/****************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1999 Unigraphics Solutions, Inc. Unpublished - All Rights Reserved *******************************************************************************/ /* This code assumes that a part is loaded, and that the drawing contains a member view, "TOP@1". */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void ufusr(char *param, int *retcod, int param_len) { int ifail = 0; int modeling_view = 1; int drawing_view = 2; int OK = 1; tag_t view_tag = NULL_TAG; char error_message[MAX_LINE_SIZE+1] = ""; char * view_name = "TOP@1"; char layout_name[MAX_ENTITY_NAME_SIZE+1] = ""; char work_view_name[MAX_ENTITY_NAME_SIZE+1] =""; logical is_expanded = FALSE; ifail = UF_initialize(); /* Enter the Drafting state */ if ( !ifail) ifail = uc6476(drawing_view); if ( ifail == OK ) ifail = 0; if( !ifail ) ifail = UF_VIEW_ask_tag_of_view_name( view_name, &view_tag ); /* Test and validate expansion of a drawing member view. */ if ( !ifail && view_tag ) ifail = UF_VIEW_expand_view( view_tag ); /* Ensure that the view is in the expanded state. */ if( !ifail ) ifail = UF_VIEW_is_expanded( &is_expanded ); /* Unexpand the currently expanded view. */ if ( ! ifail && is_expanded ) ifail = UF_VIEW_unexpand_work_view(); /* Enter the Modeling state. */ if ( !ifail) ifail = uc6476(modeling_view); if ( ifail == OK ) ifail = 0; /* Ask the names of the current layout and work view. */ if ( !ifail ) ifail = uc6466( layout_name, work_view_name ); if ( !ifail ) ifail = UF_VIEW_ask_tag_of_view_name( work_view_name, &view_tag ); /* Test and validate the expansion of the modeling work view. */ if ( !ifail ) ifail = UF_VIEW_expand_view( view_tag ); printf( "UF_VIEW_expand_view for %s ", work_view_name ); if( ifail ) { ifail = UF_get_fail_message( ifail, error_message ); printf( "fails.\nError is: %s\n", error_message ); } else printf( "is successful.\n" ); ifail = UF_terminate(); }