UF_DRF_begin_line_fn_t (view source)
Defined in: uf_drf_types.h
Callbacks for UF_DRF_render_text. Default set is used for other functions.

Each return either UF_DRF_RENDER_OK or
UF_DRF_RENDER_CANNOT_RENDER_CHAR (UF_DRF_draw_char_fn_t only) or
UF_DRF_RENDER_CANNOT_RENDER_SYMBOL (UF_DRF_draw_user_symbol_fn_t only).

If a cannot render or not drawn status is returned for a user symbol or an
individual character, the resultant object will be stroked.

Lines are output as polyline segments bracketed by calls to
the begin and end line functions.

UF_DRF_render_text_status_t UF_DRF_begin_line_fn_t
void * client
void *clientInputclient data


UF_DRF_draw_arc_fn_t (view source)
Defined in: uf_drf_types.h

UF_DRF_render_text_status_t UF_DRF_draw_arc_fn_t
double center [ 3 ] ,
double radius,
double start_param,
double end_param,
void * client
doublecenter [ 3 ] Inputcenter point in coord system of annotation
doubleradiusInputradius of arc
doublestart_paramInputstart angle in radians
doubleend_paramInputend angle in radians
void *clientInputclient data


UF_DRF_draw_char_fn_t (view source)
Defined in: uf_drf_types.h

UF_DRF_render_text_status_t UF_DRF_draw_char_fn_t
double origin [ 3 ] ,
unsigned char character,
void * client
doubleorigin [ 3 ] Inputtext_origin coord system of annotation
unsigned charcharacterInputcharacter (possibly multi-byte)to be drawn
void *clientInputclient data


UF_DRF_draw_to_position_fn_t (view source)
Defined in: uf_drf_types.h

UF_DRF_render_text_status_t UF_DRF_draw_to_position_fn_t
double in_point [ 3 ] ,
double last_out_point [ 3 ] ,
logical last_status,
void * client,
double out_point [ 3 ] ,
logical * out_status
doublein_point [ 3 ] Input3d point in coord system of annotation
doublelast_out_point [ 3 ] Inputlast output point from set_to_position
or draw_to_position
logicallast_statusInputlast status from set_to_position
or draw_to_position
void *clientInputclient data
doubleout_point [ 3 ] Outputinternally used
logical *out_statusOutputused by draw_to_position


UF_DRF_draw_user_symbol_fn_t (view source)
Defined in: uf_drf_types.h

UF_DRF_render_text_status_t UF_DRF_draw_user_symbol_fn_t
char * symbol_name,
double origin [ 3 ] ,
void * symbol_params,
void * client
char *symbol_nameInputname of user defined symbol to render
doubleorigin [ 3 ] Input
void *symbol_paramsInput
void *clientInputclient data


UF_DRF_end_line_fn_t (view source)
Defined in: uf_drf_types.h

UF_DRF_render_text_status_t UF_DRF_end_line_fn_t
void * client
void *clientInputclient data


UF_DRF_fill_region_fn_t (view source)
Defined in: uf_drf_types.h

UF_DRF_render_text_status_t UF_DRF_fill_region_fn_t
int num_points,
double * points,
double fill_dist,
double last_pt [ 3 ] ,
logical * was_drawn,
void * client
intnum_pointsInputnumber of points in region
double *pointsInputarray of 3d points
doublefill_distInputfill distance
doublelast_pt [ 3 ] Outputlast on screen point
logical *was_drawnOutputreturn TRUE if anything drawn
void *clientInputclient data


UF_DRF_pop_orientation_fn_t (view source)
Defined in: uf_drf_types.h

UF_DRF_render_text_status_t UF_DRF_pop_orientation_fn_t
void * client
void *clientInputclient data


UF_DRF_push_orientation_fn_t (view source)
Defined in: uf_drf_types.h

UF_DRF_render_text_status_t UF_DRF_push_orientation_fn_t
double matrix [ 9 ] ,
void * client
doublematrix [ 9 ] Inputorientation matrix
void *clientInputclient data


UF_DRF_set_cfw_fn_t (view source)
Defined in: uf_drf_types.h

UF_DRF_render_text_status_t UF_DRF_set_cfw_fn_t
UF_DRF_cfw_p_t cfw,
void * client
UF_DRF_cfw_p_tcfwInputnew color, line font and line width
void *clientInputclient data


UF_DRF_set_to_position_fn_t (view source)
Defined in: uf_drf_types.h

UF_DRF_render_text_status_t UF_DRF_set_to_position_fn_t
double in_point [ 3 ] ,
void * client,
double out_point [ 3 ] ,
logical * out_status
doublein_point [ 3 ] Input3d point in coord system of annotation
void *clientInputclient data
doubleout_point [ 3 ] Outputinternally used
logical *out_statusOutputused by draw_to_position