uf_mom_extend Examples

The following examples may help further explain the uf_mom_extend function.  Comments are called out in with a slash star (/*) and green.




This example extends the TCL interpreter so that it can reteive component part attributes and write the values back into TCL.

The first arg is the primary search title - once this is found the secondary search titles ( the remaining args ) are sought.

Compile this program and put the dll in your UGII_CAM_POST_DIR.

Look in UGANSWER for the pb_cmd_for_comp_part_attr.tcl file which has the corrosponding procs that load this function into memory and calls it.



/* Include files */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <uf.h>
#include <uf_ui.h>
#include <uf_param.h>
#include <uf_mom.h>
#include <uf_cam.h>
#include <uf_cam_errors.h>
#include <uf_obj.h>
#include <uf_object_types.h>
#include <uf_modl.h>
#include <uf_cfi.h>
#include <uf_assem.h>
#include <uf_part.h>
#include <uf_attr.h>


#define DEBUG_  FALSE
#define MAX_ARGC 10

#define UF_CALL(X) (report_error( __FILE__, __LINE__, #X, (X)))


static int report_error( char *file, int line, char *call, int irc)


    if (irc)


        char err[133],

        sprintf(msg, "*** ERROR code %d at line %d in %s:\n+++ ",
           irc, line, file);
       UF_get_fail_message(irc, err);

    /*  NOTE:  UF_print_syslog is new in V18 */

        UF_print_syslog(msg, FALSE);
       UF_print_syslog(err, FALSE);
       UF_print_syslog("\n", FALSE);
       UF_print_syslog(call, FALSE);
       UF_print_syslog(";\n", FALSE);

        if (!UF_UI_open_listing_window())







static void PrintErrorMessage( int errorCode );

#define WRITE(X)   UF_UI_open_listing_window(); UF_UI_write_listing_window(X)


void Debug_write(char *string)





if (DEBUG_)







static int allocate_memory(unsigned int nbytes, void **where)




    *where = UF_allocate_memory(nbytes, &resp);

    return resp;



static int make_an_array(uf_list_p_t *object_list, tag_t **objects)




    UF_CALL(UF_MODL_ask_list_count(*object_list, &n));

    UF_CALL(allocate_memory(n * sizeof(tag_t), (void **)objects));

    for (ii = 0, temp = *object_list; ii < n; temp = temp->next, ii++)
       (*objects)[ii] = temp->eid;


    return n;



static logical add_proto_to_list(tag_t comp, void *user_data)


       proto = UF_ASSEM_ask_prototype_of_occ(comp);
       *list = (uf_list_p_t *)user_data;

    UF_CALL(UF_MODL_put_list_item(*list, proto));

    return TRUE;



static void report_load_status(UF_PART_load_status_p_t status)






    if (status->n_parts > 0)


       UF_UI_write_listing_window("Load notes:\n");


        for (ii = 0; ii < status->n_parts; ii++)


            UF_UI_write_listing_window("  ");
           UF_UI_write_listing_window(" - ");
           UF_get_fail_message(status->statuses[ii], msg);



       UF_free_string_array(status->n_parts, status->file_names);




static int ask_all_assembly_parts(tag_t part, tag_t **parts)



   UF_CALL(UF_MODL_put_list_item(part_list, part));

    UF_CALL(UF_ASSEM_ask_all_comp_cset(part, &cset));
   if (cset != NULL_TAG)


        UF_CALL(UF_PART_open_cset(cset, &status));
       UF_CALL(UF_ASSEM_apply_to_cset(cset, add_proto_to_list, &part_list));



    return make_an_array(&part_list, parts);



extern int extn_rtv_mom_cp_part_attr(
void *client_dat,   /* I This is mom_object     */
void *interp,         /* I pointer to the TCL interpreter  */
int  argc,             /* I count of the number of arguments  */
char **argv          /* I array of arguments values    */


extern DllExport void entry_rtv_mom_cp_part_attr( char *parm,
                                  int *returnCode, int rlen )


int ret_code = 0;
void *interp  = NULL;
logical local_initialize = FALSE;


    UF_MOM_id_t  mom_id;

    /* Initialize the API environment */

    if( UF_is_initialized() == 0 )


       ret_code = UF_initialize();
  if( ret_code != 0 )

          /****UF_initialize failed so return **/

  local_initialize = TRUE;


/* get the TCL intepreter id from the ufusr param --*/

(void)UF_MOM_ask_interp_from_param ( parm, &interp );

 /****Get the mom_id by passing in the parm pointer ****/

UF_MOM_ask_mom( parm, &mom_id );

/* now extend the TCL interpreter with the following functions

 * the following TCL extensions will be added EXTN_rtv_mom_cp_part_attr */

     ret_code = UF_MOM_extend_xlator ( mom_id, "EXTN_rtv_mom_cp_part_attr",

                                             extn_rtv_mom_cp_part_attr );

 /*** If ret_code is non zero then an error has occured and

      so print the error ***/

     if( ret_code )
       PrintErrorMessage( ret_code );

     *returnCode = 0;

 if( local_initialize == TRUE )


 extern int extn_rtv_mom_cp_part_attr(
void *client_data,   /* I This is mom_object                      */
void *interp,           /* I pointer to the TCL interpreter         */
int  argc,               /* I count of the number of arguments  */
char **argv            /* I array of arguments values              */ )






    int ret_code =0,


       part = UF_PART_ask_display_part();


local_initialize = FALSE,
is_initialized = FALSE,
key_title_found = FALSE;


UF_MOM_id_t  mom_id_tag;

sprintf(msg,"In extn_rtv_mom_cp_part_attr");


if( UF_is_initialized() == 0 )


    sprintf(msg,"UF_is_initialized() == 0");

            ret_code = UF_initialize();

    sprintf(msg,"ret_code is %d",ret_code);

   if( ret_code != 0 )


          /****UF_initialize failed so return **/

      return 1;


   local_initialize = TRUE;


        mom_id_tag = ( UF_MOM_id_t )client_data;


if( is_initialized == TRUE )


   sprintf(msg,"is_initialized == TRUE");

   for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)


  sprintf(msg,"i is %d",i);

  arg_length = (int)strlen(argv[i]);
         sprintf(msg,"argv[%d] is %d chars long",i, arg_length );

  if(arg_length > ARG_VAL_STR_LENGTH )


sprintf(msg,"ERROR - argv[%d] is greater than %d chars",
                             i,ARG_VAL_STR_LENGTH );




sprintf(msg,"client_attr_titles[%d] is %s",
        i-1, client_attr_titles[i-1]);



if ((n_parts = ask_all_assembly_parts(part, &parts)) > 0)

 for (ii = 0; ii < n_parts; ii++)
sprintf(msg,"ii = %d",ii);
UF_CALL(UF_PART_ask_part_name(parts[ii], part_spec));
                               UF_CALL(UF_ATTR_ask_part_attrs(parts[ii], &num, &attrs));

                        for (j = 0; j < num; j++)

  sprintf(msg,"j = %d",j);
    if(strcmp(attrs[j].title,client_attr_titles[0]) == 0 )

sprintf(msg,"%s = %s",
key_title_found = TRUE;

/* start looking for secondary titles */

for (jj = 1; jj < argc-1 ; jj++)


  sprintf(msg,"jj = %d",jj);
  for (k = 0; k < num; k++)


     sprintf(msg,"k = %d",k);
                                                        == 0 )


       sprintf(msg,"%s = %s",






} /* end of for (j = 0; j < num; j++) */

                if (num > 0) UF_free( attrs);

if ( key_title_found == TRUE )


ii = n_parts;


} /* end of for (ii = 0; ii < n_parts; ii++) */



} /* end of if( is_initialized == TRUE ) */

if( local_initialize == TRUE )




return ret_code;



**  Utilities


/* Unload Handler
**     This function specifies when to unload your application from Unigraphics.
**     If your application registers a callback (from a MenuScript item or a
**     User Defined Object for example), this function MUST return
**     In this example the dll should not be unloaded IMMEDIATELY because we are
**     going to call the extension function we have registered */

extern int ufusr_ask_unload( void )




/* PrintErrorMessage

**     Prints error messages to standard error and the Unigraphics status
**     line. */

static void PrintErrorMessage( int errorCode )


    if ( 0 != errorCode )


        /* Retrieve the associated error message */

        char message[133];
       UF_get_fail_message( errorCode, message );

        /* Print out the message */
       UF_UI_set_status( message );

        fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", message );






proc PB_CMD_init_for_extended_libraries { } {


#     This proc is to be placed in the Start of Program as the first               
#     custom command. It's purpose is to load the extended function into   
#     memory so that it can be used at a later time.( see docs on              
#     MOM_run_user_function ). This proc also initializes the mom_vars     
#     for the extended function to write to. Reserving and initializing            
#     these mom_vars MUST be done for successful execution. In this case
#     the mom_var is a string so it is initialized as "" ( an empty string).      
#     We set the names of the attribute titles to be searched for in the        
#     component part. mom_attr_comp_PART_title(1) is the primary search title
#     once this is found, the current component part file is searched and the  
#     secondary attributes are searched for and written back to the array     
#     mom_attr_comp_PART - the extended function will terminate and return   
#     to TCL. The extended function needs to be unloaded at                   
#     Program End Sequence - see PB_CMD_unload_extended_libraries             
#     Look in UGANSWER NXOPEN for Sample CAM API program to                   
#     retreive_mom_component_part_attr. Compile this sample CAM API program   
#     and put the dll in your UGII_CAM_POST_DIR                               
#                                                                             #
#                                                                             ############################################################################## */

global external_lib_rtv_mom_component_part_attr
global mom_attr_comp_PART_title
global mom_attr_comp_PART

   set external_lib_rtv_mom_component_part_attr [MOM_ask_env_var UGII_CAM_POST_DIR]retrieve_mom_component_part_attr.dll
  MOM_run_user_function $external_lib_rtv_mom_component_part_attr "entry_rtv_mom_cp_part_attr"

*/ initialize the mom variable array that will be written to by the extended function  */

   for { set i 1 } { $i <= 4 } { incr i } {
       set mom_attr_comp_PART($i) ""


  set mom_attr_comp_PART_title(1) "ITEM_NUMBER"
 set mom_attr_comp_PART_title(2) "DESCRIPTION"
 set mom_attr_comp_PART_title(3) "MATERIAL"
 set mom_attr_comp_PART_title(4) "REVISION"

*/ call the extended function  */

    EXTN_rtv_mom_cp_part_attr $mom_attr_comp_PART_title(1) $mom_attr_comp_PART_title(2) \
                                             $mom_attr_comp_PART_title(3) $mom_attr_comp_PART_title(4)



proc PB_CMD_output_comp_part_attributes { } {


#     This proc writes the title and value of the component part attributes    
#     This custom command is usually placed in Start of Program                
#     - just after the %                                                       
#                                                                               ##############################################################################

global mom_attr_comp_PART_title
global mom_attr_comp_PART

   for { set i 1 } { $i <= 4 } { incr i } {
       MOM_output_literal "($mom_attr_comp_PART_title($i) $mom_attr_comp_PART($i))"




proc PB_CMD_unload_extended_libraries { } {


#                                                                              #
#        This proc unloads the extended function(s)         #
#                                                                              #

global external_lib_rtv_mom_component_part_attr

/* unload extended function */

  MOM_unload_library $external_lib_rtv_mom_component_part_attr
