File description:
Open API modeling routines to inquire about die engineering features.
#include <uf_defs.h>
#include <libufun_exports.h>
Following is a structure definition for die tip feature inquiry data.
It contains all the information needed to define the product orientation
in the die.
struct UF_MODL_die_tip_info_s
tag_t product; /* Tag of product body being tipped */
double origin[3]; /* origin on product body that is
mapped to center of operation box */
double center[3]; /* center of operation box */
tag_t defining_tip_feature; /* tag of feature that actually
defined the product orientation,
NULL_TAG if this feature defined
the product orientation */
double trans[3]; /* translation from center of die */
int num_trans_reasons; /* number of strings in following array,
will be 0 if no reasons supplied */
char **trans_reasons; /*
reasons supplied for translation,
will be NULL if no reason,
the memory for these strings should
be freed by calling UF_free */
int num_steps; /* number of steps in the product
orientation definition, also the
size of the following arrays */
int *rot_axis; /*
for each step, the axis the
rotation is performed about
=0 -> X
=1 -> Y
=2 -> Z
=3 -> -X
=4 -> -Y
=5 -> -Z,
the memory for this array should
be freed by calling UF_free */
double *rot_angle; /*
for each step, the angle of
rotation in degrees, the memory
for this array should be freed
by calling UF_free */
int *num_rot_reasons; /*
number of reasons for each step,
will be 0 if no reasons supplied
for a step, the memory for this
array should be freed by
calling UF_free */
char ***rot_reasons; /*
for each step, the reasons supplied
for the rotation, an entry will
be NULL if no reasons, the memory
for each string should be freed
by calling UF_free, the string array
should be freed by calling UF_free,
and the complete array should also be
freed by calling UF_free
(e.g., UF_free(rot_reasons[0..n][0..n]);,
and UF_free(rot_reasons);) */
typedef struct UF_MODL_die_tip_info_s UF_MODL_die_tip_info_t,
Outputs the product orientation information for the input die tip feature.
Return: error code
Environment: Internal and External
History: Original release was in V19.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_die_tip(
tag_t die_tip_feature, /* <I>
die tip feature to inquire
UF_MODL_die_tip_info_p_t /* <OF>
die tip information