File description:
Open API modeling routines to create, edit and inquire about tapers.
#include <uf_defs.h>
#include <uf_modl_types.h>
#include <libufun_exports.h>
Creates a face taper feature using a location, direction, angle, and a
list of faces to taper. The output of this function is the object identifier
associated to the face taper.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_face_taper(
double location[] ,/* <I>
Taper location.
double direction[] ,/* <I>
Taper direction.
char * angle ,/* <I>
Taper angle.
uf_list_p_t faces ,/* <I>
List of faces to taper.
tag_t * feature_obj_id /* <O>
Feature object identifier of created face taper
Gets taper parameters.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_taper_parms(
tag_t feature_obj_id ,/* <I>
A feature object identifier
int edit ,/* <I>
This is an unused flag. It was used to determine
whether to return the right-hand side or both sides
of an expression. Currently, both sides of an
expression are returned.
char ** angle /* <OF>
Taper angle. This must be freed by calling UF_free.
Creates a taper on a specified feature.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_feature_taper(
double location[3] ,/* <I>
Location of the taper
double direction[3] ,/* <I>
Direction of the taper
char * angle ,/* <I>
Angle of taper
tag_t original_feature ,/* <I>
Identifier for the feature to be tapered.
tag_t * taper_feature /* <O>
Identifier for the tapered feature
Create a taper feature from the input edges.
Environment: Internal and External
You can input individual edges or an edge collector as the first element
of array edges[].
See Also:
History: NX2.0 added the edge collector functionality
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_taper_from_edges(
tag_t direction_tag, /* <I>
taper direction
char *angle_str, /* <I>
taper angle
logical taper_all_instances, /* <I>
all instances or else just this one
int num_edges, /* <I>
number of edges in array
tag_t edges[], /* <I>
array of edges to taper
tag_t *feature_tag /* <O>
feature eid of created feature taper
Create a split line taper. A regular taper will create multiple faces,
based on the edges supplied to the function. A split line taper will
create a single face, but the face may not meet the edges specified.
In this case sweep faces are created perpendicular to the reference
direction to accomodate the mismatch.
You can input individual edges or an edge collector as the first element
of array edges[].
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History: Originally released in V16.0
NX2.0 added the edge collector functionality
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_taper_split_line(
tag_t point_tag, /* <I> taper reference point */
tag_t direction_tag, /* <I> taper direction */
char *angle_str, /* <I> taper angle */
logical taper_all_instances, /* <I>
If TRUE, all instances will be tapered. If
FALSE, then just this instance is tapered.
int num_edges, /* <I> number of edges in array */
tag_t edges[], /* <I> array of edges to taper */
double dist_tol, /* <I> distance tolerances */
double angle_tol, /* <I> angle tolerances */
tag_t *feature_tag /* <O> feature eid of created feature taper */
Create a true taper from edges
Environment: Internal and External
You can input individual edges or an edge collector as the first element
of array edges[].
See Also:
History: Originally released in V17.0
NX2.0 added the edge collector functionality
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_true_taper_from_edges
tag_t direction_tag, /* <I> taper direction */
char *angle_str, /* <I> taper angle */
logical taper_all_instances, /* <I>
If TRUE, all instances will be tapered. If
FALSE, then just this instance is tapered.
int num_edges, /* <I> number of edges in array */
tag_t edges[], /* <I> array of edges to taper */
double dist_tol, /* <I> distance tolerances */
double angle_tol, /* <I> angle tolerances */
tag_t *feature_eid /* <O> feature eid of created feature taper */
Require defining data of a taper from edges
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History: Originally released in V17.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_taper_from_edges
tag_t feature_eid, /* <I> feature eid of created taper */
int *type, /* <O> taper type */
tag_t *direction_tag, /* <O> taper direction */
char *angle_str, /* <O> taper angle */
logical *taper_all_instances, /* <O> tapering all instances */
int *num_edges, /* <O> number of edges */
tag_t **edges, /* <OF> array of edges,
this must be freed by calling UF_free
double *dist_tol, /* <O> tolerance of distance */
double *angle_tol /* <O> tolerance of angle */
Returns the defining data for a collector enabled Taper from edges feature.
To be used in place of UF_MODL_ask_taper_from_edges() when collection objects are desired.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History: This function was originally released in NX2.0.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_taper_from_edges1
tag_t feature_obj_id, /* <I> Feature object identifier for the Taper feature*/
int *taper_type, /* <O> Taper type */
tag_t *direction_tag, /* <O> Taper direction */
char *angle_str, /* <O> Taper angle */
logical *taper_all_instances, /* <O> Tapering all instances */
tag_t *edge_collection, /* <O> Collection of edges to be tapered */
double *distance_tolerance, /* <O> Distance tolerance */
double *angle_tolerance /* <O> Angle tolerance */
) ;
Edit a taper from edges
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History: Originally released in V17.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_edit_taper_from_edges
tag_t feature_eid, /* <I> feature eid of created taper */
int type, /* <I> taper type */
tag_t direction_tag, /* <I> taper direction */
char *angle_str, /* <I> taper angle */
logical taper_all_instances, /* <I> tapering all instances */
int num_edges, /* <I> number of edges */
tag_t edges[], /* <I> array of edges */
double dist_tol, /* <I> tolerance of distance */
double angle_tol /* <I> tolerance of angle */
Creates a face taper feature using a location, direction, angle, and a
list of faces to taper. The output of this function is the object identifier
associated to the face taper.
You can input individual faces or a face collector as the first element
of array faces[].
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History: NX2.0 added the face collector functionality
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_taper_from_faces(
tag_t point_tag, /* <I>
taper location
tag_t direction_tag, /* <I>
taper direction
char *angle_str, /* <I>
taper angle
logical taper_all_instances, /* <I>
all instances or else just this one
int num_faces, /* <I>
number of faces in array
tag_t faces[], /* <I>
array of faces to taper
tag_t *feature_tag /* <O>
feature eid of created feature taper
Create a taper feature from tangent faces.
You can input individual faces or a face collector as the first element
of array faces[].
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History: NX2.0 added the face collector functionality
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_taper_from_tangent_faces(
tag_t direction_tag, /* <I>
taper direction
char *angle_str, /* <I>
taper angle
logical taper_all_instances, /* <I>
all instances or else just this one
int num_faces, /* <I>
number of faces in array
tag_t faces[], /* <I>
array of faces to taper
tag_t *feature_eid /* <O>
feature eid of created feature taper
Create a variable angle taper feature from the input edges. This function is
the same as UF_MODL_create_taper_from_edges if the input num_points=0.
You can input individual edges or an edge collector as the first element
of array edges[].
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History: Originally released in V16.0
NX2.0 added the edge collector functionality
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_variable_taper_from_edges (
tag_t direction_tag, /* <I>
taper direction
char *angle_str, /* <I>
taper angle
logical taper_all_instances, /* <I>
all instances or else just this one
int num_edges, /* <I>
number of edges in array
tag_t edges[], /* <I>
array of edges to taper
int num_points, /* <I>
number of points where angles are specified
double points[], /* <I>
coordinates of the points (size is 3*num_points)
char **angles, /* <I>
angle values or expressions at the points
double dist_tol, /* <I>
distance tolerances
double angle_tol, /* <I>
angle tolerances
tag_t *feature_tag /* <O>
feature eid of created feature taper