File description:
Open API modeling interface to sketches.
#include <uf_defs.h>
#include <uf_modl_types.h>
#include <uf_modl_ugopenint.h>
#include <libufun_exports.h>
This function can be used to redefine the tool and target objects referenced
by a relative positioning constraint of a feature. The input parameter
constraint is the constraint whose target and tool objects have to be redefined.
All the constraints that have been applied to a feature can be obtained by
using UF_MODL_ask_constraints. Use UF_MODL_ask_constraint_type to verify the
type of constraint.
Parameters tangent2arc1 (target qualifier) and tangent2arc2 (tool_qualifier)
allow settings for specifying which end point of the tool and target objects
to use. Use UF_MODL_ask_edge_verts to determine the order of the end points
for tool or target objects that are edges.
Some features can be positioned using the centerline of the feature. You may i
use the centerline of a feature by passing in a NULL_TAG as the tool object.
The centerline must be qualified as either the horizontal or vertical
centerline, using the first or last endpoint. The following features allow the
centerline to be used as a tool edge: Slot, Groove, Rectangular Pad, and
Rectangular Pocket. The Groove feature has only a vertical centerline.
Environment: Internal and External.
See Also:
History: This function was originally released in V15.0.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_redefine_rpo_constraint
tag_t constraint, /* <I>
the constraint being redefined
tag_t eid_target, /* <I>
the new target object
int tangent2arc1, /* <I>
the target qualifier
tag_t eid_tool, /* <I>
the new tool object
int tangent2arc2 /* <I>
the new tool qualifier
Registers a routine for relative positioning. This allows you to register
a routine into the Open API environment so that you can
constrain a feature during creation time. Subsequently, every time a
form feature is created, this registered routine is called.
To register a routine named user_rpo_routine(), the call is:
where user_rpo_routine is defined as:
int user_rpo_routine(tag_t obj_id)
Calling this function will prevent an internal Open API shared library from
being unloaded, and overrides the setting of the user supplied function,
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_register_rpo_routine(
UF_MODL_rpo_f_p_t routine /* <I>
Routine name. You define the routine. The system
calls the routine like this:
error = routine((tag_t) obj_id)
where obj_id is the new feature that was just
created. Therefore, you should define the routine
like this:
int routine(tag_t obj_id)
and the routine returns an error if it failed. If the
returned error is != 0, then the new form feature is
deleted and an error is returned..
Returns the currently specified relative position operation (RPO)
routine as a function pointer of type UF_MODL_rpo_f_p_t. If no
routine is specified, zero is returned.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_rpo_routine(
UF_MODL_rpo_f_p_t * user_rpo_routine /* <I>
Function pointer to the currently
specified relative
position operation (RPO) routine.
Unregisters a routine for relative positioning.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_unregister_rpo_routine( void );
Returns expressions and expression descriptions related to supplied
features rpo dimensions.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History:Original Release was in V14.0. V15.0 change: This function was
renamed from UF_MODL_ask_rpo_desc_of_frec to UF_MODL_ask_rpo_desc_of_feat.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_rpo_desc_of_feat(
tag_t feature_obj_id ,/* <I>
Feature object identifier of created rectangular groove
int * number_of_exps ,/* <O>
Number of expressions returned
char *** descriptions ,/* <OF>
Array of expression descriptions related to features
rpo dimensions. Use UF_free_string_array to deallocate
memory when done.
tag_t ** exps /* <OF>
Array of object identifiers to expressions related to
features rpo dimensions. Use UF_free to deallocate
memory when done.
Use UF_MODL_ask_rpo_desc_of_feat instead.
Returns expressions and expression descriptions related to supplied
features rpo dimensions.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
History:Original Release was in V14.0.
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_rpo_desc_of_frec(
tag_t feature_obj_id ,/* <I>
Feature object identifier of created rectangular groove
int * number_of_exps ,/* <O>
Number of expressions returned
char *** descriptions ,/* <OF>
Array of expression descriptions related to features
rpo dimensions. Use UF_free_string_array to deallocate
memory when done.
tag_t ** exps /* <OF>
Array of object identifiers to expressions related to
features rpo dimensions. Use UF_free to deallocate
memory when done.
Gets the sketch feature associated with the sweep. When a sketch is attached
to the plane of the WCS, it is not a feature, hence this function returns a
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_sketch_of_sweep(
tag_t sweep_obj_id ,/* <I>
The sweep feature object identifier
tag_t * sketch_obj_id /* <O>
Pointer to the object identifier of the sketch feature
associated with the sweep
The routine UF_MODL_ask_constraints has a single feature as input,
and returns a list of constraints. The list can be manipulated by the
UF_MODL_*_list_* routines.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_constraints(
tag_t feature ,/* <I>
Identifier for the feature.
uf_list_p_t * constraints /* <OF>
Address of pointer to the list of constraints for
that feature. Use UF_MODL_delete_list to free space
allocated for this linked list.
The routine UF_MODL_ask_constraint_type returns a character
string describing the type of constraint that was input.
The appropriate constraint inquiry routine to ask for the constraint
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_constraint_type(
tag_t constraint ,/* <I>
Constraint to inquire on.
char ** type /* <OF>
Pointer to the character string describing the
constraint. Use UF_free to deallocate memory
when done.