Create a Screw Clearance Hole feature


How To


Related Topics

This example shows how to create a counterbored Screw Clearance Hole feature at the center of circular edge.

  1. On the Feature toolbar, click Hole or choose InsertDesign FeatureHole.

  2. In the Hole dialog box, from the Type list, select Screw Clearance Hole.

  3. On the Selection bar, make sure that Arc Center is selected.

  4. In the graphics window, click the edge of the cone to select the arc center.

  5. In the Form and Dimensions group, enter values for Form, Screw Type, Screw Size, and Fit.

    For this example, the following are selected:

    • Form list→Counterbored.

    • Screw Type list→Socket Head, 4762.

    • Screw Size list→M10.

    • Fit list→Normal (H13).

    Hole preview
  6. Click OK to create the Screw Clearance Hole feature.

    Final Hole

    Start chamfer offset

    Start chamfer angle

    Counterbore diameter

    Neck chamfer angle

    Neck chamfer offset

    Hole diameter

    End chamfer angle

    End chamfer offset