File description:
Open API modeling routines to create/inquire solid primitive features
like block, cone, cylinder and sphere.
#include <uf_defs.h>
#include <uf_modl_types.h>
#include <libufun_exports.h>
Create a solid block.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_block (
UF_FEATURE_SIGN sign, /* <I>
Sign of primitive
tag_t targ_tag, /* <I>
Target body (if needed)
double corner_pt[3], /* <I>
Corner point
char * edge_len[3], /* <I>
Edge lengths
tag_t *blk_tag /* <O>
Block feature tag
Create a solid cone.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_cone (
UF_FEATURE_SIGN sign, /* <I>
Sign of primitive
tag_t targ_tag, /* <I>
Target body (if needed)
double origin[3], /* <I>
Cone base origin
char *height, /* <I>
Cone height
char *diam[2], /* <I>
Cone diameters
double direction[3], /* <I>
Cone direction vector
tag_t *cone_tag /* <O>
Cone feature tag
Create a solid cylinder.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_cylinder (
UF_FEATURE_SIGN sign, /* <I>
Sign of primitive
tag_t targ_tag, /* <I>
Target body (if needed)
double origin[3], /* <I>
Cylinder base origin
char *height, /* <I>
Cylinder height
char *diam, /* <I>
Cylinder diameter
double direction[3], /* <I>
Cylinder dir vector
tag_t *cyl_tag /* <O>
Cylinder feature tag
Create a solid sphere.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_sphere (
UF_FEATURE_SIGN sign, /* <I>
Sign of primitive
tag_t targ_tag, /* <I>
Target body (if needed)
double center[3], /* <I>
Sphere center
char * diam, /* <I>
Sphere diameter
tag_t *sphere_tag /* <O>
Sphere feature tag
Creates a block. The Corner Point indicates the origin of the block to
be created. The X, Y and Z lengths control the size of the edge
lengths. The sign parameter controls the boolean operation
performed. The output of this function is the object identifier
associated to the block.
The origin point is with respect to the Absolute CSYS. However, the
direction of the edge lengths are with respect to the WCS.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also: example
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_block1(
UF_FEATURE_SIGN sign ,/* <I>
The sign of the operation to be performed.
UF_NULLSIGN = create new target solid
UF_POSITIVE = add to target solid
UF_NEGATIVE = subtract from target solid
UF_UNSIGNED = intersect with target solid
double corner_pt[3] ,/* <I>
Corner point (origin) of block
char * edge_len[3] ,/* <I>
Three edge lengths of block
tag_t * blk_obj_id /* <O>
Feature object identifier of created block.
Creates a cone. The origin indicates where the center of the bottom
face is located for the cone. The direction vector controls which axis
the cone is created on. The base and top diameters (diam) and height
control the size of the cone. The sign parameter controls the boolean
operation performed. The output of this function is the object
identifier associated to that cone.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_cone1(
UF_FEATURE_SIGN sign ,/* <I>
The sign of the operation to be performed.
UF_NULLSIGN = create new target solid
UF_POSITIVE = add to target solid
UF_NEGATIVE = subtract from target solid
UF_UNSIGNED = intersect with target solid
double origin[3] ,/* <I>
Origin for cone to be created.
char * height ,/* <I>
Height for cone to be created.
char * diam[2] ,/* <I>
Diameters for cone to be created.
[0] = base diameter
[1] = top diameter
double direction[3] ,/* <I>
Direction vector for cone to be created.
tag_t * cone_obj_id /* <O>
Feature object identifier tag of created cone.
Creates a cylinder. The origin indicates where the center of the
bottom face is located for the cylinder. The direction vector controls
the axis on which the cylinder is created. The diameter and height
control the size of the cylinder. The sign parameter controls the
boolean operation performed. The output of this function is the object
identifier associated to the cylinder.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_cyl1(
UF_FEATURE_SIGN sign ,/* <I>
The sign of the operation to be performed.
UF_NULLSIGN = create new target solid
UF_POSITIVE = add to target solid
UF_NEGATIVE = subtract from target solid
UF_UNSIGNED = intersect with target solid
double origin[3] ,/* <I>
Origin of cylinder to be created.
char * height ,/* <I>
Height of cylinder to be created.
char * diam ,/* <I>
Diameter of cylinder to be created.
double direction[3] ,/* <I>
Direction vector for cylinder to be created.
tag_t * cyl_obj_id /* <O>
Feature object identifier of created cylinder
Creates a sphere. The Origin indicates the center of the sphere. The
Diameter controls the size, and the sign parameter controls the
boolean operation performed. The output of this function is the feature
tag associated to the sphere.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_create_sphere1(
UF_FEATURE_SIGN sign ,/* <I>
The sign of the operation to be performed.
UF_NULLSIGN = create new target solid
UF_POSITIVE = add to target solid
UF_NEGATIVE = subtract from target solid
UF_UNSIGNED = intersect with target solid
double center[3] ,/* <I>
Center of sphere to be created.
char * diam ,/* <I>
Diameter of sphere to be created.
tag_t * sphere_obj_id /* <O>
Feature tag of created sphere.
Gets block parameters.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_block_parms(
tag_t feature_obj_id ,/* <I>
A feature object identifier
int edit ,/* <I>
This is an unused flag. It used to determine whether
to return the right-hand side or both sides of an
expression. Currently, both sides of an expression
are returned.
char * size[3] /* <OF>
Block dimension (length , width , height)
The string space allocated for the three elements
should be freed via UF_free when they are not used.
Gets cone parameters.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_cone_parms(
tag_t feature_obj_id ,/* <I>
A feature object identifier
int edit ,/* <I>
This is an unused flag. It used to determine whether
to return the right-hand side or both sides of an
expression. Currently, both sides of an expression
are returned.
char ** base_diameter ,/* <OF>
Base diameter. This must be freed by calling UF_free.
char ** top_diameter ,/* <OF>
Top diameter. This must be freed by calling UF_free.
char ** height ,/* <OF>
Cone height. This must be freed by calling UF_free.
char ** half_angle /* <OF>
Cone angle. This must be freed by calling UF_free.
Gets cylinder parameters.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_cylinder_parms(
tag_t feature_obj_id ,/* <I>
A feature object identifier
int edit ,/* <I>
This is an unused flag. It used to determine whether
to return the right-hand side or both sides of an
expression. Currently, both sides of an expression
are returned.
char ** diameter ,/* <OF>
Cylinder diameter. This must be freed by calling UF_free.
char ** height /* <OF>
Cylinder height. This must be freed by calling UF_free.
Gets sphere parameters.
Environment: Internal and External
See Also:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_sphere_parms(
tag_t feature_obj_id ,/* <I>
A feature object identifier
int edit ,/* <I>
This is an unused flag. It was used to determine
whether to return the right-hand side or both sides
of an expression. Currently, both sides of an
expression are returned.
char ** diameter /* <OF>
Sphere diameter. This must be freed by
calling UF_free.