! DIRECTORY Library directory.
$ DIRECTORY Library directory.
ABEND An abnormal ending to a user program caused by a
user error, application program error, or system
ABSOLUTE SYSTEM - A coordinate system in which all locations are
dimensioned and programmed from a fixed or
absolute zero point.
ADDRESSABLE POINT - Any position in the device space to which the display
writer may be directed. These positions are specified
by coordinates. Such addressable positions are finite
in number and form a discrete grid over the device
ALPHANUMERIC KEYBOARD - The typewriter keyboard in the console on which
the user keys in data to the system.
ANALYSIS BINARY FILE - In FEM under UFUN, this is the data file that
accumulates binary data being output by the post
processor (see UF5700).
ANGLE - In NX, an angle measured on the XY plane
of a coordinate system is positive if the direction in
which it is swept is counterclockwise, as viewed from
the positive Z-axis side of the XY plane. An angle
swept in the opposite direction is said to be negative.
BLANKED STATUS - Refers to an object (graphical or textual) being
displayed (non-blanked) or not (blanked) on the
graphics screen or message window.
BLOCKFONT - An NX character font which is the default
font used for creating text in drafting entities and
BOUNDED GEOMETRY - The geometry in which each defined object has finite
CHARACTER STRING - A string or list of alphanumeric characters.
CONTINUITY - Continuity describes the behavior of curves and
surfaces at their segment boundaries. The two types
of continuity discussed below are mathematical
continuity, denoted Cn, where n is some integer, and
geometric continuity, denoted Gn. Quoting from the
ICAD Surface Designer Reference manual, "C0
continuity implies that a common point exists
between two adjacent segments (i.e., the segments
are touching). C1 implies that there is a common
point and the first derivatives of the polynomials
(i.e., the tangent vectors) are the same. C2 implies
that the first and second derivatives are the same.
Geometric continuity is less strict than Cn continuity.
G0 and C0 are equivalent, that is, the segments are
positionally continuous. G1 implies that the tangent
vectors are equal in direction, but not magnitude.
G2 implies the curvature is the same, but the second
derivatives are not."
CONVEX POLYGON - A polygon is convex if a line joining any two interior
points of the polygon lies completely inside the
CLIPPING - Removing parts of display elements that lie outside
physical bounds (e.g., a viewport or display surface)
or logical bounds (e.g., a window).
COLOR - NX Color Workstations allow the usage of
15 basic colors on graphics screen: blue, green, cyan,
red, magenta, yellow, white, olive, pink, brown,
orange, purple, dark red, aquamarine, and grey.
CONIC - A curve which can be formed by intersecting a cone
and a plane (includes parabola, hyperbola, ellipse).
CONTROL POINT - A specific location on an existing object. A line has
three control points, both end points and the
midpoint of the line. A spline has a control point at
each knot point. An arc has two control points at
each end.
COORDINATE - An ordered set of data values, either absolute or
relative, which specifies a location in image space,
model space, or device space.
COORDINATE SYSTEM - NX object type 45; system of axes used in
specifying positions.
CROSSHAIR - Screen display of two intersecting perpendicular lines
used for position indicator to define a reference
CURSOR - A movable, visible marker on a display surface used
to indicate positions, select entities, etc. See
CURVE - A curve in NX is any line, arc, conic, or spline.
CYCLE - In NX database, refers to reading entities in
order of occurrence.
CYLINDER ENDPOINT - Points on axis of cylinder that define its length.
DATA BASE - A comprehensive collection of information referring
to the entities that make up a part.
DATA TABLET - One of the three position indicator devices available
in NX.
DATABASE SUBROUTINES - UFUN subroutines that allow user access to the
NX. database.
DIRECTORY NAME - Name of a directory file.
DISPLAY - The entities you see on the screen.
DISPLAY BUFFER - A storage device or memory area that holds all
display orders and coordinate data and/or the data
needed for image graphics to generate a display
DISPLAY CONSOLE - A hardware complex consisting of at least one display
device and usually one or more input devices such as
an alphanumeric keyboard, function keys, or graphic
input device.
DISPLAY DEVICE - A device capable of presenting display elements on a
display surface. This term usually refers to a CRT
but also includes such devices as plotters, microfilm
recorders, and page printers.
EID - Entity Identifier (Tag). The term Entity Identifier is
being replaced by Object Identifier.
ELLIPSE - In NX, a subset of CONIC object.
END POINT - An end point of a curve or an existing point.
OBJECT (GEOMETRIC) - One of the non-textual entities (objects) in
NX, including points, lines, arcs, conics, splines, and surfaces.
OBJECT (TEXTUAL) - One of the non-geometric entities in NX,
including notes, labels, ID symbols, cross-hatching,
and dimensions.
OBJECT - Records describing data in the CAD/CAM database
are organized into structures called entities.
OBJECT ATTRIBUTE - A parameter of an object added by the user.
OBJECT DENSITY - Refers to relative graphical line or character line
density (width); normal, heavy, or light.
OBJECT FONT - Refers to type of line used in graphical line display;
solid, dashed, phantom, or centerline.
OBJECT NAME - A 30 character name associated with an object.
OBJECT SUBTYPE - Subclass of object type such as an open or closed
cubic spline.
OBJECT TYPE - NX object types are numbers corresponding
to point, line, arc, etc.
FEM - Finite Element Modelling, the NX program
product is known as GFEM.
FILE - A group or unit of logically related data which is
labeled, or "named," and associated with a specific
space. In NX, parts, patterns, GRIP source,
GRIP intermediate, GRIP execution, and font object
data are all stored as files.
FILE MANAGER SUBROUTINES - UFUN subroutines that allow an applications
programmer to write their own programs to perform
file management programs.
FONT OBJECT LIBRARY - An NX library containing font object files.
Each file includes the necessary information for
displaying a particular character font. The font
object library can be accessed only through the font
management option in NX.
FONT TABLE - An ordered list of font names representing the
character fonts available for the current part.
FONTS (CHARACTER) - A set of characters designed in a certain size, width,
and spacing.
FONTS (LINE) - Various styles of lines, such as solid or dashed.
GENERAL SPLINE - In NX, a subset of SPLINE object.
GEOMETRIC MODEL - A mathematical, graphical, or logical representation
of shape and spatially related elements of real or
conceived physical objects.
GRAPHIC INPUT - The interactive process of identifying a location on
the display surface and providing coordinate data to
the application program.
GRIP - GRaphics Interactive Programming, a high-level
language that provides the user with an optional
means of operating the system. Almost any
operation which can be performed interactively in
NX can also be performed by executing the
commands of a GRIP program. It performs
mathematical computations, includes branching and
looping capabilities, and allows the use of separately
compiled subprograms.
GROUP - Logical set of NX entities. (1) A procedure
for conjoining selected entities so that they can be
treated as a single object. (2) A collection of
selected entities that are treated as a single object.
HYPERBOLA - In NX, a subset of CONIC object.
IMAGE - The display of a part that the user sees on the screen.
INTENSITY LEVEL - One of the discrete levels of brightness of the light
emitted by a CRT, usually under program control.
INTERACTIVE GRAPHICS - The use of a display console in the interactive mode,
usually involving CRT displays.
INTERACTIVE MODE - A method of operation that allows on-line,
man-machine communication. Commonly used to
enter data and to direct the course of a program.
INTERACTIVE STEP - An individual menu in a sequence of menus used in
performing an NX function which requires a
KNOT POINT - One of the points defining a spline.
LAYER - A "page" in or a partition of a part. Layers are
analogous to the transparent material used by
conventional designers. For example, the user, may
create all geometry on one layer, all text and
dimensions on a second, and tool paths on a third.
LINE DENSITY - The relative width or intensity of the image of a
visible line (e.g. light, normal, or heavy).
LINE FONT - One of the attributes of a visible line (e.g. solid,
dashed, dotted, or dot-dash).
LINE TYPE - A Synonym for Line Font
MAPPING FUNCTION - A transformation which converts the elements of one
representational system into another. The systems
may be coordinate systems or logical data structures;
e.g. model space to image space, window to view
MATRIX - NX object type 55; an array comprised of
rows and columns.
MENU - A list of options appearing in a window that allows
user to select the next program action by indicating
one or more choices with an input device.
MODEL SPACE - Absolute coordinates (no WCS). The coordinate
system of the model. May be more than
MODULE - (1) A basic group of programs and routines
associated with a specific mode of graphics operation
(e.g., NX module or GFEM module). (2) A
modular software routine which performs a single
function only.
OBJECT- One of the non-textual objects (entities) in
NX, including points, lines, arcs, conics, splines, and surfaces.
OFFSET CURVES - A group of entities (lines, arcs, etc.) that have been
constructed at a specified distance from an identical
ORIGIN - A reference point whose coordinates are all zero.
The absolute origin has display device coordinates
equal to zero. A relative origin is any logical origin
specified by the user.
PARABOLA - In NX, a subset of CONIC object.
PART FILE - The filed part database.
PART, OR MODEL - A collection of NX entities which together
may represent some object or structure.
PASSWORD - A unique character string which the operator must
supply to meet security requirements before gaining
access to certain data or functions.
PATHNAME - The treelike hierarchy of directories for locating
PERIODIC - A curve is said to be periodic if it is closed with its
start and end points being the same and with the
tangents at the start and end points being equal. A
face is said to be periodic if it is closed with its start
and end edges being the same and with the tangents
at the start and end edges being equal.
POSITION INDICATOR - A hardware device used to control the screen cursor.
The position indicators available in NX are
thumbwheels, data tablet, digitizer, and joystick.
POST ANALYSIS - In FEM, this processor refers to stress analysis
PROMPT MESSAGE - A message or menu written to display device
informing user of possible actions.
PROMPTING - Any method of informing the user of possible
actions. In graphics, this is often done by displaying
messages or a menu on the display surface or by
lighting program function keys, etc.
QUEUE - A waiting list for the use of some system resource,
such as the CPU or an input/output device.
RADIANS - Unit of angular measurement. ( 2p RADIANS =
360 degrees).
REPAINT - A function which causes the system to redraw the
entire display on the viewing screen.
RUBBER-BANDING - A technique for moving the common vertex of a set
of straight lines while the other endpoints remain
RULED SURFACE - A surface characterized or generated by straight lines
connecting corresponding points on two curves.
SCALING - Resizing a graphics display to accomplish a specific
operation or to clarify or enlarge specific areas of the
SCREEN CURSOR - A marker on the screen which the user moves around
using some position indicator device. Used for
indicating positions, selecting entities, etc. (See
SCROLLING - The continuous vertical or horizontal movement of
the display elements within a viewport. As a new
piece of data appears at one edge of the viewport,
the old piece disappears at the opposite edge.
SELECTIVE ERASE - Removal of one or more specified display items
without affecting the remainder of the display image.
SEM - Surface Edge Marker.
SILHOUETTE - In NX, the display of a surface, when not
defined by an edge curve.
SPLINE - A smooth, free-form curve defined by input points
and possibly by additional vector constraints.
STRING - A character string.
STRING ARRAY - An array of character strings.
SUBDIRECTORY - Directory file included within another directory file.
SURFACE - In NX, a surface of revolution, tabulated
cylinder, ruled surface, developable surface, fillet
surface, and sculptured surface, bounded plane,
cylinder, cone, sphere, or plane.
SURFACE GRID COUNTS - Number of lines used in surface display.
TAG - Entity Identifier.
TERMINAL - A device, usually equipped with a keyboard and
some kind of display, capable of sending and
receiving information over a communication channel.
TRIM - To shorten or extend a curve.
Open C API - A subsystem of the NX system that allows
unique programming modifications to the basic
NX system.
NX - The main CAD/CAM system.
UNBLANKED ELEMENT - A visible display element. (Contrast with
VECTOR - Straight line segment.
VIEWING PLANE - A logical output surface represented in two
dimensions. The model space is projected onto the
viewing plane and can be extended to a
three-dimensional viewing volume.
VIEWING SCREEN - The screen of the cathode ray tube (CRT) which is
used by the System for graphics display.
WCS - See Work Coordinate System.
WINDOW - An area on the display screen, specified by the user,
in which an image or view is displayed.
WINDOWING - The technique of scrolling specific portions of the
work area on a large scale to reposition the visual
WIRE FRAME MODEL - A kind of data model in which an object is
represented by its boundaries; e.g. edges and
WORK COORDINATE SYSTEM - (WCS); the coordinate system singled out by the
user for use in construction, verification, etc. The
coordinates of the WCS are called work coordinates
and are denoted by XC, YC, and ZC. The XC-YC
plane is called the work plane.
ZOOMING - Scaling all elements of a viewport to give the
appearance of having moved toward or away from a
point or object of interest.