midsurface feature.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_trim_midsrf_feature(
tag_t midsrf_feature_obj_id /* <I>
Midsurface Feature tag
* exports the midsurface data to a file
* Environment: Internal and External
* History: Originally released in NX5.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_dump_midsurf_facepair_report
const char *file_name_with_extn, /*<I> Name of file with relevant extension*/
tag_t midsrf_feature_obj_id /*<I> Midsurface Feature tag*/
Asks the creation&trim method (either advanced or classic)
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History: Originally released in NX5.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_midsrf_feature_create_method(
tag_t feature_obj_id, /* <I>
Midsurface Feature tag
int *adv_crt_and_trm /*<O>*/
Sets the creation&trim method (either advanced or classic)
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History: Originally released in NX5.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_set_midsrf_feature_create_method(
tag_t feature_obj_id, /* <I>
Midsurface Feature tag
int adv_crt_and_trm /* <I> choice of advanced create and trim */
Creates a feature by assigning one-to-one correspondence between
points on two selected curves and then connecting the corresponding
points by straight lines. The following restrictions apply:
1. The first segment curve of each section spine is a starting curve.
2. Point
a. Point object may be included but only as the one point of the
first section string.
b. Curve end point may be included but only as the one curve of
the first section string. s_section->dir[ ] indicates which end
point should be used.
The output of this function is the object identifier associated to the
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_ruled1
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_ruled(
UF_STRING_p_t s_section ,/* <I>
Pointer to the section list structure.
int num Total number of section string
(min=2, max=2)
int string[ ] Total number of segment curves/
sketch identifier of each section
(min=1, max =402)
int dir[ ] Direction of each section string
1 = Start to end
-1 = End to start
tag_t id[ ] Identifier of section curve or
the section builder object tags but not both
UF_STRING_p_t s_spine ,/* <I>
Pointer to the spine list structure.
(for alignment = 5)
int num Total number of spine string
(min=0, max=1)
int string[ ] Total number of segment curves/
sketch identifier of each spine
(min=1, max=402)
int dir[ ] Direction of each spine string
1 : Start to end
-1 : End to start
tag_t id[ ] Identifier of spine curve or
the section builder object tags but not both
int * alignment ,/* <I>
Alignment method:
1 = Parameter
2 = Arc length
3 = Distance
4 = Angles
5 = Spine curves
double value[6] ,/* <I>
Data for alignment method:
[0-2] = 3D vector defining direction line (for
alignment = 3)
[0-5] = 3D start and end coordinates of line
defining the axis of revolution for
planes (for alignment = 4)
int * end_point ,/* <I>
Curve end point or point
0 = Do not use end point
1 = Curve/point of first section string
int * body_type ,/* <I>
Type of body:
0 = Sheet (Default)
1 = Solid
UF_FEATURE_SIGN boolean ,/* <I>
The sign of the operation to be performed.
UF_NULLSIGN = create new target solid
UF_POSITIVE = add to target solid
UF_NEGATIVE = subtract from target solid
UF_UNSIGNED = intersect with target solid
double tol[3] ,/* <I>
[0] = Distance
[1] = Angle (in radians)
[2] = Intersection (not used)
tag_t * body_obj_id /* <O>
Body object identifier
Creates a feature by assigning one-to-one correspondence between points on two
selected curves and then connecting the corresponding points by straight lines.
This function behaves like UF_MODL_create_thru_curves with an extra input
for passing in the target body for the boolean operation.
If body_type is solid (1) and the sign of the operation to be performed is
not create, then the target body is required.
The following restrictions apply:
1. The first segment curve of each section spine is a starting curve.
2. Point
a. Point object may be included but only as the one point of the
first section string.
b. Curve end point may be included but only as the one curve of
the first section string. s_section->dir[ ] indicates which end
point should be used.
The output of this function is the object identifier associated to the
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_ruled
History: Originally released in V16.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_ruled1(
UF_STRING_p_t s_section ,/* <I>
Pointer to the section list structure.
int num Total number of section string
(min=2, max=2)
int string[ ] Total number of segment curves/
sketch identifier of each section
(min=1, max =402)
int dir[ ] Direction of each section string
1 = Start to end
-1 = End to start
tag_t id[ ] Identifier of section curve or
the section builder object tags but not both
UF_STRING_p_t s_spine ,/* <I>
Pointer to the spine list structure.
(for alignment = 5)
int num Total number of spine string
(min=0, max=1)
int string[ ] Total number of segment curves/
sketch identifier of each spine
(min=1, max=402)
int dir[ ] Direction of each spine string
1 : Start to end
-1 : End to start
tag_t id[ ] Identifier of spine curve or
the section builder object tags but not both
int * alignment ,/* <I>
Alignment method:
1 = Parameter
2 = Arc length
3 = Distance
4 = Angles
5 = Spine curves
double value[6] ,/* <I>
Data for alignment method:
[0-2] = 3D vector defining direction line (for
alignment = 3)
[0-5] = 3D start and end coordinates of line
defining the axis of revolution for
planes (for alignment = 4)
int * end_point ,/* <I>
Curve end point or point
0 = Do not use end point
1 = Curve/point of first section string
int * body_type ,/* <I>
Type of body:
0 = Sheet (Default)
1 = Solid
UF_FEATURE_SIGN boolean ,/* <I>
The sign of the operation to be performed.
UF_NULLSIGN = create new target solid
UF_POSITIVE = add to target solid
UF_NEGATIVE = subtract from target solid
UF_UNSIGNED = intersect with target solid
tag_t target_body,/* <I>
The target body for the boolean operation
double tol[3] ,/* <I>
[0] = Distance
[1] = Angle (in radians)
[2] = Intersection (not used)
tag_t * body_obj_id /* <O>
Body object identifier
Returns the creation data for a Ruled Feature.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History:Original release was in V13.0.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_ruled(
tag_t feature_obj_id ,/* <I>
Feature object identifier
UF_STRING_p_t s_section ,/* <OF>
Pointer to the string list structure for the section
strings used to create the feature.
Use UF_MODL_free_string_list to deallocate memory.
UF_STRING_p_t s_spine ,/* <OF>
Pointer to the string list structure for the spine
string. (for alignment = 5).
Use UF_MODL_free_string_list to deallocate memory.
int * alignment ,/* <O>
Alignment method:
1 = Parameter
2 = Arc length
3 = Distance
4 = Angles
5 = Spine curves
double value[6] ,/* <O>
Data for alignment method:
[0-2] = 3D vector defining direction line (for alignment = 3)
[0-5] = 3D start and end coordinates of line
defining the axis of revolution for planes (for alignment = 4)
int * body_type ,/* <O>
Type of body:
0 = Sheet
1 = Solid
double tol[2] /* <O>
[0] = Distance
[1] = Angle (in radians)
Creates a feature through a collection of curves running in two
different directions. The following restrictions apply:
1. The first segment curve of each primary/cross/spine is a starting curve.
2. Points:
a. A point object may be included, but only as the only one point of the
first primary string and/or the only one point of the last primary string.
b. Curve end point may be included but only as the only one point of the
first primary string and/or the only one point of the last primary string.
End point option and s_prim->dir[ ] indicates which end point should be used.
3. Spine is optional. (s_spine->num = 0)
a. The first/last primary must be planar.
b. Spine must be perpendicular to the first/last primary.
4. If the Spline Points parameter is set to 1, the input sections must
all be single B-curves with the same number of defining points.
The output of this function is the object identifier associated to the feature.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_curve_mesh1
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_curve_mesh(
UF_STRING_p_t s_prim ,/* <I>
Pointer to the primary list structure.
int num Total number of primary string
(min=2, max=150)
int string[ ] Total number of segment curves/
sketch id of each primary string
(min=1, max =402)
int dir[ ] Direction of each primary string
1 = Start to end
-1 = End to start
tag_t id[ ] Identifier of primary curve/point or
the section builder object tags, but not both
UF_STRING_p_t s_cross ,/* <I>
Pointer to the cross list structure.
int num Total number of string cross
(min=2, max=150)
int string[ ] Total number of segment curves/
sketch identifier of each string
(min=1, max=402)
int dir[ ] Direction of each string cross
1 = Start to end
-1 = End to start
tag_t id[ ] Identifier of cross curve or
the section builder object tags, but not both
UF_STRING_p_t s_spine ,/* <I>
Pointer to the spine list structure.
int num Total number of spine string
(min=0, max=1)
int string[ ] Total number of segment curves/
sketch identifier of each spine
(min=1, max=402)
int dir[ ] Direction of each spine string
1 = Start to end
-1 = End to start
tag_t id[ ] Identifier of spine curve or
the section builder object tags, but not both
int * end_point ,/* <I>
Curve end point.
0 = Do not use end point
1 = Curve of first primary string
2 = Curve of last primary string
3 = Both
int * emphasis ,/* <I>
Emphasis flag
1 = Primary curves
2 = Cross curves
3 = Both
int * body_type ,/* <I>
Type of body:
0 = Sheet (Default)
1 = Solid
int * spline_pts ,/* <I>
Spline points flag:
0 = Do not reparameterize curves
1 = Reparameterize through spline points
UF_FEATURE_SIGN boolean ,/* <I>
The sign of the operation to be performed.
UF_NULLSIGN = create new target solid
UF_POSITIVE = add to target solid
UF_NEGATIVE = subtract from target solid
UF_UNSIGNED = intersect with target solid
double tol[3] ,/* <I>
[0] = Distance
[1] = Angle (in radians)
[2] = Intersection
tag_t c_face_id[4] ,/* <I>
Object identifiers of neighbor surfaces or
4 collectors of the faces from which
constraints are obtained
[0] = first primary string
[1] = last primary string
[2] = first cross string
[3] = last cross string
No constraint is imposed on the corresponding
string if id = NULENT
int c_flag[4] ,/* <I>
Flags indicating constraint types:
0 = no constraint
1 = tangency constraint
2 = curvature constraint
[0] = first primary string
[1] = last primary string
[2] = first cross string
[3] = last cross string
tag_t * body_obj_id /* <O>
Body object identifier
Creates a free form B-surface feature through a collection of curves
running in two different directions.
This function behaves like UF_MODL_create_curve_mesh with the following
1. An extra input for passing in the target body for the boolean operation.
If body_type is solid (1) and the sign of the operation to be performed
is not create, then the target body is required.
2. A "simple" option for lighter math representation with fewer poles and
knots when possible.
3. Face constraints now support multiple faces to be used as constraints
on all four sides of the body.
1. The first segment curve of each primary/cross/spine should be a
starting curve.
2. Point
a) Point object may be substituted for the first and/or last primary string.
This allows the surface to start or terminate at a point.
b) A curve end point may also be substituted for the first and/or last
primary string.
The end_point parameter and s_prim->dir[] will indicate which end point
is chosen.
3. Spine is optional. The parameter s_spine->num = 0 indicates no spine.
If spine is selected then
a) The first and last primary must be planar.
b) Spine must be perpendicular to the first and last primary.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_curve_mesh
History: Originally released in V16.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_curve_mesh1(
UF_STRING_p_t s_prim ,/* <I>
Pointer to the primary list structure.
When simple option is 2 or 4, then the user supplied
template string for primary curves must be added as the
last item of this section string structure, but the number
of section strings will not be increased. For example,
to create a feature using 3 primary section strings and
a user defined primary template (simple option = 2 or 4),
num would be 3, but string and dir would have 4
elements, string[3] would be the number of segment
curves for the user defined primary template, and dir[3]
would be the direction for the user defined template. The
tags for the user defined template would be added onto
the end of the id array.
int num Total number of primary string
(min=2, max=150)
int string[ ] Total number of segment curves/
sketch id of each primary string
(min=1, max =402)
int dir[ ] Direction of each primary string
1 = Start to end
-1 = End to start
tag_t id[ ] Identifier of primary curve/point or
the section builder object tags, but not both
UF_STRING_p_t s_cross ,/* <I>
Pointer to the cross list structure.
When simple option is 3 or 4, then the user supplied
template string for cross curves must be added as the
last item of this section string structure, but the
number of section strings will not be increased. For
example, to create a feature using 3 cross section
strings and a user defined cross template (simple option
= 3 or 4), num would be 3, but string and dir would have
4 elements, string[3] would be the number of segment
curves for the user defined cross template, and dir[3]
would be the direction for the user defined template.
The tags for the user defined template would be added
onto the end of the id array.
int num Total number of string cross
(min=2, max=150)
int string[ ] Total number of segment curves/
sketch identifier of each string
(min=1, max=402)
int dir[ ] Direction of each string cross
1 = Start to end
-1 = End to start
tag_t id[ ] Identifier of cross curve or
the section builder object tags, but not both
UF_STRING_p_t s_spine ,/* <I>
Pointer to the spine list structure.
int num Total number of spine string
(min=0, max=1)
int string[ ] Total number of segment curves/
sketch identifier of each spine
string (min=1, max=402)
int dir[ ] Direction of each spine string
1 = Start to end
-1 = End to start
tag_t id[ ] Identifier of spine curve or
the section builder object tags, but not both
int * end_point ,/* <I>
Curve end point.
0 = Do not use end point
1 = Curve of first primary string
2 = Curve of last primary string
3 = Both
int * emphasis ,/* <I>
Emphasis flag
1 = Primary curves
2 = Cross curves
3 = Both
int * spline_pts ,/* <I>
Spline points flag:
0 = Do not reparameterize curves
1 = Reparameterize through spline points
int simple ,/* <I>
Simple math option
0 : do not use simple creation
1 : use simple creation with system defined templates
2 : use simple creation with user supplied template for
primary curves. The user supplied template string will be
passed at the end of the s_prim structure above.
3 : use simple creation with user supplied template for cross
curves. The user supplied template string will be passed
at the end of the s_cross structure above.
4 : use simple creation with user supplied template for both
primary and cross curves. In this case the user supplied
template for primary curves will be passed at the end of the
s_prim structure above, and the user supplied template for
cross curves will be passed at the end of the s_cross
structure above.
int * body_type ,/* <I>
Type of body:
0 = Sheet (Default)
1 = Solid
UF_FEATURE_SIGN boolean ,/* <I>
The sign of the operation to be performed.
UF_NULLSIGN = create new target solid
UF_POSITIVE = add to target solid
UF_NEGATIVE = subtract from target solid
UF_UNSIGNED = intersect with target solid
tag_t target_body, /* <I>
The target body for the boolean operation
double tols[3] ,/* <I>
[0] = Distance
[1] = Angle (in radians)
[2] = Intersection
int c_num[4] ,/* <I>
Number of constraint faces or collectors of faces
[0]: First primary string
[1]: Last primary string
[2]: First cross string
[3]: Last cross string
tag_t * c_face_id[4] ,/* <I>
Pointers to object identifiers of neighbor surfaces or
4 collectors of faces from which constraints are obtained
[0] = First primary string
[1] = Last primary string
[2] = First cross string
[3] = Last cross string
int c_flag[4] ,/* <I>
Flags indicating constraint types:
0 = No constraint
1 = Tangency constraint
2 = Curvature constraint
[0] = First primary string
[1] = Last primary string
[2] = First cross string
[3] = Last cross string
tag_t * body_obj_id /* <O>
Body object identifier
Returns the creation parameters with which a Curve Mesh feature was created.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History:Original release was in V13.0.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_curve_mesh(
tag_t feature_obj_id ,/* <I>
Feature object identifier
UF_STRING_p_t s_prim ,/* <OF>
Pointer to the string list structure, containing the
data defining the primary curves used to create the
feature. See structure section of manual for details.
Use UF_MODL_free_string_list to deallocate memory.
UF_STRING_p_t s_cross ,/* <OF>
Pointer to the string list structure, containing the
data defining the cross curves used to create the
feature. See structure section of manual for details.
Use UF_MODL_free_string_list to deallocate memory.
UF_STRING_p_t s_spine ,/* <OF>
Pointer to the string list structure for the spine
string. See structure section of manual for details.
Use UF_MODL_free_string_list to deallocate memory.
int * emphasis ,/* <O>
Emphasis flag
1 = Primary curves
2 = Cross curves
3 = Both
int * body_type ,/* <O>
Type of body:
0 = Sheet
1 = Solid
int * spline_pts ,/* <O>
Spline points flag:
0 = Do not reparameterize curves
1 = Reparameterize through spline points
double tol[3] ,/* <O>
[0] = Distance
[1] = Angle (in radians)
[2] = Intersection
tag_t c_face_id[4] ,/* <O>
Object identifiers of neighbor surfaces from which
constraints are obtained
[0] = first primary string
[1] = last primary string
[2] = first cross string
[3] = last cross string
No constraint is imposed on the corresponding
string if id = NULL_TAG
int c_flag[4] /* <O>
[0] = first primary string constraint type
[1] = last primary string constraint type
[2] = first cross string constraint type
[3] = last cross string constraint type
The constraint types are as follows:
0 = no constraint
1 = tangency constraint
2 = curvature constraint
Creates a feature through a collection of curves in one direction. The
following restrictions apply:
1. The first segment curve of each primary/cross/spine is a starting curve.
2. If single patch, then vdegree = 0, vclose = 0 (open.) The output of this
function is the object identifier associated to the feature.
3. If alignment is set to Spline Points, the input sections must all be
single B-curves with the same number of defining points.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_thru_curves1
See the glossary definition for periodic.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_thru_curves(
UF_STRING_p_t s_section ,/* <I>
Pointer to the section list structure.
int num Total number of section string
(min=2, max=150)
int string[ ] Total number of segment curves/
sketch identifier of each section
(min=1, max =402)
int dir[ ] Direction of each section string
1 = Start to end
-1 = End to start
tag_t id[ ] Identifier of section curve or
the section builder object tags, but not both
UF_STRING_p_t s_spine ,/* <I>
Pointer to the spine list structure.
(for alignment = 5)
int num Total number of spine string
(min=0, max=1)
int string[ ] Total number of segment curves/
sketch identifier of each spine
(min=1, max=402)
int dir[ ] Direction of each spine string
1 = Start to end
-1 = End to start
tag_t id[ ] Identifier of spine curve or
the section builder object tags, but not both
int * patch ,/* <I>
Patch type
1 = Single (Bezier)
2 = Multiple (B-spline)
int * alignment ,/* <I>
Alignment method
1 = Parameter
2 = Arc length
3 = Distance
4 = Angles
5= Spine curves
6 = Spline Points
double value[6] ,/* <I>
Data for alignment method:
[0-2] = 3D vector defining direction line
(for alignment = 3)
[0-5] = Coordinates of line defining the axis
of revolution for planes
(for alignment = 4)
int * vdegree ,/* <I>
Degree of surface in V direction. For patch=2, 0 < vdegree <= (s_section.num-1)
int * vstatus ,/* <I>
Periodic status of surface in V direction:
0 = Open
1 = Closed
(at least s_section->num > 2)
int * body_type ,/* <I>
Type of body=
0 = Sheet (Default)
1 = Solid
UF_FEATURE_SIGN boolean ,/* <I>
The sign of the operation to be performed.
UF_NULLSIGN = create new target solid
UF_POSITIVE = add to target solid
UF_NEGATIVE = subtract from target solid
UF_UNSIGNED = intersect with target solid
double tol[3] ,/* <I>
[0] = Distance
[1] = Angle (in radians)
[2] = Intersection
tag_t c_face_id[2] ,/* <I>
Object identifiers of neighbor surfaces
or collectors of faces from which constraints are obtained
[0] = first section string
[1] = last section string
int c_flag[2] ,/* <I>
Flags indicating constraint types:
0 = no constraint
1 = tangency constraint
2 = curvature constraint
[0] = first primary string
[1] = last primary string
tag_t * body_obj_id /* <O>
Body object identifier
Creates a feature through a collection of curves in one direction.
This function behaves like UF_MODL_create_thru_curves with an extra input
for passing in the target body for the boolean operation.
If body_type is solid (1) and the sign of the operation to be performed is
not create, then the target body is required.
The following restrictions apply:
1. The first segment curve of each primary/cross/spine is a starting curve.
2. If single patch, then vdegree = 0, vclose = 0 (open.) The output of this
function is the object identifier associated to the feature.
3. If alignment is set to Spline Points, the input sections must all be
single B-curves with the same number of defining points.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_thru_curves
History: Originally released in V16.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_thru_curves1(
UF_STRING_p_t s_section ,/* <I>
Pointer to the section list structure.
When simple option is 2, then the user supplied
template string must be added as the last item
of this section string structure, but the number of
section strings will not be increased. For example,
to create a feature using 3 section strings and
a user defined template (simple option = 2),
num would be 3, but string and dir would have 4
elements, string[3] would be the number of segment
curves for the user defined template, and dir[3] would
be the direction for the user defined template. The
tags for the user defined template would be added onto
the end of the id array.
int num Total number of section strings
(min=2, max=150)
int string[ ] Total number of segment curves/
sketch identifier of each section
string (min=1, max =402)
int dir[ ] Direction of each section string
1 = Start to end
-1 = End to start
tag_t id[ ] Identifier of section curve or
the section builder object tags, but not both
UF_STRING_p_t s_spine ,/* <I>
Pointer to the spine list structure (for alignment = 5).
int num Total number of spine string
(min=0, max=1)
int string[ ] Total number of segment curves/
sketch identifier of each spine string
(min=1, max=402)
int dir[ ] Direction of each spine string
1 = Start to end
-1 = End to start
tag_t id[ ] Identifier of spine curve or
the section builder object tags, but not both
int * patch ,/* <I>
Patch type.
1 = Single (Bezier)
2 = Multiple (B-spline)
int * alignment ,/* <I>
Alignment method.
1 = Parameter
2 = Arc length
3 = Distance
4 = Angles
5 = Spine curves
6 = Spline Points
double value[6] ,/* <I>
Data for alignment method.
[0-2] = 3D vector defining direction line (alignment = 3)
[0-5] = Coordinates of line defining the axis of
revolution for planes (alignment = 4)
int * vdegree ,/* <I>
Degree of surface in V direction. For patch=2, 0< vdegree <= (s_section.num-1)
int * vstatus ,/* <I>
Periodic status of surface in V direction.
0 = Open
1 = Closed (At least three section curves are required).
int simple ,/* <I>
Simple math option
0 : do not use simple creation
1 : use simple creation with system defined template
2 : use simple creation with user supplied template. The user
supplied template will be passed at the end of the s_section
structure above.
int * body_type ,/* <I>
Type of body.
0 = Sheet (Default)
1 = Solid
UF_FEATURE_SIGN boolean ,/* <I>
The sign of the operation to be performed.
UF_NULLSIGN = create new target solid
UF_POSITIVE = add to target solid
UF_NEGATIVE = subtract from target solid
UF_UNSIGNED = intersect with target solid
tag_t target_body,/* <I>
The target body for the boolean operation.
double tols[3] ,/* <I>
[0] = Distance
[1] = Angle (in radians)
[2] = Intersection
int c_num[2] , /* <I>
Number of constraint faces or collectors of faces.
[0] = First section string
[1] = Last section string
tag_t * c_face_id[2] ,/* <I>
Pointers to object identifiers of neighbor surfaces or
2 collectors of faces
from which constraints are obtained
[0] = First section string
[1] = Last section string
int c_flag[2] ,/* <I>
Flags indicating constraint types.
0 = No constraint
1 = Tangency constraint
2 = Curvature constraint
[0] = First section string
[1] = Last section string
int c_dir ,/* <I>
Constraint direction.
0 = Not specified
1 = Isoparametric
2 = Normal to the string
tag_t * body_obj_id /* <O>
Body object identifier.
Returns the creation data for a Thru Curves feature.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History: Original release was in V13.0.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_thru_curves(
tag_t feature_obj_id ,/* <I>
Feature object identifier
UF_STRING_p_t s_section ,/* <OF>
Pointer to the string list structure, containing the
data for the section curves used to create the
feature. See structure section of manual for details.
Use UF_MODL_free_string_list to deallocate memory.
UF_STRING_p_t s_spine ,/* <OF>
Pointer to the string list structure for the spine
string. (for alignment = 5).
Use UF_MODL_free_string_list to deallocate memory.
int * patch ,/* <O>
Patch type
1 = Single (Bezier)
2 = Multiple (B-spline)
int * alignment ,/* <O>
Alignment method
1 = Parameter
2 = Arc length
3 = Distance
4 = Angles
5= Spine curves
6 = Spline Points
double value[6] ,/* <O>
Data for alignment method:
[0-2] = 3D vector defining direction line
(for alignment = 3)
[0-5] = Coordinates of line defining the axis
of revolution for planes
(for alignment = 4)
int * vdegree ,/* <O>
Degree of surface in V direction
int * vstatus ,/* <O>
Periodic status of surface in V direction:
0 = Open
1 = Closed
(at least s_section->num > 2)
int * body_type ,/* <O>
Type of body, 0 = Sheet, 1 = Solid
double tol[3] ,/* <O>
[0] = Distance
[1] = Angle (in radians)
[2] = Intersection
tag_t c_face_id[2] ,/* <O>
Object identifiers of neighbor surfaces from which
constraints are obtained
[0] = first section string
[1] = last section string
int c_flag[2] /* <O>
[0] = first primary string constraint type
[1] = last primary string constraint type
The constraint types are as follows:
0 = no constraint
1 = tangency constraint
2 = curvature constraint
Allows you to create free form features by the variable offset method.
You need a base surface and four offset distances from four points on
the surface.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_variable_offset(
tag_t base_sheet ,/* <I>
Face or body id of the base sheet
char * dist[4] ,/* <I>
Variable offset distances
double uv_param[8] ,/* <I>
uv parameters of four specified points
tag_t * varoff_sheet /* <O>
Body id of the offset sheet
Redefine the base face of a free form offset feature.
Environment:Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_change_offset_base_face
tag_t offset_feature, /* <I>
Offset feature
tag_t new_base_face /* <I>
New base face
Trims or extends a B-surface depending on the trim parameter
values specified. The maximum values must be greater than the
minimum values.
The function trims when the parameter values lie in the range
between 0 and 1. The function extends when the parameter values are
outside the range 0 and 1 (e.g. Umin = -0.1 and Umax = 1.1 would
extend a B-surface in the U direction). Some B-surfaces, when extended
with large trim parameter values, may give unpredictable results.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_isotrim_face(
tag_t * sheet_id ,/* <I/O>
Face or body identifier of the sheet to be trimmed, on
output the identifier of the first face.
double trim_param[4] /* <I>
Trim parameters:
trim_param[0] = U minimum value
trim_param[1] = U maximum value
trim_param[2] = V minimum value
trim_param[3] = V maximum value
Iso-divides a B-surface using the specified parameter and direction.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_isodivide_face(
tag_t * sheet_id ,/* <I/O>
Input: Face or body identifier of the sheet to be divided
Output: First sheet identifier after division
double div_param ,/* <I>
Division value:
0 < div_param < 1 divides the surface into two
int div_dir ,/* <I>
Division direction:
0 = constant U
1 = constant V
tag_t * second_sheet_id /* <O>
Second sheet identifier after division
Creates a single, bicubic, b-surface, sheet body that approximates a
four-sided region of several existing faces. The driver curves or
B-surface must lie inside the boundary of the target surfaces.
Basically, points on a "driver" surface are projected along some given
vector or along the driver surface normal vectors onto the "target"
faces (the ones being approximated). These projected points are then
used to construct the approximating sheet body. You can think of the
projection as a process of emitting a ray from each original point to
hit the target faces.
The accuracy of the approximated sheet body depends on the supplied
tolerances. See the section on tolerances for more information.
Projection Type, Vector, and Size Limit (tol[4])
If the proj_type is set to use driver surface normal, then you do not
need to supply any data for the projection vector (it is ignored if you
do). Otherwise, a projection vector must be specified.
When using surface normal projections, you may supply a tolerance
value (tol[4]). This value helps the algorithm decide which point on
the approximating faces to use if the faces bend around and the
emitted ray finds two intersection points. A value of zero causes the
system to default to 10 times the interior distance tolerance. If your
driver is far from the target (more than 10 times the tolerance), then
you should adjust the projection size limits.
Driver Type
Internally, the driver is always a b-surface. However, for
convenience, we allow you to select a mesh of curves, instead of a
surface. We just build a b-surface internally from this mesh of curves.
Therefore, when you use curves as drivers, they must satisfy all the
conditions required for building a curve-mesh free form.
The last driver type option, self-refit, provides a short-cut way to
approximate a single untrimmed b-surface. You might do this if you are
given a surface of high degree and you want to approximate it with a lower
degree surface (the reparameterize function always outputs bicubic surfaces,
i.e. surfaces of degree 3 in both the U and V directions).
Overlap Checking
If this option is set to "Yes," then the system checks for and tries to
handle overlapping faces. The system tries to intersect each ray with
all nearby faces, and finds the "uppermost" projection point. This can
be a time exhaustive process. If the overlap option is set to "No," the
algorithm assumes that each emitted ray can only hit one target face,
so it stops and proceeds to the next ray as soon as it finds a hit. This is
less time exhaustive if the target faces do not actually overlap, or if
they are close together in the regions where they do overlap.
The primary and cross curves are only necessary if you indicate the
driver type to be curves. The number of primary and cross curves must
be at least two and less than 50. The number of curves and the curve
tags are ignored if you specify a driver type other than curve. The
curves are going to be used to build a curve-mesh free form.
Therefore, each primary curve must intersect each of the cross curves
once and only once. If you suspect your curves are inappropriate, you
might want to build the curve-mesh free form body yourself before
using the reparameterize function.
If you have specified a driver type of face or self-refit, than specify
the appropriate face tag. Obviously, using an existing driver surface is
much more convenient than using the same set of driving curves over
and over again. So, if you are using the function repeatedly in a loop,
it might be worth constructing the b-surface sheet body to use as a driver.
This allows you to specify the tolerances to be used in the
approximation process. The algorithm actually starts out with a very
simple approximating surface (which is unlikely to be within
tolerance) and then gradually makes it more complex until it is able to
replicate the original shape to within the specified tolerances. Using
tighter tolerances produces a more complex result, and this consumes
storage space and slows down all subsequent operations. Therefore,
the tolerances you use should not be any tighter than they need to be.
We expect the algorithm to be used with distance tolerances of around
.039 to 0.195 inches (1 to 5 mm) and angular tolerances of 2 to 20
degrees. If you use tight angular tolerances on very wavy surfaces, the
algorithm generates huge number of patches. If you set both angular
tolerances to 90 degrees, then angular deviation in not even checked,
which greatly speeds up processing.
To achieve reasonable performance, the algorithm does not rigorously
check the deviation between the approximating face and the originals.
We actually just check a small array of points on each patch of the
approximating face. Experience has shown that this is a reasonable
way to estimate the actual error in practical cases, though one could
certainly construct pathological examples where this approach would fail.
Tighter tolerances may be specified at the edges to assure better
alignment with adjacent faces. Looser tolerances in the interior may
be specified to allow a simpler face to be created.
Target Faces
Faces can lie on a single body or on multiple bodies. Only face tags
may be used. This parameter is ignored if you specified the self-refit
option for driver type.
The function returns the tag of the created sheet body and a flag
stating where the surface was able to meet tolerance. The tolerance
flag has no meaning if a body was not created. The face created is a
bicubic b-surface with double knots, which means it is C1 continuous
See glossary
In other words, the face is smooth, it does not have any sharp ridges
or cusps. The resulting body is not associative to the input data.
The sheet body may not reach tolerance if, during the approximation
process, one of the patches is found to be smaller in width or length
than the inside distance tolerance. This usually indicates a
perturbation or other anomaly in a region of one of the input faces.
You may wish to analyze the resulting face for deviations, validity, and
shape. The algorithm does not really make any attempt to preserve
the "character" of the input faces, it just tries to stay within tolerance.
Small features sometimes get smoothed away and extraneous wrinkles
may be introduced, especially in areas with tight curvature.
Tips and Techniques
The algorithm assumes that your input faces are reasonably clean. It is
designed to handle certain types of anomalies, such as small gaps
(up to approximately 1mm) overlaps, providing the overlapping faces are
roughly the same height, very thin faces (up to 0.1 mm wide) and duplicate
In all of the figures that follow in this tips and techniques section we show
a side view of the driver surface and target faces. The driver surface is
always shown above the target faces. However, the approximation process has
difficulties handling input data in which there are extraneous faces that are
at different heights from the desired face.
overlapping faces that are at different heights
faces that have not been properly trimmed back (for example, when filleted)
sharp ridges, where faces do not join smoothly
backdrafts and undercuts nearly vertical walls.
For simple shapes, with loose tolerances, a brute force approach, using
just four drive curves, might work okay. But taking some care in the
constructing drive curves is usually worth the extra effort. If your
target face includes feature lines like long ridges or valleys with
small radius of curvature in one direction, you should try to construct
driver curves that run roughly parallel to these. This makes it much
easier for the algorithm to achieve tolerance using a reasonably small
number of patches.
It may be a good idea to build several approximating faces, and then sew
them together, instead of trying to approximate the entire area with a
single face. This often produces less data and smaller models. One reason
for this is the natural patch structure for b-surfaces. The "seams" between
patches on a single surface must always run all the way across the surface,
from one edge to the opposite edge. This means that any complexity that gets
introduced into the surface in one area propagates across the entire
surface. If you approximate different regions separately, you can sew
the approximating face together into a sheet body.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: Refer to example
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_reparam_sheet(
int proj_type ,/* <I>
Type of projection
0 = Use input vector
1 = Use driver surface normal
int drv_type ,/* <I>
Type of drive
0 = Curves
1 = Face (B-surface type)
2 = Self-refit (B-surface type)
int check_overlap ,/* <I>
Flag for controlling the overlap checking
0 = No
1 = Yes
int num_primary ,/* <I>
Number of primary curves
tag_t * prim_cvs ,/* <I>
Object identifiers of the primary curves (face object
identifier, if drv_typ != 0)
int num_cross ,/* <I>
Number of cross curves
tag_t * cros_cvs ,/* <I>
Object identifiers of the cross curves
double * proj_vec ,/* <I>
Projection vector
int num_fs ,/* <I>
Number of target faces
tag_t * faces ,/* <I>
Object identifiers of the target faces
double tols[5] ,/* <I>
[0] = Distance tolerance in interior of surface
[1] = Angular tolerance (in degrees) in interior of
[2] = Outside edge distance tolerance
[3] = Outside edge angular tolerance (in degrees)
[4] = Projection size limit (0 - if no limit)
tag_t * new_face ,/* <O>
Object identifier of the resultant face
int * tol_achieved /* <O>
Flag indicating that the resultant face achieved the
tolerance requirements.
0 = No
1 = Yes
Sets the free form construction result preference. This preference
controls free form feature creation in the Through Curves, Through
Curves Mesh, Swept, and Ruled functions. If the free form
construction result is 0 and the selected curves are coplanar, a
bounded plane is created. Otherwise, a B-surface is created.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_set_free_form_result(
int free_form_result /* <I>
free form construction result preference
0 = create bounded plane, if selected curves are coplanar.
1 = always create B-surface.
Returns the the current setting of the free form construction result
preference. This preference controls free form feature creation in
Through Curves, Through Curves Mesh, Swept, and Ruled functions.
If the free form construction result is 0 and the selected curves are
coplanar, a bounded plane is created. Otherwise, a B-surface is
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_free_form_result(
int * free_form_result /* <O>
free form construction result preference
0 = create bounded plane, if selected curves are
1 = always create B-surface.
Creates the enlarged sheet to the specified type and percentage of based face.
Base face may not be periodic.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History: This function is provided in v17 initially.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_enlarge(
tag_t face, /* <I> tag of the base face of the enlarged sheet */
int type, /* <I> enlarge extension type: 0-linear extension; 1-natural extension */
char *percent_size[4], /* <I> Array of the percent increase for the surface parameters. These are character
pointers to allow for input expressions.
For linear type extensions, the range is from [0, 100], with 0 meaning no increase,
and 100 meaning a 100% increase.
For natural type extensions, the range is from [-99, +100], with -99 meaning a 99%
decrease or shrinkage of the surface, and +100 meaning a 100% increase.
percent_size[0] is the percent for U-min
percent_size[1] is the percent for U-max
percent_size[2] is the percent for V-min
percent_size[3] is the percent for V-max */
double tolerance, /* <I> Distance tolerance for approximations. */
tag_t *feat_obj_tag /* <O> tag of the feature record of the enlarged sheet */
Modifies data of the input enlarged sheet feature to the specified type and size
conditions in the inputs.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History: This function is provided in v17 initially.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_enlarge(
tag_t feat_obj_tag, /* <I> tag of the feature record of the enlarged sheet */
int type, /* <I> enlarge extension type: 0-linear extension; 1-natural extension */
char *percent_size[4], /* <I> Array of the percent increase for the surface parameters. These are character
pointers to allow for input expressions.
For linear type extensions, the range is from [0, 100], with 0 meaning no increase,
and 100 meaning a 100% increase.
For natural type extensions, the range is from [-99, +100], with -99 meaning a 99%
decrease or shrinkage of the surface, and +100 meaning a 100% increase.
percent_size[0] is the percent for U-min
percent_size[1] is the percent for U-max
percent_size[2] is the percent for V-min
percent_size[3] is the percent for V-max */
double tolerance /* <I> Distance tolerance for approximations. */
Returns the information stored in the record of the input enlarged sheet feature.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History: This function is provided in v17 initially.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_enlarge(
tag_t feat_obj_tag, /* <I> tag of the feature record of the enlarged sheet */
tag_t *face, /* <O> tag of the base face of the enlarged sheet */
int *type, /* <O> enlarge extension type: 0-linear extension; 1-natural extension */
char *percent_size[4], /* <OF> Array of the percent increase for the surface parameters. These are character
pointers to allow for input expressions.
For linear type extensions, the range is from [0 ,100], with 0 meaning no increase,
and 100 meaning a 100% increase.
For natural type extensions, the range is from [-99, +100], with -99 meaning a 99%
decrease or shrinkage of the surface, and +100 meaning a 100% increase.
percent_size[0] is the percent for U-min
percent_size[1] is the percent for U-max
percent_size[2] is the percent for V-min
percent_size[3] is the percent for V-max
This array must be free by calling
UF_free ( percent_size[0])
UF_free ( percent_size[1])
UF_free ( percent_size[2])
UF_free ( percent_size[3]) */
double *tolerance /* <O> Distance tolerance for approximations */
This function will create a rough offset feature.
Environment : Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_ask_rough_offset
History : Released in V18.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_rough_offset (
UF_MODL_rough_offset_p_t parms, /* <I> Parameters for a
Rough Offset feature*/
tag_t *feature_tag /* <O> Rough Offset Feature */
This function will edit a rough offset feature.
Environment : Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_ask_rough_offset
History : Released in V18.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_rough_offset (
tag_t feature_tag, /* <I> Feature to be queried */
UF_MODL_rough_offset_p_t parms /* <I> New parameters for changing
a Rough Offset feature*/
This function will inquire and return parameters of a rough offset feature.
Environment : Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_rough_offset
History : Released in V18.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_rough_offset (
tag_t feature_tag, /* <I> Feature to be queried */
UF_MODL_rough_offset_p_t parms /* <OF> Parameters for a
Rough Offset feature*/
This function will free the entity list in the parameters data structure of a rough offset feature.
Environment : Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_rough_offset
History : Released in V18.0
extern UFUNEXPORT void UF_MODL_free_rough_offset_data (
UF_MODL_rough_offset_p_t parms /* <I> parameters to be deleted */
Creates Law Extension feature from the Law Extension Open API data structure.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_edit_law_extension
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_law_extension
UF_MODL_lawext_data_p_t law_extension_data, /* <I> Law Extension Open
API data structure. */
tag_p_t law_extension /* <O> Law Extension feature
object identifier. */
Edits existing Law Extension feature based on the Law Extension Open API
data structure.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_law_extension
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_law_extension
UF_MODL_lawext_data_p_t law_extension_data, /* <I> Law Extension Open
API data structure. */
tag_t law_extension /* <I> Law Extension feature
object identifier. */
Inquires Law Extension feature and populates Law Extension Open API data
structure. A copy of length and angle law is provided in the data structure.
The memory allocated for the structure may be freed using
This function will always return an array of faces no matter if that array
is defined by a collection. See UF_MODL_ask_law_extension1() for the
collector enabled version of this function.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_law_extension
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_law_extension
tag_t law_extension, /* <I> Law Extension feature
object identifier. */
UF_MODL_lawext_data_p_t law_extension_data /* <O> Law Extension Open
API data structure. */
Inquires Law Extension feature and populates Law Extension Open API data
structure. A copy of length and angle law is provided in the data structure.
The memory allocated for the structure may be freed using
If this is a collector enabled Law Extension then the collection will be
retuned instead of the array of faces. See UF_MODL_ask_law_extension() for
the non-collector enabled version of this function.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_law_extension
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_law_extension1
tag_t law_extension, /* <I> Law Extension feature
object identifier. */
UF_MODL_lawext_data_p_t law_extension_data /* <O> Law Extension Open
API data structure. */
Deallocates memory used for a Law Extension Open API data structure.
The flag free_laws, is used to decide if distance and angle laws are to be
freed. If the laws are not freed in this function, user may use
UF_MODL_free_law() to free the laws individually.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_law_extension
extern UFUNEXPORT void UF_MODL_free_law_extension
UF_MODL_lawext_data_p_t law_extension_data, /* <I> Law Extension Open
API data structure to be
freed. */
logical free_laws /* <I> If TRUE, frees
distance and angle law else
not */
Returns the creation parameters with which a Curve Mesh feature was created.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History:Original release was in NX2.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_curve_mesh1
tag_t feature_obj_id ,/* <I>
Feature object identifier
UF_STRING_p_t s_prim ,/* <OF>
Pointer to the string list structure, containing the
section builder objects defining the primary curves
used to create the feature. See structure section of
manual for details.
Use UF_MODL_free_string_list to deallocate memory.
UF_STRING_p_t s_cross ,/* <OF>
Pointer to the string list structure, containing the
section builder objects defining the cross curves used to create the
feature. See structure section of manual for details.
Use UF_MODL_free_string_list to deallocate memory.
UF_STRING_p_t s_spine ,/* <OF>
Pointer to the string list structure for the spine
string. See structure section of manual for details.
Use UF_MODL_free_string_list to deallocate memory.
int * emphasis ,/* <O>
Emphasis flag
1 = Primary curves
2 = Cross curves
3 = Both
int * body_type ,/* <O>
Type of body:
0 = Sheet
1 = Solid
int * spline_pts ,/* <O>
Spline points flag:
0 = Do not reparameterize curves
1 = Reparameterize through spline points
double tol[3] ,/* <O>
[0] = Distance
[1] = Angle (in radians)
[2] = Intersection
tag_t c_collector_id[4] ,/* <O>
Collector containing the neighbor surfaces from which
constraints are obtained
[0] = first primary string
[1] = last primary string
[2] = first cross string
[3] = last cross string
No constraint is imposed on the corresponding
string if id = NULL_TAG
int c_flag[4] /* <O>
[0] = first primary string constraint type
[1] = last primary string constraint type
[2] = first cross string constraint type
[3] = last cross string constraint type
The constraint types are as follows:
0 = no constraint
1 = tangency constraint
2 = curvature constraint
Returns the creation data for a Thru Curves feature.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History: Original release was in NX2.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_thru_curves1
tag_t feature_obj_id ,/* <I>
Feature object identifier
UF_STRING_p_t s_section ,/* <OF>
Pointer to the string list structure, containing the
section builder objects defining the section curves used to create the
feature. See structure section of manual for details.
Use UF_MODL_free_string_list to deallocate memory.
UF_STRING_p_t s_spine ,/* <OF>
Pointer to the string list structure for the spine
string. (for alignment = 5).
Use UF_MODL_free_string_list to deallocate memory.
int * patch ,/* <O>
Patch type
1 = Single (Bezier)
2 = Multiple (B-spline)
int * alignment ,/* <O>
Alignment method
1 = Parameter
2 = Arc length
3 = Distance
4 = Angles
5= Spine curves
6 = Spline Points
double value[6] ,/* <O>
Data for alignment method:
[0-2] = 3D vector defining direction line
(for alignment = 3)
[0-5] = Coordinates of line defining the axis
of revolution for planes
(for alignment = 4)
int * vdegree ,/* <O>
Degree of surface in V direction
int * vstatus ,/* <O>
Periodic status of surface in V direction:
0 = Open
1 = Closed
(at least s_section->num > 2)
int * body_type ,/* <O>
Type of body, 0 = Sheet, 1 = Solid
double tol[3] ,/* <O>
[0] = Distance
[1] = Angle (in radians)
[2] = Intersection
tag_t c_collector_id[2] ,/* <O>
Collector containing the neighbor surfaces from which
constraints are obtained
[0] = first section string
[1] = last section string
int c_flag[2] /* <O>
[0] = first primary string constraint type
[1] = last primary string constraint type
The constraint types are as follows:
0 = no constraint
1 = tangency constraint
2 = curvature constraint
Returns the creation data for a Ruled Feature.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History:Original release was in V13.0.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_ruled1
tag_t feature_obj_id ,/* <I>
Feature object identifier
UF_STRING_p_t s_section ,/* <OF>
Pointer to the string list structure, containing the
section builder objects defining the section curves used to create the
feature. See structure section of manual for details.
Use UF_MODL_free_string_list to deallocate memory.
UF_STRING_p_t s_spine ,/* <OF>
Pointer to the string list structure for the spine
string. (for alignment = 5).
Use UF_MODL_free_string_list to deallocate memory.
int * alignment ,/* <O>
Alignment method:
1 = Parameter
2 = Arc length
3 = Distance
4 = Angles
5 = Spine curves
double value[6] ,/* <O>
Data for alignment method:
[0-2] = 3D vector defining direction line (for alignment = 3)
[0-5] = 3D start and end coordinates of line
defining the axis of revolution for planes (for alignment = 4)
int * body_type ,/* <O>
Type of body:
0 = Sheet
1 = Solid
double tols[2] /* <O>
[0] = Distance
[1] = Angle (in radians)
Creates Match Edge feature from the Match Edge Open API data structure.
The returned integer is error status: 0 for no error; 1 for no memory; 2 for creation failure; 3 for others.
The memory allocated for uf_data can be freed using UF_MODL_matchedge_free_data().
Enviroment: Internal and External.
See Also: UF_MODL_matchedge_edit_feature
History: Original release was in NX2.0.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_matchedge_create_feature
UF_MODL_matchedge_data_p_t uf_data, /* <I> Match Edge Open API data structure */
tag_t *frec_tag /* <O> Match Edge feature object identifier */
Edits existing Match Edge feature based on the Match Edge Open API data structure.
The returned integer is error status: 0 for no error; 1 for no memory; 2 for creation failure; 3 for others.
The memory allocated for uf_data can be freed using UF_MODL_matchedge_free_data().
Enviroment: Internal and External.
See Also: UF_MODL_matchedge_create_feature
History: Original release was in NX2.0.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_matchedge_edit_feature
UF_MODL_matchedge_data_p_t uf_data, /* <I> Match Edge Open API data structure */
tag_t frec_tag /* <I> Match Edge feature object identifier */
Inquires Match Edge feature and populates Match Edge Open API data structure.
The memory allocated for the structure may be freed using UF_MODL_matchedge_free_data().
Enviroment: Internal and External.
See Also: UF_MODL_matchedge_create_feature
History: Original release was in NX2.0.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_matchedge_ask_data
tag_t medge_tag, /* <I> Match Edge feature object identifier */
UF_MODL_matchedge_data_p_t *uf_medge /* <OF>
Match Edge Open API data structure */
Deallocates memory used for a Match Edge Open API data structure.
Enviroment: Internal and External.
See Also: UF_MODL_matchedge_create_feature
History: Original release was in NX2.0.
extern UFUNEXPORT void UF_MODL_matchedge_free_data
UF_MODL_matchedge_data_p_t medge_data /* <I> Match Edge Open API data structure to be freed */
);/* */
Computes the edge/edeg deviations after using UF_MODL_matchedge_create_feature()
or UF_MODL_matchedge_edit_feature().
Enviroment: Internal and External.
See Also: UF_MODL_matchedge_create_feature
History: Original release was in NX2.0.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_matchedge_check
UF_MODL_matchedge_data_t* uf_data, /* <I> Match Edge Open API data structure */
int continuity, /* <I> 0, 1, 2, or 3, for desired continuity check */
int num_pnts, /* <I> number of points used in computing deviations */
double* deviation /* <O> array of deviations, its length is 1 + continuity,
deviation[0] for G0 deviation,
deviation[1] for G1 deviation in degree,
deviation[2] for relative G2 deviation,
deviation[3] for relative G3 deviation*/
Creates Refit Face feature from the Refit Face Open API data structure.
This will always create a new feature rather than modifying the parent feature.
This works like interactive NXwhen Preferences -> Modeling -> Free Form has
the Associative Freeform Editing option toggled to ON.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_edit_refit_face_feature
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_refit_face_feature
UF_MODL_refit_face_data_p_t refit_data, /* <I> Refit Face Open API data structure. */
tag_p_t refit /* <O> Refit Face feature object identifier. */
Edits existing Refit Face feature based on the Refit Face Open API data
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_refit_face_feature
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_refit_face_feature
UF_MODL_refit_face_data_p_t refit_data, /* <I> Refit Face Open API data structure. */
tag_t refit /* <I> Refit Face feature object identifier. */
Inquires Refit Face feature and populates Refit Face Open API data
structure. The memory allocated for the structure may be freed using
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_refit_face_feature
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_refit_face_feature_data
tag_t refit, /* <I> Refit Face feature object identifier. */
UF_MODL_refit_face_data_p_t refit_data /* <O> Refit Face Open API data structure. */
Deallocates memory used for a Refit Face Open API data structure.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_refit_face_feature
extern UFUNEXPORT void UF_MODL_free_refit_face_feature_data
UF_MODL_refit_face_data_p_t refit_data /* <I> Refit Face Open API data structure. */
Creates a Snip Surface Feature using the Snip surface Open API data structure.
Make sure the following items are initialized properly:
usr_data->edit_face != 0
usr_data->project_method <= 3
usr_data->refit_method <= 3
usr_data->refit_degree > 0
usr_data->refit_degree < 25
usr_data->refit_patches > 0
usr_data->refit_patches < 1000
Minimum five parameters are required to be specified as follows:
1.Edit face
2.One of the types of bounding objects
3.Type of operation (snipping or divide)
4.Region point
5.Surface refitting method
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_snip_surface_feature
History: First released in NX2
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_snip_surface_feature
UF_MODL_snipsrf_feature_data_p_t usr_data, /* <I> */
tag_p_t snip_tag /* <O> */
Edits an existing Snip Surface feature based on an Open API data structure.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_snip_surface_feature
History: First released in NX2
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_snip_surface_feature
UF_MODL_snipsrf_feature_data_p_t usr_data, /* <I> */
tag_t snip /* <I> */
Deallocates memory used for a Snip Surface Open API data structure.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_snip_surface_feature
History: First released in NX2
extern UFUNEXPORT void UF_MODL_free_snip_surface_feature_data
UF_MODL_snipsrf_feature_data_p_t usr_data_ptr /* <I> */
Populates Snip Surface Open API data structure of a Snip Surface feature. The
memory allocated for the structure may be freed using UF_MODL_free_snip_surface
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_snip_surface_feature
History: First released in NX2
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_snip_surface_feature_data
tag_t snip, /* <I> */
UF_MODL_snipsrf_feature_data_p_t ask_usr_data_ptr /* <O> */
Initializes Silhouette Flange Open API data structure.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_edit_silhouette_flange
History: First released in NX4
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_init_silhouette_flange_data
UF_MODL_sflange_data_p_t sflange_data /* <O> Silhouette Flange Open API
data structure. */
Creates Silhouette Flange feature from the Silhouette Flange Open API data structure.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_edit_silhouette_flange
History: First released in NX3
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_silhouette_flange
UF_MODL_sflange_data_p_t sflange_data, /* <I> Silhouette Flange Open API
data structure. */
tag_t *sflange_tag /* <O> Silhouette Flange feature
object identifier. */
Creates Pipe of Silhouette Flange from the Silhouette Flange Open API data structure.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_edit_silhouette_flange
History: First released in NX3
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_silhouette_flange_pipe
UF_MODL_sflange_data_p_t sflange_data, /* <I> Silhouette Flange Open API
data structure. */
tag_t *centerline_tag /* <O> Centerline curve object identifier
of the pipe of Silhouette Flange. */
Edits existing Silhouette Flange feature based on the Silhouette Flange Open API
data structure.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_silhouette_flange
History: First released in NX3
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_silhouette_flange
UF_MODL_sflange_data_p_t sflange_data, /* <I> Silhouette Flange Open API
data structure. */
tag_t sflange_tag /* <I> Silhouette Flange feature
object identifier. */
Inquires Silhouette Flange feature and populates Silhouette Flange Open API data
structure. A copy of length and angle law is provided in the data structure.
The memory allocated for the structure may be freed using
This function will always return an array of faces no matter if that array
is defined by a collection.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_silhouette_flange
History: First released in NX3
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_silhouette_flange
tag_t sflange_tag, /* <I> Silhouette Flange feature
object identifier. */
UF_MODL_sflange_data_p_t sflange_data /* <O> Silhouette Flange Open API
data structure. */
Deallocates memory used for a Silhouette Flange Open API data structure.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_silhouette_flange
History: First released in NX3
extern UFUNEXPORT void UF_MODL_free_silhouette_flange
UF_MODL_sflange_data_p_t sflange_data /* <I> Silhouette Flange Open API
data structure to be freed. */
Three (4) User Functions for the Styled Corner Surface Feature using
its NX Open API data structure:
1. To CREATE from data structure the Styled Corner Surface Feature, use
2. To EDIT the Styled Corner Surface Feature, use
3. To GET DATA from the Styled Corner Surface Feature, use
4. To INITIALIZE DATA for a Styled Corner Surface Feature,
Creates an Styled Corner Surface Feature using its NX Open API data structure.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_stycorner
History: First released in NX3
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_stycorner
UF_MODL_stycorner_data_p_t styled_corner_data, /* <I> Styled corner NX Open
API data structure. */
tag_t *frec_tag /* <O> the object identifier to be created */
Edit an Styled Corner Surface Feature using its NX Open API data structure.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_stycorner
History: First released in NX3
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_stycorner
UF_MODL_stycorner_data_p_t styled_corner_data, /* <I> Styled corner NX Open
API data structure. */
tag_t frec_tag /* <I> the object identifier to be edited */
Get an Styled Corner Surface Feature data from its NX Open API data structure.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_stycorner
History: First released in NX3
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_stycorner_data
tag_t frec_tag, /* <I> Styled corner feature
object identifier. */
UF_MODL_stycorner_data_p_t styled_corner_data_out /* <O> Styled corner NX Open
API data structure. */
Initialize data for Styled Corner Surface Feature NX Open API data structure.
The following values are set for the Styled Corner data:
.num_base_faces = 0;
.base_faces = NULENT;
.blend_faces[3] = NULTAG;
.is_rectangular = 0;
.interior_opt = 0;
.trim_attach_opt = 0;
.boundary_conds[4]= 1;
.crv_opt[4].depth = .500;
.crv_opt[4].skew = .500;
.crv_opt[4].start_tagmag = 1.0;
.crv_opt[4].end_tagmag = 1.0;
.crv_opt[4].shape_control = 1;
.trim_curve_opt[2] = 2;
.interior_iso_u_crv_end_params[2]= 0.5;
.interior_iso_v_crv_end_params[2]= 0.5;
.dist_tol = 0.001;
.angle_tol = 0.1;
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_stycorner
History: First released in NX3
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_init_stycorner_data
UF_MODL_stycorner_data_p_t styled_corner_data /* <I/O> Styled corner NX Open
API data structure. */
Creates Styled Sweep feature from the Styled Sweep Open API data structure.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_edit_styled_sweep_feature
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_styled_sweep_feature
UF_MODL_styled_sweep_data_p_t styled_sweep_data, /* <I> Styled Sweep Open API data structure. */
tag_p_t styswp /* <O> Styled Sweep feature object identifier. */
Edits existing Styled Sweep feature based on the Styled Sweep Open API data
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_styled_sweep_feature
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_styled_sweep_feature
UF_MODL_styled_sweep_data_p_t styled_sweep_data, /* <I> Styled Sweep Open API data structure. */
tag_t styswp /* <I> Styled Sweep feature object identifier. */
Inquires Styled Sweep feature and populates Styled Sweep Open API data
structure. The memory allocated for the structure may be freed using
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_styled_sweep_feature
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_styled_sweep_feature_data
tag_t styswp, /* <I> Styled Sweep feature object identifier. */
UF_MODL_styled_sweep_data_p_t styled_sweep_data /* <O> Styled Sweep Open API data structure. */
Deallocates memory used for a Styled Sweep Open API data structure.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: UF_MODL_create_styled_sweep_feature
extern UFUNEXPORT void UF_MODL_free_styled_sweep_feature_data
UF_MODL_styled_sweep_data_p_t styled_sweep_data /* <I> Styled Sweep Open API data structure. */