File description:
User Functions for Model Compare
#include <uf.h>
#include <libufun_exports.h>
#include <uf_modl.h>
#define UF_MODL_INIT_COMPARE_OPTIONS(__options) \
{ \
(__options)->version = UF_MODL_COMP_CURR_VER;\
(__options)->accuracy = UF_MODL_COMP_DEFAULT;\
(__options)->compare_feat_and_exp = true;\
(__options)->identical_face_rule = UF_MODL_COMP_ONLYEXTERNAL;\
(__options)->continue_if_examine_geom_fails = false;\
* Description:
* Enumeration for classifying entities, features and expressions.
* Environment:
* Internal and External
* History:
* This enumeration was originally released in NX 2.0
enum UF_MODL_compare_entity_type_e
UF_MODL_COMP_ENT_NOT_COMPARED /* New status from NX3.0
This status will be set for
- features which do not contribute
to topology in the final part
- faces and edges which are small or
sliver relative to the tolerance
typedef enum UF_MODL_compare_entity_type_e, UF_MODL_compare_entity_type_t;
* Description:
* Enumeration for rule for identifying identical faces
* Environment:
* Internal and External
* History:
* This enumeration was originally released in NX 2.0
enum UF_MODL_compare_identicalface_rule_e
typedef enum UF_MODL_compare_identicalface_rule_e, UF_MODL_compare_identicalface_rule_t;
* Description:
* Enumeration for rule for classifying equivalent faces with
* non identical surfaces as changed or unique
* Environment:
* Internal and External
* History:
* This enumeration was originally released in NX 2.0
* Note: This is obsoleted for NX 3.0 version
enum UF_MODL_compare_changeduniqueface_rule_e
typedef enum UF_MODL_compare_changeduniqueface_rule_e, UF_MODL_compare_changeduniqueface_rule_t;
* Description:
* Enumeration for comparison accuracy
* Environment:
* Internal and External
* History:
* This enumeration was originally released in NX 2.0
enum UF_MODL_compare_accuracy_e
typedef enum UF_MODL_compare_accuracy_e, UF_MODL_compare_accuracy_t;
* Description:
* Structure for comparison options
* Environment:
* Internal and External
* History:
* This enumeration was originally released in NX 3.0
* Note:
* This is new structure for NX3.0 version of the functionality
struct UF_MODL_compare_options_s
int version; /* Version number. For internal use. */
double tolerance; /* Tolerance to be used to determine
if two geometries can be considered
coincident */
UF_MODL_compare_accuracy_t accuracy; /* Accuracy setting for comparison */
logical compare_feat_and_exp; /* Whether to compare features and
expressions. Applicable only if
part1 and part2 are related. */
UF_MODL_compare_identicalface_rule_t identical_face_rule; /* Rule for classifying faces as identical */
logical continue_if_examine_geom_fails; /* If any body fails in examine
geometry, continue with comparison,
results may not be meaningful */
logical generate_report; /* generate HTML report for the
compared parts */
typedef struct UF_MODL_compare_options_s
UF_MODL_compare_options_t, *UF_MODL_compare_options_p_t;
* Description:
* Structure for entity, feature and expression matches
* Environment:
* Internal and External
* History:
* This enumeration was originally released in NX 2.0
struct UF_MODL_compare_entity_match_s
tag_t entity_tag; /* entity of body */
tag_t match_entity; /* matching entity */
UF_MODL_compare_entity_type_e type; /* classifier */
double max_deviation; /* maximum deviation calculated among all sampling points for geometry-related entities */
double avg_deviation; /* average deviation of the sampling points for geometry-related entities */
typedef struct UF_MODL_compare_entity_match_s
UF_MODL_compare_entity_match_t, *UF_MODL_compare_entity_match_p_t;
typedef UF_MODL_compare_entity_match_p_t UF_MODL_compare_edge_match_p_t;
* Description:
* Collection of entities, features and expressions
* Environment:
* Internal and External
* History:
* This enumeration was originally released in NX 2.0
struct UF_MODL_compare_entity_info_s
int num_entities; /* number of entities */
UF_MODL_compare_entity_match_t *entity_info; /* array of matching data */
typedef struct UF_MODL_compare_entity_info_s
UF_MODL_compare_entity_info_t, *UF_MODL_compare_entity_info_p_t;
typedef UF_MODL_compare_entity_info_p_t UF_MODL_compare_edge_info_p_t;
struct UF_MODL_compare_part_entities_data_s
UF_MODL_compare_entity_info_t edges; /* edges from part */
UF_MODL_compare_entity_info_t faces; /* faces from part */
UF_MODL_compare_entity_info_t features; /* features from part */
UF_MODL_compare_entity_info_t expressions; /* expressions from part */
typedef struct UF_MODL_compare_part_entities_data_s
UF_MODL_compare_part_entities_data_t, *UF_MODL_compare_part_entities_data_p_t;
* Description:
* Comparison results map data
* Environment:
* Internal and External
* History:
* This enumeration was originally released in NX 2.0
struct UF_MODL_compare_part_map_data_s
UF_MODL_compare_part_entities_data_t part1; /* entities data for part 1*/
UF_MODL_compare_part_entities_data_t part2; /* entities data for part 1*/
logical identical_parts; /* flag whether parts are
identical */
typedef struct UF_MODL_compare_part_map_data_s
UF_MODL_compare_part_map_data_t, *UF_MODL_compare_part_map_data_p_t;
/* Used as a replacement for UF_MODL_compare_part_entities_data_s in
the common API - Open C API programs may continue to use the original
UF_MODL_compare_part_entities_data_s structure.
struct UF_MODL_compare_part_entities_data_3_s
UF_MODL_compare_entity_info_p_t edges; /* edges from part */
UF_MODL_compare_entity_info_p_t faces; /* faces from part */
UF_MODL_compare_entity_info_p_t features; /* features from part */
UF_MODL_compare_entity_info_p_t expressions; /* expressions from part */
typedef struct UF_MODL_compare_part_entities_data_3_s
UF_MODL_compare_part_entities_data_3_t, *UF_MODL_compare_part_entities_data_3_p_t;
* Description:
* Comparison results map data.
* Used as a replacement for UF_MODL_compare_part_map_data_s in
* the common API - Open C API programs may continue to use the original
* UF_MODL_compare_part_map_data_s structure.
* Environment:
* Internal and External
* History:
* This structures is equivalent to UF_MODL_compare_part_map_data_s
* only difference is members are pointers instead of objects.
struct UF_MODL_compare_part_map_data_3_s
UF_MODL_compare_part_entities_data_3_p_t part1; /* entities data for part 1*/
UF_MODL_compare_part_entities_data_3_p_t part2; /* entities data for part 2*/
logical identical_parts; /* flag whether parts are
identical */
typedef struct UF_MODL_compare_part_map_data_3_s
UF_MODL_compare_part_map_data_3_t, *UF_MODL_compare_part_map_data_3_p_t;
* Function Name: UF_MODL_initialize_compare_data
* Function Description:
* Initialize compare map data. Initializes memory allocated for the
* mapping data structure containing output of the model compare results.
* Input/Output:
* mapping_data - Pointer to the mapping data structure
* Returns
* 0 : successful, >0 : failing error number
* Environment:
* Internal and External
* History:
* This function was originally released in NX 2.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_initialize_compare_data
UF_MODL_compare_part_map_data_t *mapping_data /* <I/O> */
* Function Name: UF_MODL_free_compare_data
* Function Description:
* Free model compare map data. Frees the memory allocated for the mapping
* data structure containing the output of the compare results.
* Input:
* mapping_data - Pointer to the mapping data structure
* Output:
* None
* Returns:
* 0 : successful, >0 : failing error number
* Environment:
* Internal and External
* History:
* This function was originally released in NX 2.0
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_free_compare_data
UF_MODL_compare_part_map_data_t *mapping_data /* <I> */
* Function Name: UF_MODL_model_compare
* Function Description:
* Compare parts. Compare bodies from the same part file or from different part files.
* Input:
* part1 - tag of part1
* body_eid_part1 - Body eid from part 1, if NULL, all bodies from part 1
* Bodies from the part must pass examine geometry check.
* transform_1 - Transform for body_eid_part_1. Transformation needed to
* convert body 1 into the same co-ordinate system as body 2.
* Initialize with UF_MTX4_identity if bodies are defined in
* the same coordinate system.
* ************************* NOTE ************************
* Applicable only if part 1 and part 2 are not related and
* body_eid_part1 and body_eid_part2 are not NULL. If they are
* NULL, there should be only one body in part1 and part2.
* part2 - tag of part2
* body_eid_part2 - Body eid from part 2, if NULL, all bodies from part 2
* Bodies from the part must pass examine geometry check.
* transform_2 - Transform for body_eid_part_2. Transformation needed to
* convert body 2 into the same co-ordinate system as body 1.
* Initialize with UF_MTX4_identity if bodies are defined in
* the same coordinate system.
* ************************* NOTE ************************
* Applicable only if part 1 and part 2 are not related and
* body_eid_part1 and body_eid_part2 are not NULL. If they are
* NULL, there should be only one body in part1 and part2.
* compare_feat_and_exp - Whether to compare features and expressions. Applicable
* only if part1 and part2 are related.
* accuracy - Accuracy setting for comparison
* tolerance - Tolerance to be used to determine if two geometries can be
* considered coincident
* identical_face_rule - Rule for classifying faces as identical
* changeduniquefacerule - Rule for classifying related faces as changed or unique
* launch_ui - Whether to launch ui
* ************************* NOTE ************************
* This option is not yet supported
* Output:
* mapping_data - Mapping data, result of the comparison
* Note: Caller is responsible for freing the mapping data
* Returns:
* 0 : successful, >0 : failing error number
* Environment:
* Internal and External
* History:
* This function was originally released in NX 2.0
* Please use the new version UF_MODL_model_compare_2 from NX 3.0 onwards
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_model_compare
tag_t part1, /* <I> */
tag_t body_eids_part1, /* <I> */
double transform_1[16], /* <I> */
tag_t part2, /* <I> */
tag_t body_eids_part2, /* <I> */
double transform_2[16], /* <I> */
logical compare_feat_and_exp, /* <I> */
UF_MODL_compare_accuracy_t accuracy, /* <I> */
double tolerance, /* <I> */
UF_MODL_compare_identicalface_rule_t identical_face_rule, /* <I> */
UF_MODL_compare_changeduniqueface_rule_t uniquechangedfacerule, /* <I> */
logical launch_ui, /* <I> */
UF_MODL_compare_part_map_data_t *mapping_data /* <O> */
* Function Name: UF_MODL_model_compare_2
* Function Description:
* Compare parts. Compare bodies from the same part file or from different part files.
* This new function takes in an compare options structure as input. An additional
* option, continue_if_examine_geom_fails can be set in addition to the existing
* options. Use this function from NX3.0 onwards instead of UF_MODL_model_compare.
* Input:
* part1 - tag of part1
* body_eid_part1 - Body eid from part 1, if NULL, all bodies from part 1
* Bodies from the part must pass examine geometry check.
* transform_1 - Transform for body_eid_part_1. Transformation needed to
* convert body 1 into the same co-ordinate system as body 2.
* Initialize with UF_MTX4_identity if bodies are defined in
* the same coordinate system.
* ************************* NOTE ************************
* Applicable only if part 1 and part 2 are not related and
* body_eid_part1 and body_eid_part2 are not NULL. If they are
* NULL, there should be only one body in part1 and part2.
* part2 - tag of part2
* body_eid_part2 - Body eid from part 2, if NULL, all bodies from part 2
* Bodies from the part must pass examine geometry check.
* transform_2 - Transform for body_eid_part_2. Transformation needed to
* convert body 2 into the same co-ordinate system as body 1.
* Initialize with UF_MTX4_identity if bodies are defined in
* the same coordinate system.
* ************************* NOTE ************************
* Applicable only if part 1 and part 2 are not related and
* body_eid_part1 and body_eid_part2 are not NULL. If they are
* NULL, there should be only one body in part1 and part2.
* compare_options - Comparison options. Use macro UF_MODL_INIT_COMPARE_OPTIONS
* to initialize default options
* Output:
* mapping_data - Mapping data, result of the comparison
* Note: Caller is responsible for freing the mapping data
* Returns:
* 0 : successful, >0 : failing error number
* Environment:
* Internal and External
* History:
* This function was originally released in NX 3.0
* Note:
* New status UF_MODL_COMP_ENT_NOT_COMPARED will be set for
* - Features which do not contribute
* to topology in the final part
* - Faces and edges which are small or
* sliver relative to the tolerance
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_model_compare_2
tag_t part1, /* <I> */
tag_t body_eids_part1, /* <I> */
double transform_1[16], /* <I> */
tag_t part2, /* <I> */
tag_t body_eids_part2, /* <I> */
double transform_2[16], /* <I> */
UF_MODL_compare_options_p_t compare_options, /* <I> */
UF_MODL_compare_part_map_data_t *mapping_data /* <O> */
* Function Name: UF_MODL_model_compare_3
* Function Description:
* Used as a replacement for UF_MODL_model_compare_2 in the common API.
* Open C API programs may continue to use the original
* UF_MODL_model_compare_2 function.
* Compare parts. Compare bodies from the same part file or from different part files.
* This new function takes in an compare options structure as input. An additional
* option, continue_if_examine_geom_fails can be set in addition to the existing
* options.
* Input:
* part1 - tag of part1
* body_eid_part1 - Body eid from part 1, if NULL, all bodies from part 1
* Bodies from the part must pass examine geometry check.
* transform_1 - Transform for body_eid_part_1. Transformation needed to
* convert body 1 into the same co-ordinate system as body 2.
* Initialize with UF_MTX4_identity if bodies are defined in
* the same coordinate system.
* ************************* NOTE ************************
* Applicable only if part 1 and part 2 are not related and
* body_eid_part1 and body_eid_part2 are not NULL. If they are
* NULL, there should be only one body in part1 and part2.
* part2 - tag of part2
* body_eid_part2 - Body eid from part 2, if NULL, all bodies from part 2
* Bodies from the part must pass examine geometry check.
* transform_2 - Transform for body_eid_part_2. Transformation needed to
* convert body 2 into the same co-ordinate system as body 1.
* Initialize with UF_MTX4_identity if bodies are defined in
* the same coordinate system.
* ************************* NOTE ************************
* Applicable only if part 1 and part 2 are not related and
* body_eid_part1 and body_eid_part2 are not NULL. If they are
* NULL, there should be only one body in part1 and part2.
* compare_options - Comparison options. Use macro UF_MODL_INIT_COMPARE_OPTIONS
* to initialize default options
* Output:
* mapping_data - Mapping data, result of the comparison
* Note: Caller is responsible for freeing the mapping data, by calling
* UF_MODL_free_compare_data_3
* Returns:
* 0 : successful, >0 : failing error number
* Environment:
* Internal and External
* History:
* This function is just a wrapper over UF_MODL_model_compare_2.
* Note:
* New status UF_MODL_COMP_ENT_NOT_COMPARED will be set for
* - Features which do not contribute
* to topology in the final part
* - Faces and edges which are small or
* sliver relative to the tolerance
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_model_compare_3
tag_t part1, /* <I> */
tag_t body_eids_part1, /* <I> */
double transform_1[16], /* <I> */
tag_t part2, /* <I> */
tag_t body_eids_part2, /* <I> */
double transform_2[16], /* <I> */
UF_MODL_compare_options_p_t compare_options, /* <I> */
UF_MODL_compare_part_map_data_3_p_t *mapping_data /* <OF> Call UF_MODL_free_compare_data_3
to free mapping data.
* Function Name: UF_MODL_free_compare_data_3
* Function Description:
* Free model compare map data. Frees the memory allocated for the mapping
* data structure containing the output of the compare results.
* Input:
* mapping_data - Pointer to the mapping data structure UF_MODL_compare_part_map_data_3_t
* Output:
* None
* Returns:
* 0 : successful, >0 : failing error number
* Environment:
* Internal and External
* History:
extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_free_compare_data_3
UF_MODL_compare_part_map_data_3_t *mapping_data /* <I> */